Collective Timelines: 3 Days Of Darkness
Collective Timelines: 3 Days Of Darkness, this blog describes experiences that Bridget Renee Holliday has with regards to collective light quotient and timelines updates. In specific, it describes the 3 Days Of Darkness collective timelines.
Since I can remember, I’ve received regular collective light quotient updates with accompanying information about our collective timelines. My entire life, these updates have shown stacks of four, equaling twelve major timelines, as if they’re racing cars pulling up to a starting line. One has always been pulled forward.
Until the end of 2024… Now, we have four collective timelines pulled forward. This means that humanity is actually on four different collective timelines, rather than being on the same one. I was shocked when the update showed me this for the first time and equally as shocked as it continued for the next a handful of updates.
Well, we’re officially and collectively on four different timelines. Timelines are always shifting and changing, and the collective timelines do as well. Though the collective timelines can have much longer staying power than our personal timelines do.
When I receive the light quotient and collective timelines updates I’m able to peer into the timelines a bit. Over my lifetime, I’ve observed there are multiple versions of the same basic timeline scenario. Usually between three or four versions.
I’ve also observed that we can collectively choose multiple versions of the same collective timeline. Currently, we have two versions of the 3 Days Of Darkness pulled into the leading four timelines. As this is the case, I thought I’d share some information on three of these versions. Enjoy!
3 Days Of Darkness… I know. The name sounds creepy, but I actually really like this one a lot. I’ve also received visions about this one separately to the updates. Many of these versions begin with an actual flash of light and it’s so beautiful.
Let’s shine on the first one, which is my fave because it’s fun:
It’s the version where the rainbow wall of energy moves through Earth, or some similar visual to that rainbow wall. When we see, feel, or sense it, we’re encouraged to lay down and go within ourselves through placing our attention and focus on our heart space. It’s best to stay inside as the whole world becomes like night. Hence, the name. lol This one is like a rewrite of our entire reality blueprints.
This particular version has a moment after the rainbow wall guiding in the global night, where many people go into a trance. The reason people go into that trance is because their physical bodies will not be able to withstand the blueprint rewrite. They have a different plan for themselves which I’ll share more on in a moment.
First, I want to add some context. We are all aware of these timelines as the expanded aspects of ourselves. We are the ones choosing them, as the Dreamer or the collective of Dreamers. This particular timeline version is no different in that way. Even the multidimensional aspects of each of us, who exist in higher dimensions, are aware and have been training with our Councils Of Light for what to do in each of these timelines, including the 3 Days Of Darkness timelines.
Back to the vision… There will be some of us who awaken to the remembrances of what we are to do to support our human family. Meanwhile, others will go into a trance-like state while still being very aware of what they’re doing and saying. At this point, the illusions of forgetting and separation are lessened. Those of us who will stay on Gaia for the blueprint rewrite, who are not in a trance-like state, immediately know what we are to do to be of assistance and who we’ll be helping. Those of us in a trance-like state immediately know who’s going to assist us and where to go.
I was told at this point that we don’t even fully know who will stay and who will go until just before this occurs, so we’re all training for every timeline potential and possibility.
Enter the most fun part of this timeline and me laughing and jumping with joy as I first received this vision… Ships. Lots of galactic ships begin to descend into our atmosphere. I mean, a lot of them… All over Earth. Some of the enormous motherships stay in the upper atmosphere or in space. But soo many ships begin to land or send shuttle craft to Gaia’s surface.
Those of us whose bodies are ready for the actual blueprint rewrite which will adjust all of our energetic systems - we know where to go and who to connect with. We begin to lovingly guide those of us who are in trance-like states, to the ships. At the ships we are met by Source Angels and Galactic beings, that we remember our connections with because the illusions of forgetting and separation have lifted.
I was also told that the trance-like state is temporary to help us stay calm, until those of us who are getting on the ships leave Earth’s current dimension, releasing us from the shadow consciousness and back into the deep recall of who we truly are. They say our ability to frequency match makes quick work of remembering who we are.
Once everyone who is going on the ships are where they’re meant to be, those of us who are staying go home and lay down. Again, we will know exactly what to do because those veils of forgetting will lift and we’ll remember. From here, our bodies will feel cold. Yet we’ll be traveling within our consciousness and will barely notice it. Our animals will stay with us and do the same.
When Source returns our consciousness to our bodies, we are in perfection of form —physically, etherically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. No more trauma or shadow consciousness. We are returned the original intention of the human blueprint and expression. Our abilities are fine-tuned and easy to use. No more fear. No more doubt. We know and feel our oneness with Source, ourselves, each other, our universal family. We remember.
Those of us on the ships, we are assisted to upgrade and activate as much as we can. This occurs through the dimensional frequency shifts of being on the crafts with our galactic, cosmic, and ethereal friends and family and by leaving the third dimension. It’s enhanced by the energetic healing technology aboard each craft and mothership. We are blessed with being able to spend time with our star families. Then, when our blueprint adjustments are as complete as they can be when done this way —we return to Earth. It doesn’t take long for our energetic systems to completely adjust to the new blueprints once we’ve returned home.
Then, we all migrate to particular areas on Earth and are guided to these areas by our beautiful planet. We are able to effortlessly communicate with one another from all over the world, using our consciousness. In North America, we are initially guided to the Four Corners. Once we’ve had our Source guided and Gaia driven reconnection, receiving Source instructions - we all return to the harmonious places for our energy and our connection with Gaia. We go to our home spots. There will be less spreading out across Gaia, and we’ll live in the harmony locations per her encouragement. Btw, we’re also deeply connected to all our co-inhabitants, our beautiful planet, one another, and everything. It’s like a new beginning that’s truly a return to where we were originally created as a collective.
Shining on the second one just a tiny bit… Same flash of light… Then, when you see a rainbow bridge, doorway, etc. You’ll feel it and know that you want to walk through it into a new vibrational version of yourself and Earth. Do it. Hello parallel reality without shadow consciousness and control constructs!
The third one… This is the version where we partially activate over the 3 days and continue shifting afterwards… We’ll lose electricity, cellular, and darkness comes. Stay calm and peaceful, no fear. Don’t try to fix it. Release control, resistance, and attachment to technology and the areas of our modern systems that are unavailable. Use candles. Do things that help you stay relaxed, calm, joyful, and happy. Observe as you begin to feel lighter and brighter - more of your soul will be entering into your human expression through the peaceful areas within your consciousness over the 3 days. Observe and use your Soul Senses (extrasensory abilites) to stay connected with the people you love. Ie: Use telepathy to check on them and let them know you’re all okay. Our Soul Senses will become amplified and magnified. Some faster than others initially. This is how this version begins.
They’re all similar and hold commonalities. Stay calm, release resistance and attachment to the old systems and technology that emulates our natural abilities and tie us to control constructs. Use your Soul Senses, observing how they’re increasing effortlessly. Use and trust your intuition which will amplify. Be patient, know that whatever comes after the 3 Days Of Darkness is moving us into a higher dimensional version of ourselves and Earth.
Some of these timelines have an obvious indication of what’s beginning. In others, the darkness of tech and possibly 3 days with no sun are the indicators. Either way, it’s exciting and we’ll be connecting more with community during and after most of the versions of timelines that are 3 Days Of Darkness.
I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing a bit about these versions of this potential collective timeline. Add your comments and let me know what you think and feel.
Infinite Love,
Bridget Renee Holliday
Powerful contract nullification and release for ALL entities and beings
Declaration to free yourself of contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and both conscious and unconscious permissions with low vibrating entities and beings.
This contract nullification and release of low vibrating entities and beings is very powerful. Your intention is important. Be mindful to speak these words aloud with conviction and focus.
Declaration to free yourself of contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and both conscious and unconscious permissions with entities and beings.
This contract nullification and release of entities and beings is very powerful. Your intention is important. Be mindful to speak these words aloud with conviction, clear intention, and focus. (It is my suggestion that you read each paragraph, noting what you are requesting before you speak.)
I call upon my Guardian Angel, Archangels, Elohim, Seraphim, and Star Families of the highest Source love, living light, wisdom, and knowledge to facilitate my requests. I ask all beings within my Soul Team to join me and facilitate my requests with effortless ease and grace. I call upon Archangel Michael to facilitate these requests. I call upon all other beings within the living light of unconditional Source love, wisdom, and knowledge who can be of service in the highest and best facilitate my requests. I ask that all is in my highest harmony and for the highest good of all through effortless ease and grace.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that all contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and permissions in these requests are revoked, nullified, negated, and transmuted across all Earth and Cosmic heritages and ancestral lineages throughout all time, dimensions, space, and reality - throughout all connected Source expressions.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that any and all contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and permissions with beings, non-beings, consciousnesses, entities, and attachments of any type which do not serve my highest harmony and the highest good of all are immediately revoked, nullified, negated, and transmuted.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that all contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and permissions with anyone from lives perceived as past, present, parallel, future, and beyond which are not in my highest harmony and the highest good of all are immediately revoked, nullified, negated, and transmuted.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that all contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and permissions permitting siphoning are immediately revoked, nullified, negated, and transmuted.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that any beings, non-beings, consciousnesses, entities, and attachments of any type who do not hold my highest harmony and the highest good of all - be unable to contact, connect and/or reconnect, negotiate and/or renegotiate, attach, bond, siphon, control, influence, subvert my sovereignty, and interact with me and anyone with whom I interact with and am connected to - on all levels - throughout the entirety of my current life and the entirety of all lives perceived as past, present, parallel, future, and beyond - throughout ALL Source expressions.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that my Guardian Angel, Archangels, Elohim, Seraphim, and my Star Families of the highest Source love, living light, knowledge, and wisdom, everyone within my Soul Team, and all other high beings guiding and assisting me within the living light of unconditional Source love - have permission to act on my behalf with these requests if there is anything I may have missed or do not know to request with regards to breaking these contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and permissions by (but not limited to) revoking, nullifying, negating, and transmuting these and all connected contracts and agreements.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that if assistance is beneficial for any of these requests and declarations, I give permission to request assistance on my behalf for the highest good of all.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that all traces of these contracts, connections, agreements, bonds, and permissions are removed, transmuted, and purified with pure, living light of unconditional Source love and blessings of effortless ease and grace.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that these requests and declarations be in my highest harmony and the highest good of ALL.
It is my divine, sovereign free will that all requests and declarations be seamless within all Source expressions and occur with effortless ease and grace within our experiences and expressions.
So it is. It is done.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
How to tune into the subtle energies to feel crystals
One of the things you can do to enable yourself and enhance your ability to sense energy, is to work with things that have a subtle energy.
So, I was walking my cute hubby through opening to feel subtle energies. And when we were through, he suggested that I put this information out there for you. Thanks, my Love!!
One of the things you can do to enable yourself and enhance your ability to sense energy, is to work with things that have a subtle energy.
Crystals, stones, plants of all types and trees all have a more subtle energy to that of humans. It is pretty simple to feel, but to initially feel these items you’ll need a slightly different approach than you would with another person’s energy.
If you aren’t currently tuned into the subtle energy fields, this is a good way to open yourself to them. And with being tuned into them, you will enhance your empathic abilities and your clairs will also get a work out. So it’s a win, win! Let’s get started.
What you need:
Crystal or stone (whatever you are drawn to is perfect)
Place your crystal or stone into your non-dominant hand. Use the opposite hand of the one you use to write. And allow the stone to sit in your palm, but refrain from squeezing or gripping it tightly. Simply close your fingers gently around your crystal.
Close your eyes.
Take a few deep breaths to relax your body and mind. Once relaxed, move forward.
Speak a greeting to your stone. Ex: Hi beautiful crystal. I’m excited to work with you today.
Move your focus and attention to the hand that is not holding your stone.
Observe things about the way this hand feels. It is empty. Notice how it feels. The temperature, or how air feels as it crosses your palm. How it is not weighted by holding something. Do this for however long you like until you feel that you understand as much as you can about how your empty hand feels.
Now shift your focus and attention to the hand holding the stone.
Observe the way this hand feels. Notice the warmth. Feel the weight of the stone. What type of texture does it have? Notice that you can feel the shape of the stone as it sits in your palm. Is there anythings else you can feel?
Feel into the space where the stone and your hand meets. Can you sense a difference in this space when compared to your empty hand. Go ahead and move your focus and attention between the empty hand and the one with the crystal a few times. See if you can really feel the difference between the two.
Focus again on the hand with the crystal. Do you feel a subtle throb in your hand that is touching your stone? Do you also feel a high paced pulsation? If so, you’re doing it!! You are feeling the energy of your stone.
A few things to try once you’ve mastered sensing the energy of a stone:
Try to draw this vibration up from your hand, into your arm.
Pull the energy into your body.
Allow the energy of this stone to merge with your energy.
Ask the stone if it has anything it would like to teach you, or offer you. Sit with an open, still mind and allow this stone to give you mental, emotional and sometimes physical, but still very energetic, messages. They will be subtle fluctuations at first. But with practice, you will be able to feel subtle energy without touching the host.
You will also begin to feel the immediate changes within your energy field and will know immediately what this stone offers you.
Instead of receiving the energy, send your energy to the stone. Sense whether that stone can receive. Maybe it serves as an amplifier? Perhaps it simply allows your energy to flow right through it. Or, it could draw your energy into a finite beam or stream of light.
Just play around, and see what your stone does with your energy.
Try to communicate with the stone, use your psychic abilities, and in other ways.
Through repeated practice you will become adept at sensing subtle energies. Repeat these steps with many different types of stones.
And once you are able to easily sense the energy from stones, move to potted plants, trees and small animals. Remember to treat the plants, trees and animals with the same respect you would appreciate. They are sentient beings. And like us, they do not respond well to intrusive, rude behavior. So, always greet them and give them love. Then ask permission to work with their energy as well as yours. If you feel that you have permission, continue.
And remember to keep whatever you do of the highest and most respectful energies. You are communicating after all, so use the same love you would use with your favorite people.
Enjoy your journey into the subtle energies! Before you know it, you’ll be playing with and sensing the energies of your Guides, Angels, beings of light, and your star family - because their energy is subtle too!
So much love to you!!
Light Worker
Those who are Awakening to more of our light from within cannot help but to notice the darkness that permeates this world.
But remember that the ability to see the problems is one reason that we are here…
Those who are Awakening to more of our light from within cannot help but to notice the shadowy darkness that permeates this world.
But remember that the ability to see the problems is one reason that we are here… We are incarnated at this very moment to be able to see the darkness. Not so we allow ourselves to become overwhelmed or swallowed up by all of the trauma and drama. Instead, we’re here to bring solutions and to be the harmonious antidote, if you will.
We see and deeply experience the things that symbolize the heaviness so we know what we’re diffusing… We produce manifestations, energy, love, and light that counteracts all of the intensity. We are able to transform, transmute, and reform all the deep density creations that already exist.
So many things need to change, and when you feel them so deeply it’s easy to get caught up in them.
But I encourage you to try the opposite… Instead, direct your focus and beautiful energy towards things that your heart desires to create in this majestic world.
Create from the “now” space. Pour your energy into manifesting the magical and magnificent world of your dreams. Because whatever you focus on is what you feed, and it grows strong with your energy... And you, Love, are powerful.
Follow your joy. Produce so much love, light, harmony, and unity that this world and all the humans are not only transmuted by your brilliance, but see their own bright reflection in you.
Create amazing, beautiful, healing, loving things - and share them with the world. The more of us that do so, the more high vibratory frequencies we infuse within the collective energies.
Think of the collective energies that have already been created as a 2-story home that our thoughts, emotions, and energies are filling with air. Let’s just say that the denser vibrations are hot air and the higher are cool air.
Right now our home is humid and hot. It’s a sauna in here! We’re all sweating. Lol
But we’re pumping cool air in with our high frequency embodiment and light work… And the temperature is lowering downstairs. All of the hot air is being pushed upstairs - because heat rises within a home. Our goal is to produce so much cool air that the downstairs is cold and the entire upstairs becomes cold too. Lol
Eventually, everyone living in the house is cold too, right?! Yes. That’s how this energy replacement works too. The more light, love, harmony, and unity we add to the planet and the collective energies, the higher vibratory they are… They expand with light, therefore everyone within them becomes lighter and brighter.
As you can see, there’s great truth in why we’ve been named light bringers, light bearers, and light workers. Do your best to stay focused on the collective end-game while you build and enjoy the life of your dreams.
Thank you so much for reading. I love interaction, so... Put your stories, comments, questions, and curiosities below!
So much love to you!!
We are the catalysts for humanity’s next phase of evolution
We live in an exciting time. It’s this beautiful dynamic, overflowing with change that’s going to continually be ‘in the works’ due to the waves of ascension we will experience for hundreds of years to come.
We are the catalysts for humanity’s next phase of evolution.
We live in an exciting time. It’s this beautiful dynamic, overflowing with change that’s going to continually be ‘in the works’ due to the waves of ascension we will experience for hundreds of years to come.
And I truly believe that we way-showers, light-workers, and change-makers need to be conscious that we are the leading edge. We are holding space and guiding the changes in global consciousness and evolution. That’s why we’re opening, awakening, and expanding all across the globe. It’s our responsibility and a great honor to ground the new ascension energies into ourselves and our world. And we get to decide that we will do it with humor, peacefulness, compassion, grace, gratitude, and love.
There are enough struggling humans on this planet right now… Soo many. We can provide a counter-balance to their doubt, pain, and fear. If enough of us are producing and magnifying beautiful energies, we will aid them in moving through their darkness and into the light. And we will also effect change in the collective consciousness.
Now I’m not saying that we shouldn’t acknowledge that we have our own darkness to heal, release, and transmute. But that we can choose to face our shadows with awareness, courage, acceptance, strength, and through the universal love that we call unconditional love. It’s not that we don’t have shadows. It’s that we choose to heal and incorporate our shadows in a way that enhances ourselves and our world.
We can ride the waves instead of struggling against the tides. We can become our highest and best versions. We can remember what we came here to offer during this amazing time of transition, and wholeheartedly give those gifts to the world. We can shine so brightly that we, as a collective of expanding souls, illuminate the hearts and minds of everyone we encounter. And we can hold space and ground these beautiful ascension energies into ourselves, our collective, and our planet. We choose these things because we are the catalysts for the next phase of humanity’s evolution.
Thank you so much for reading. I love interaction, so… Put your comments, questions, and curiosities below!
So much love to you!!
How to live your happiest, most joyful life.
As a soul, you have incarnated to live so many different experiences during your lifetime. And your perception of those experiences governs whether you view them as positive or negative moments. But you have the ultimate free will.
Let’s talk about how to live your happiest, most joyful life. I often say that happiness is a choice. But are you aware that it’s also a birthright?
As a soul, you have incarnated to live so many different experiences during your lifetime. And your perception of those experiences governs whether you view them as positive or negative moments. But you have the ultimate free will. And with that freedom comes the ability to choose. You can choose how you live your life. You get to decide how you respond and react to your experiences, if at all. And you are able to live in a way that attracts what you want, as opposed to what you don’t want. This is our birthright - to choose… And one of the most powerful choices we can make is to live in love, joy, peace, and happiness.
If your life isn’t the life of your dreams, you can hit the reset button on your beliefs and patterns that aren’t serving you. It is possible to reprogram yourself to support your dreams - and to do so in a way that doesn’t take years or decades to see the changes.
Are you self-aware? Are you able to see that your thoughts, focus, and where you place your emotional responses brings you more of what you put energy into? If not, that is where you will begin - with cultivating awareness. If so, you are ready to alter your internal world so you will effect change in your external world. Because yes, it really is that simple. Your beliefs, internal communication, and focus all form your external world. And you are absolutely able to change any and all of these things so they benefit you.
How? There are so many methods to get you there, but I’ll share some of my favorites to help you get started.
✨ Gratitude. Be grateful for all the good things in your life. The practice of gratitude will bring to you more things of which to be grateful. This creates a loop of beautiful things that bring you happiness and joy and offers more opportunities to exercise gratitude. Gratitude is a magic ingredient that enables you to quickly shift into a life you love.
✨ Reprogramming your beliefs and thoughts through affirmations. Words are powerful and can assist you with changing many of your beliefs about yourself, others, and the world. But you must say them with intention and focus. And repetition is key here. Your body will tell you if you’re on board, or resisting. So pay attention to your body’s communications.
✨ Shadow work. This is a non-judgmental manner with which you integrate, heal, transmute, and release your lower vibratory aspects through unconditional love and acceptance. Resistance creates more resistance, but a willingness to look at the truth of your more shadowy aspects can set you free. This is not as scary as it sounds, but it does require dedication and inner strength.
✨ Mindful thinking. This is a great way to truly change the way you think. You will adjust your thoughts by noticing where they are negative, and replacing them with positive opposites. Before you realize it, you will have a head filled with loving, beautiful thoughts… And your life will mirror what you have happening in your head.
✨ Mindfulness practice. Being present in your every moment allows you the freedom to truly experience your life. This practice gets you out of the past and future and into your now moments. And when you’re in the now, you’re fully able to appreciate and live your life with intention and passion.
✨ Intention setting. This is a practice similar to affirmations, but in intention setting you create declarations based on your heart’s desires and soul’s purpose. When speaking these aloud, you visualize yourself in these moments as if they’re happening now. And you feel them as if you’re experiencing them in the moment. This allows your vibration to become harmonious with your intentions and you manifest them in your life quickly.
✨ Self-love. Giving yourself unconditional love and support allows you to become your highest version. With self-love you are able to disengage from destructive behaviors and dysfunctional patterns and relationships. You become all you truly need in life. This means you’re able to fully appreciate the people with which you choose to grow. Through self-love you’re able to give to others and the world with the fullness they deserve. And you can give with the magnitude and strength of your soul’s power without depletion.
✨ Release judgment. This is a practice that applies to you, others, and situations. When you release judgment you enable yourself to grow within your truths and release limitations. And you become the objective observer. From this vantage you see and experience truth through unconditional love and are able to live with compassion and a broader understanding. It opens the mind and heart and allows them to work as one.
✨ Joyful living. Following your joy is a seemingly miraculous way to live your happiest life. It leads to more of your heart’s desires. And this passionate way of living always leads to your soul’s purpose.
I could go on and on about the myriad of ways in existence that will help you live a happy, fulfilled life. But I think this is enough for now.
It is my deepest desire that each of you create the life of your dreams. And I’m grateful to be of assistance as you choose this beautiful journey.
What do you feel about this topic? Do you have your own insights? Do you have information to offer that will be of assistance to others? If so, share them below in the comments.
If you’re looking for assistance with living the life of your dreams...
I am a Spiritual Life Coach. I help people to become self-aware by guiding them to recognize their queues and signs, then act upon them. I assist people in honing their intuition, determining their blockages and how to step beyond them to create a fulfilling, balanced, and joyful life. If you’re feeling a drive to be more, and are ready to make positive changes in yourself and your life, but are unsure where to begin - book a FREE 15 minute discovery session with me. We can chat and see if we’re a good fit to work with one another. Helping people awaken to their gifts, learn how to guide themselves, and become their highest version is my passion in life. I’d love to help you too!
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!
Simple Way To Consciously Develop Your Intuitional Yes/No and True/False
Do you trust that you always know the best next step to take in your life, in any situation?
Do you feel confident in your ability to make decisions that lead to your continual happiness and fulfillment?
Do you second guess your decisions once you have made them?
Do you need to seek out everyone else’s opinions to weigh against your own before making a decision?
Intuition… It’s a part of our internal guidance system. We use it constantly in our daily lives. And consciously honing it allows us to begin to trust ourselves on a very deep level.
Think of your intuition as your compass. It allows you to know true north at all times. Everyone has intuition. And developing yours can mean the difference between knowing how to be in the right place at the right time and living a seemingly charmed life... Or feeling as if you’re just shy of attaining what you want, need, and desire.
Intuition is that magic ingredient “charmed” people hone that allows them to know when to act, when to wait, what decisions to make at the exact right time, and which ideas to follow or let go. It’s the “live the life of your dreams” guide. And it happens in our heart space, not in our mind. But let’s not throw out our mind just yet, the two do work together. We just need to recognize when to use the heart’s intuition, and when to allow the mind to do it’s thing. lol
So how do you know the difference between your intuition and your mind? Simple! With intuition, the answers are found in your body and your emotions. But let’s ask your mind some questions to get us started.
Do you trust that you always know the best next step to take in your life, in any situation?
Do you feel confident in your ability to make decisions that lead to your continual happiness and fulfillment?
Do you second guess your decisions once you have made them?
Do you need to seek out everyone else’s opinions to weigh against your own before making a decision?
Congratulations! You’re human. Lol. But seriously, this is all very normal. The inspiration comes when we realize that we can minimize and eliminate these behaviors just by checking in with our own intuition. And we begin to change our lives for the better when we realize there is an easier and more fulfilling way to live.
Here’s a great and simple way to begin:
You’re going to feel the sensations that happen in your body as you say the following words aloud. And these sensations will tell you what is true and what is not.
Say aloud:
My name is _______.
Then choose a name of the opposite sex that isn’t your name. And say, my name is _______.
Now repeat these steps, speaking with more intention, and feel how your body responds.
My name is _______.
Do you feel light, relaxed, clear?
Now the other name that isn’t yours.
My name is _______.
Do you feel tightness, heaviness, tension, and resistance in your chest area? Does your stomach or gut area do a little tight flip, or just tighten up?
About the sensations… Your sensations could be different than mine. But whatever they are, they are there as communication with you. Any physical or emotional response is okay just as it is, there is no right or wrong response. It’s simply your body’s way of communicating. And I’m sure that whatever it is is a perfect match for you.
Repeat these steps as many times as it takes for you to sense the subtle differences that occur in your body as you are speaking. This is a simple way to become familiar with how you feel when you speak your truth. And how you feel when you speak or know your truths is called intuition. This is an introduction to conscious intuition.
You may have even noticed that your voice changes as you speak these words. For your name, you automatically sound happier. Your tone may even get higher as you say your name, and lower as you say the name that isn’t yours.
And do you also notice how you feel emotionally as you do this exercise while switching between the two names? If not, try it again and place your attention on the feelings that coincide with you speaking these statements.
It’s interesting, right? Are you beginning to see how we are wired in every way to know, sense, feel, and understand our truths?
Now apply this method to a simple question you have about something in your life. But create the question as a statement. Start small, like, “I’m going to have a great time at the movies this Friday night.” If you’re feeling the answers your body is giving and feel like a pro, step it up with something like, “I will love the new job I just applied for.” Or, “I’m going to have a great time on my date with ____.” Your body will always tell you if what you are saying is true. And once you’ve practiced this a bit and are seeing the results of your intuited statement/ answer sessions, you can start asking questions. Your body will do the exact same things with questions about anything you want to know regarding your life and the decisions you face.
Just remember to remain an objective observer as you are speaking statements or asking questions. Keep your mind out of the process. Feel and observe your body and your emotional responses. If you try to influence the outcome, you can. We’re creators, remember? Lol The idea is to “hear” our body’s ability to communicate truths, not to lie to ourselves because we’re invested in a particular outcome. So stay neutral and objective. And enjoy the process of honing your intuition in a very conscious way!
This is a really simple method to begin consciously honing your intuition. I recommend repeating it often at the start. And to practice and stay with the neutral statements as long as you need so that you are very familiar with your body’s intuition responses. Then advance to questions as you feel comfortable and are building trust in your own ability to discern and translate your body’s physical and emotional messages. Before you know it, you will be consciously aware of your body’s responses to all of your thoughts, feelings, plans, decisions, dreams, goals, etc. And soon after that, you will instinctively allow yourself to be guided by your intuition in every situation and circumstance. And that’s called being in the flow of life!
What do you feel about this topic? Do you have your own insights? Are you also sensing and receiving the same information as I am? If so, share them below in the comments.
If you’re looking for more ways to fine tune your intuition...
I am a Spiritual Development Coach. I teach people how to become self-aware by guiding them to recognize their queues and signs, then act upon them. I assist people in honing their intuition, determining their blockages and how to step beyond them to create a fulfilling, balanced, and joyful life. If you’re feeling a drive to be more, and are ready to make positive changes in yourself and your life, but are unsure where to begin - book a FREE 15 minute consultation with me. We can chat and see if we’re a good fit to work with one another. Helping people awaken to their gifts, learn how to guide themselves, and become their highest version is my passion in life. I’d love to help you too!
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!
New Paradigm: From warriors to guardians
Those of us who are awakened and expanding into more 5th dimensional states of being - we can choose to release certain aspects of duality. And we are called to shift from warriors to guardians. It’s time to learn how to provide shelter and hold space for humanity as we learn to evolve and ascend.
New Paradigm: From warriors to guardians
We’re all experiencing so many changes with the shift from the Age of Pisces to the Age of Aquarius. And my Etheric-Soul Team has recently brought another change to light.
So many of us were meant to experience the last age as spiritual warriors. Our blueprint contained a strong warrior essence. Yet with the shift, my Team has been retraining me on so many levels. For example: Where there once was an urge to banish lower level entities and energies, returning them to where they belong and a safe distance from humanity, now there is an understanding that those roles have been dissolved. With an elevation in frequency, I am no longer experiencing that dynamic. For me, lower vibratory beings and energies are not to be feared or battled anymore. They are to be responded to with love, light, and gratitude. Because it is their gift to be able to show us the things in the spectrum that we’ve incorporated but cannot see. I am told that the archetypical struggle between light and dark is not necessary as we ascend.
The energy of this time has shifted from our energetically low hanging fruit being illuminated by beings who embody those aspects for us to receive external queues. And is now drawing our focus inward, by allowing us to play out our aspects within ourselves and with one another. It is time to be self-aware enough to see them for ourselves. It is time for spiritual warriors to become spiritual guardians.
All beings have a purpose. All beings are born from Source/ God/ Universe/ All/ Great Spirit. Light and dark are complementary. Now those of us who are choosing to elevate can be assisted by those who have the capacity to see our low hanging vibrational fruit, without the theatrical dance. All the low vibratory aspects we choose to hold but no longer serve us can be illuminated in gentle, loving ways. I guess you could say that with our global shift, the contracts between us and many beings who played the antagonist roles with us - were revised.
New aspects of our blueprints have also been revealed. And now we look within for our answers and transmute all of the aspects we’ve carried that are not us, and do not serve our highest good. We come to understand that using each other to play these theatrical roles isn’t necessary anymore either. We learn to recognize our queues and use our innate abilities to transmute our vibrationally low hanging fruit. This requires compassion, gentleness, love, understanding, peacefulness, and connection - amongst many other states of being.
Those of us who are awakened and expanding into more 5th dimensional states of being - we can choose to release certain aspects of duality. And we are called to shift from warriors to guardians. It’s time to learn how to provide shelter and hold space for humanity as we learn to evolve and ascend. And we begin this process by doing it for ourselves first. We are the change we wish to see in the world. So throw down your swords and pick up your light. For understanding our truths is our power and provides our soul’s purpose room to expand so that we may embody it and share it with the world.
What do you feel about this topic? Do you have your own insights? Are you also sensing and receiving the same information as I am? If so, share them below in the comments.
I am a Spiritual Development Coach. I teach people how to become self-aware by guiding them to recognize their queues and signs, then act upon them. I assist people in honing their intuition, determining their blockages and how to step beyond them to create a fulfilling, balanced, and joyful life. If you’re feeling a drive to be more, and are ready to make positive changes in yourself and your life, but are unsure where to begin - book a FREE 15 minute consultation with me. We can chat and see if we’re a good fit to work with one another. Helping people awaken to their gifts, learn how to guide themselves, and become their highest version is my passion in life. I’d love to help you too!
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!
So without, So Within. Part Two
We effect change in our lives and our world constantly. “The Great Purge” is the first step in creating a more balanced, high vibratory world. Each and every one of us can choose to do this willingly from a space of love, ease, and enthusiasm.
So without, so within. Part Two
We are the change. What we see in the world is an amped up reflection of what we carry within ourselves. If we see something that triggers us, we must look within and check out our inner world to determine if we’re holding a sliver of that aspect in us, then take action to change it from within. That is how we will effect change in our global environment. Our world emulates or reflects us as individuals. And I’m called to note that “The Great Purge” will continue as long as we, as individuals, have aspects to release, heal, integrate, and transmute. As long as we are in need of a giant spotlight shined upon what needs to be released, there will be a giant, global reflection to mirror what we have going on inside us as individuals.
Because of this, I suggest to utilize the energy of this time to lovingly and gently work with yourself. A perk of doing so is that you will be a shining example that encourages your friends and family to do the same. If you are unsure of how to begin, look within and ask your Guides. If you do not feel you are ready to begin on your own, seek out someone who can help you get started on this part of your journey. Many of us are called to assist with the transition of this time. And you can find us at the press of a button and the swipe of a finger. Find one of us that you resonate with and ask questions, book sessions, and get started. Because meeting this inevitable challenge head on means that we, as a collective, have chosen to move into what my Guides call, “The Great Reveal”.
We effect change in our lives and our world constantly. “The Great Purge” is the first step in creating a more balanced, high vibratory world. Each and every one of us can choose to do this willingly from a space of love, ease, and enthusiasm. Or we can choose to make this process long, drawn out, intense, and complicated. How you experience this time is up to you. And the path you are on is meant to give you that particular experience. No path is “right” or “wrong”. (You can at any moment, however, opt into one of ease.) Only you know the type of journey you are choosing. Right now, this year being the beginning, it’s time for a bit of Spring cleaning of our spiritual, mental, emotional, and physical bodies. Doing so will show us that anything is possible. Hence the phrase “The Great Reveal”.
I have began work on an e-course based on the teachings my Etheric Team has given me with regards to moving through and evolving during this time. The goal is to give each of us practical application of the tools that are needed during this transition. I will let you know when the eCourse is created.
So much love to you all…
Thank you for reading. I love interaction, so… Put your comments, questions, and curiosities below!
Infinite Love.
So without, so within. Part One.
I call this time, “The Great Purge”. I say that with a sassy smile, and it makes me giggle giving it such a strong title. But in all seriousness… Humanity, yes - you and me, are being called to awaken to the aspects that no longer serve us.
So without, so within. Part One.
I have been receiving so much information about the energies of the times we are in. It is a time of clearing out the old, yet it is ripe with limitless possibilities. But for this post, “So without, so within” is playing on repeat.
I call this time, “The Great Purge”. I say that with a sassy smile, and it makes me giggle giving it such a strong title. But in all seriousness… Humanity, yes - you and me, are being called to awaken to the aspects that no longer serve us. More than that, we’re being called to release, transmute, integrate, and heal these aspects so we can move into a more balanced and expanded state of being. Being healthy, grounded, and maintaining a high vibration is a dedication of love. It requires us to look within and choose to be exactly who we want to be in every moment. Initially, at least, I feel that is part of what it means to be awakened.
Amongst other amazing spiritual experiences and remembrances, I’ve been devoted to being in ‘Shadow Work Land’ for the past three years. I’ve been integrating, healing, releasing, and transmuting with love. Re-writing my learned behaviors, beliefs, and perceptions. Uniting my fractured pieces. All the while understanding that, though meaning well, humanity has often guided ourselves in ways that are misinterpreted and imbalanced. Seeing that these ways have served their purpose, and can now be moved beyond on a mass level makes my heart so happy.
It’s time to learn how to walk our world in new and healthy ways. And to determine how to do so in a manner that supports creation, longevity, and balance. The old ways had their place, but now it’s time to embody our light in a more full, multidimensional manner. And this expanded embodiment begins with us as individuals. By being the highest versions of ourselves, we create a shift in the collective energies. When enough of us are embodying this as individuals, the global scene will change. That’s what people mean when they say, “the change starts with you,” and “be the change you wish to see in the world”. It’s about rewriting our thoughts, emotions, and beliefs - a purification of a sort. It’s not about spouting outward platitudes and pretending there is no darkness within us. It’s about awareness. Recognizing where we retained false energies and created false beliefs, then changing from within. It’s about seeing our shadows as valid, and as reflections - but doing so from a love space without a judgmental lens.
So much love, from my heart to yours…
Thank you for reading. I love interaction, so… Put your comments, questions, and curiosities below!
Infinite Love.
Triggers 101
Hey beautiful people! I’m Bridget. And today we’re going to talk about triggers… Oh the dreaded trigger. Lol But don’t worry. I’m going to tell you what their purpose is and how to use them… Because triggers are actually a good thing!
Triggers 101
Hey beautiful people! I’m Bridget. And today we’re going to talk about triggers… Oh the dreaded trigger. Lol But don’t worry. I’m going to tell you what their purpose is and how to use them… Because triggers are actually a good thing!
At a certain level of self awareness you can start to recognize and utilize aspects of your reality for your own spiritual advancement and expansion. Triggers are a great place to begin. And paying attention to them allows you to kick-off the incorporation of your shadow sides (which is a topic for another day).
From an expanded viewpoint, triggers are gifts from the Universe. They are designed to bring aspects that no longer serve you to the surface to be recognized, loved, healed or transmuted, and released. They are part of your self healing mechanism. And they are a vital part of your growth at this moment in time.
What are triggers?
Ever have a day filled with things that people do which have you annoyed, irritated, pissed off, and angry? Well, those days are perfect examples of an overload of triggers.
Hint: You’ve received so many opportunities leading up to a day like this to address these issues. Basically, you’ve been given many a chance to handle them before they became an “in your face” experience. And after learning about this, you can choose to be aware enough to notice them. And let me tell you… Following my advice on triggers will help you alleviate so much tension, stress, and drama in you life.
But here’s the deal: Triggers do not always include other people. Often they begin small, with situations that are simple and a part of your daily experiences. For instance, having a day where you drop things… everything, or just the right amount of things… to bring your attention to an annoyed state of mind. This often happens to illuminate a need for a particular aspect to be release, healed or transmuted. And it’s by giving attention to these small triggers that you will alleviate the larger scale trigger days.
How do you recognize triggers that do not include other people?
They feel like you are out of alignment. Things just aren’t going your way. Things are more difficult than they need to be. They are designed to bring about large, or sparked, lower emotions. They are created to draw your attention towards things that no longer serve you.
Once you are aware, what do you do?
That’s easy! Bring your attention to these moments as they occur. Ask yourself: What am I supposed to learn from this? What aspects am I ready to release? What are these experiences trying to show me? How can I move past this?
And above all else, relax. Stop fighting these moments. See if you can find humor in their magnification. By doing theses things you will release tension and resistance. And as we all know, resistance is not the plan when we’re trying to get out of a situation. Continuing to be in resistance perpetuates the triggers of that particular expression. So snap yourself out of the mode by bringing the light of your attention and sense of humor to these instances. Then follow the feeling or memory, feel it, look into why it exists, and heal and release any deep emotional responses it brings up in you.
Because at this point, running with the initial emotions brought up by the trigger (anger, frustration, irritation) is distracting and counter productive in most cases. The initial triggered emotional response exists to attract your attention to a deeper issue. It shows you what you need to release and provides details about that aspect. Once that has occurred, we are supposed to release said trigger emotion - regardless of what we’ve been taught. lol Magnifying the initial trigger emotion, dwelling in it, and spewing it on others is simply a series of bad habits that have no real benefit in this particular instance. Basically, we’re addicted to these behaviors. Releasing them brings clarity and empowerment.
I find that I release the trigger emotions instantly after bringing my attention to the issue when I say to myself, “This frustration is unnecessary. What am I supposed to see from this experience?” Your system is designed to help you “see”. And you will always receive the answers to your questions once they are asked. The idea is to look into what the trigger is pointing out, not to live in the initial triggered emotion. Once you see that it’s pointing to a behavior or belief that reminds you of a trauma from an earlier part of your life - you heal and release that trauma and anything related. Because that’s truly what triggers are designed to do. They draw your attention to your vibrationally low hanging fruit that you are otherwise unable to see. Triggers are the great illuminators.They shine a light of focus on aspects that you carry around, of which you are unaware. And they do this for you to become aware of what you’ve incorporated into your being that no longer serves you, and release them.
What about the triggered situations that involve other people? What do I need to know?
I find these take on three forms which I have termed: instigations, reflections, and mirrors (projections).
Instigation: Another person’s indirect behavior or verbal expression elicits a triggered response in you. These instances are not happening directly to you, but are still bringing up a response in you.
Ex: FB, watching others behave and interact brings out the rage. Perhaps you’re viewing them and their expressions through a judgmental lens? My suggestion is to release that judgment and look for the root within yourself. What is the underlying belief or opinion within you that is being triggered? Once you determine what your trigger is about, you can heal, release, or transmute that issue. This is where you can shine your light and love.
Reflection: Your aspects are being reflected in another person.
Ex: What they are doing while in direct contact with you is annoying the crap out of you. But what you haven’t realized is it is truly only irritating because it is actually your behavior being reflected through them and their actions. Basically, you both share this false belief, behavior, thought pattern, or emotional pattern that needs to be released. Meaning, their behavior is a match for something within you that it is time to release and rise beyond. In this case, I generally excuse myself from the moment and find a quiet spot to work through whatever is happening. There’s no time like the present to manage your triggers. Waiting too long often means you will forget about them and they will be on the list to repeat.
Mirror (projection): Someone else is using you to reflect for themselves. The mirror is tricky though. Often you aren’t even expressing these aspects. But the other person is, and is using you to reflect it back to themselves.
This can leave you (the recipient) confused, often hurt, and offended. Mainly because most people are not yet self aware enough to recognize their behaviors - much less the purpose of mirroring themselves onto another.
Ex: This particular trigger type can often arrive in the form of an accusatory attack. It helps when on the receiving end of one of these to remember that this situation isn’t as much about you as it is them. Often the part that is about you involves compassion, serves as a reminder of their trigger to see if you have anything remaining to release and heal, or as a simple reminder to remember who you are and that you have a choice regarding your response. Take the high road, it’s always easier. And regardless of how misguided their approach is, you are simply providing a service to them at that moment. (This is where all the time you’ve spent getting to truly know yourself, your intentions, and methods will be beneficial. lol) So remain in a neutral, loving space and allow them to realize that this is not about you. Hold your vibration. There is no need to meet them in theirs.
It is important to point out that you too can mirror your aspects onto another person. So, I suggest that you try to avoid doing this as it isn’t fun for anyone. It’s also unnecessary if you are paying attention to your triggers as they arise.
We receive signs and queues constantly to assist us in moving through our collection of traumas, false beliefs, and anything we’re holding within us that no longer serves us. So let’s use these reminders, nudges, and knowledge to actively walk the world in awareness. Because in all actuality, they are gifts to help us exist in healthy and balanced states of being.
So that’s it for this post on triggers. I love interaction, so… Put your comments, questions, and curiosities below!
Thank you so much for reading. So much love to you and I’ll see you next post!
Infinite Love.
Break free of drama
Give yourself time to breathe and allow your mental and emotional bodies space to reset. Your physical body will follow by releasing the stress it’s holding.
If you’re feeling anxiety, break free of all the drama. It’s time for a mental and emotional break. We’re not designed to carry the mental and emotional weight of the world. It’s perfectly okay to unplug from the media and unplug from your drama addicted friends and family - and take a break.
Give yourself time to breathe and allow your mental and emotional bodies space to reset. Your physical body will follow by releasing the stress it’s holding.
And while on your break, do things that bring you joy and make you happy. And set boundaries. If it doesn’t meet the criteria of relaxing, happy, joyful, peaceful, extravagant or basic needs - it’s a hard “no”.
And don’t be surprised if you find your drama addictions while you’re taking time off from drama. Lol It’s a great way to take a mental note of why you’re attracting and allowing so much drama into your life. But don’t worry about what you find. It’s good to see your attachments so you know what to release! Once your break is over, you’ll have plenty of time to weed them out of your habits and patterns.
Happy drama free time!
Thank you so much for reading. I love interaction, so… Put your comments, questions, and curiosities below!
So much love to you!!
Phases of Ascension: Open. Awaken. Expand.
Phases of Ascension: Open. Awaken. Expand.
My Guides brought these terms into my life and I use them often. So I would like to explain what they mean to me. My hope is that they will be helpful to you, or serve as validation.
I experience them as phases of ascension. However, they are a simplified view as ascension is deeply impactful, paths are quite personal, and experiences are unique and complex. These phases are blended. They are not truly linear. So within each phase, you will find aspects of the others. This is why I use them together. Open. Awaken. Expand.
My Guides brought these terms into my life and I use them often. So I would like to explain what they mean to me. My hope is that they will be helpful to you, or serve as validation.
I experience them as phases of ascension. However, they are a simplified view as ascension is deeply impactful, paths are quite personal, and experiences are unique and complex. These phases are blended. They are not truly linear. So within each phase, you will find aspects of the others. This is why I use them together. Open. Awaken. Expand.
Please note that these are short, loose interpretations of how I currently perceive and experience ascension. As I expand, my perceptions will grow and change. That is the way these beautiful, spiritual processes work. So I allow room for the way I experience anything spiritual and multidimensional to grow and change as I do.
To begin to see, sense, feel, or know that you are more - that you are designed to be bigger than you have allowed yourself to be before this moment. And to feel a draw or desire for something deeper. To realize you have a connection with the divine.
Self-awareness along with a strong pull to change from within and to be of service to the world. To energize and cultivate your connection with the divine. To begin seeking the knowledge, wisdom, and balance you hold within yourself. The quests of, “who am I?”, and “what do I resonate with?”... And, “how can I help the world?” or “how can I be of service?”.
To understand your divinity through connection, to see the divinity in others, and in all beings. To determine how you can be of service, and act upon these revelations. To understand that you are constantly evolving, growing, and becoming. Knowing that everything and everyone else is also in this beautiful state of flux. Releasing judgment (in all its forms), integration of your shadows, embracing unconditional love, and embodying more of your multidimensional, true nature. In essence, you align with your soul’s purpose and become the embodiment of these experiences in our world.
And as with everything in this world, only accept what feels right for you personally.
I’m so grateful to be on this amazing journey, co-creating with all of you beautiful souls! Thank you for reading!
I love interaction, so… Put your comments, questions, and curiosities below!
So much love to you!!
You’re An Empath: 5 Tips To Help You Attain Empathic Balance
Being an empath can seem overwhelming at times. But remember that you have been gifted with the ability to experience life on a deeper level. You are living life expanded with access to more of your soul. In doing so, you are connected to people, plants, animals, and energy with a beautiful depth. In this post, I offer five tips I’ve discovered during my quest for empathic balance.
Being an empath can seem overwhelming at times. But remember that you have been gifted with the ability to experience life on a deeper level. You are living life expanded with access to more of your soul. In doing so, you are connected to people, plants, animals, and energy with a beautiful depth. In this post, I offer five tips I’ve discovered during my quest for empathic balance.
Tip 1: Take time to learn who you are so that you have discernment when you are experiencing energy that is from outside yourself. Be mindful that energy can be mental, emotional, and physical.
Tip 2: Practice self-care in whatever forms bring you peace, love, pleasure, and ease. Focus on things that also help you feel centered. These practices allow you to make time for yourself. Which is important for people who tend to spend so much of your day involved with and helping others. This also assists those of you who feel as if you are bombarded by others all day, often leaving you feeling depleted at the day’s end.
Tip 3: Ground yourself daily. An easy way to do this is to spend time in nature regularly. When doing this, you will begin to understand and enjoy the subtle energies of this beautiful world. A perk from doing this regularly is that you will enjoy glimpses into aspects of the world that others simply walk by.
In my mind, there are a couple of other things that are integral. They are: quiet and higher self meditation and giving yourself up to, but not limited to, a five-minute acclamation period when entering locations where large groups exist.
Tip 4: There are many fantastic options available for quiet and higher self meditations. A simple quiet meditation you can start with is:
Sit in a comfortable position.
Relax your body.
Focus on taking deliberate breaths. Inhale through your nose and exhale through your mouth.
As you become fully relaxed, you will allow thoughts to enter, briefly acknowledge them consciously (no need to think words), and bring your focus back to your breathing.
You will reach a point of quiet but expansive stillness.
Begin to focus on your heart. Feel your heart energy. Feel into your heart energy. Observe (without words) how it makes you feel. Allow these feelings to wash through you. Enjoy these feelings for a bit.
Direct your focus to the energy outside your body, about four to six feet beyond you. Observe (without words) how this energy feels. Enjoy these feelings for a bit.
Bring yourself back to a full body consciousness.
Slowly and gently open your eyes.
Stretch and allow yourself to fully awaken.
You will find love, happiness, joy, and many other beautiful states of being. You will feel centered, safe, and supported. And you will feel and understand who you are as a soul. It really puts things in perspective. It also helps empaths to understand who we truly are versus what we are experiencing in our daily moments and interactions.
Tip 5: The final tip is how to enter spaces with large groups of people.
Before entering, create a door in your mind that represents the allowance of outside energy. Shut the door.
Say your hellos as you enter (if applicable).
Then find a place to remain stationary while you adjust to the bombardment of energy coming from everyone else.
Sit comfortably.
Create a volume knob to represent the level of energy you allow into your field. Turn the dial down to a comfortable, low level. (Visualize an old-school knob dial. It will represent the level of energy you are allowing in from outside yourself.)
Focus on your own energy.
You will do this while slowly opening the door to the outside energy.
And while slowly opening the door, you will also slowly turn the volume up on the external energy (that probably feels like it is pressing on you).
Open the door and turn up the volume to allow comfortable levels of energy into your field.
In doing this, you will adjust to the external environment in a peaceful way. Take as much time as is comfortable to allow the outside energy into your field. When you are done, it will feel like a natural progression has happened. For me, this is far preferable to being slammed with so much of what feels like everything all at once. I also suggest that you challenge yourself over time to do this faster, to open the door wider, and to turn the volume up higher. Full force and strength is the end goal. Eventually, using this technique will become automated into your system. Living life as open as possible while balanced is the end goal here.
I’ve spent years experimenting and creating different methods to find balance with my empathic abilities. When needed I use the methods I’ve shared, amongst others. I’m rarely overwhelmed anymore. And it’s very easy for me to feel the separation of what is me and mine versus everything and everyone else’s. Once you can do that, being an empath becomes enjoyable in every aspect.
As always, do what feels right for you. Use my tips as a jumping off point for your own experiments. Play around with what works best for you. You’ll find your balance. If I can do it, so can you!
I hope you found “You’re An Empath: 5 Tips To Help You Attain Empathic Balance” useful and informative. Feel free to comment (positively) below or ask any questions you may have. I love interaction! So please share stories about your experiences. I’m also totally open to topic requests.
Thank you for reading. So much love to you... See you in the next post!
Photo: Geralt, Pixabay
You're A Medium: Tips To Help You Navigate This New World
Are you seeing, hearing or feeling things that aren’t physical? For example, do you see images of shadowy people out of the corner of your eye? Do you hear people talking to you that aren’t physically there, either in your head or audibly? Do you feel people walk around in your space, stand beside your bed, or hang out (like creepers lol) in your closets and bathrooms? Do you have a strong knowing that someone is always in your space or around you?
If so, you’re likely opening to your mediumship qualities. It’s a thing. Lol We all have mediumship qualities and can access them at any time. So... You’re a medium. What’s next?
As someone who has been a medium since I was young, I want to share some things I’ve learned over the years, along with some tips. My hope is that this information will alleviate some of the trial and error while empowering you with knowledge. Think of this as a jumping off point.
Are you seeing, hearing or feeling things that aren’t physical? For example, do you see images of shadowy people out of the corner of your eye? Do you hear people talking to you that aren’t physically there, either in your head or audibly? Do you feel people walk around in your space, stand beside your bed, or hang out (like creepers lol) in your closets and bathrooms? Do you have a strong knowing that someone is always in your space?
If so, you’re likely opening to your mediumship qualities. It’s a thing. Lol We all have mediumship qualities and can access them at any time. So... You’re a medium. What’s next?
As someone who has been an open medium since I was young, I want to share some things I’ve learned over the years, along with some tips. My hope is that this information will alleviate some of the trial and error while empowering you with knowledge. Think of this as a jumping off point.
How does this medium thing work?
As a medium, you will always attract those who have left their Earthly bodies. It doesn't matter where you live or where Gaia's portals exist. Spirits can and will be attracted to your vibration. It’s like a beacon of light in the dark. The key is to maintain a vibration (mental, emotional, and physical) that attracts beings and experiences that you enjoy. Drop the fear, doubt, and mistrust and embrace this as a fun experiment. Changing your viewpoint is the start to choosing the types of experiences you want.
How do I know that I can do this medium thing?
Personal power is a key to most everything in this world. Mediumship is no exception. We are beautiful, expansive beings that exist as more than just what is here in the physical. We are eternal and are powerful at manifesting. This world is our playground. This is our space to define and create as we see fit. We hold the rights to our spaces. Meaning, anyone or anything that wants to hang out in our space requires our permission to stay. So naturally, we have the ability and power to tell other beings to leave us alone, remove themselves from our space, or remove them ourselves. We hold the power through free will. It’s as simple as a direct command. Such as: Leave me alone. Go to the light. Seek assistance elsewhere, I’m not ready. Any of these phrases, when spoken through your personal power, with confident intent, will remove any being from your presence.
Personal power also enables us to know we are to be of service. Whether it is for someone who has crossed over, someone who is still living but has lost someone close to them, or simply by communicating only with the high realms of etheric beings – we can choose how to use our mediumship skills. Your choice will be easy. You follow whichever of these paths you are drawn to the most. For some of you, one path will call to you. For others, it will be a combination of the paths. And some of you will be called to utilize all the mediumship paths or aspects. In the end, you can choose how you direct and use your mediumship qualities.
How do I manage being a medium?
It is up to you to know your own power, and govern how you allow beings to interact with you and in your spaces. You do this through setting up parameters or rules for the types of interaction that are allowed, and those that will not be permitted. The parameters are set through intention and will. You state your intentions with emotion, unequivocally, that "insert your rules and parameters here" is the way it works with you. You believe in your statements with all your heart - no doubt or wavering. Then ask your Guides and the Angels to manage the types of beings allowed to communicate with you and state that your intention is to ONLY communicate with those beings who are here for your highest and best good. (If you aren’t sure who your Guides are, read my Guides 101 blog post to get yourself started.)
How do I ensure that only good beings are attracted to me?
One way to do this is to commit to yourself and the universe that you are on a path of love and light. (I did this at age twenty and created a little ceremony with a friend.) Ask your High Self, High Guides, Angels, Galactic Family, Luminous Ancestors, and Ascended Masters to bring you experiences with spirits and beings that will further and enhance your spiritual growth in fun, joyful, loving, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, and easy ways. Then work diligently on your own personal vibration. We attract who and what we currently are – so focus on becoming the most harmonious, bright, and shiny version of yourself that you can be. Do your inner work and shadow work to clear the trauma, beliefs, programming, and creations that are playing a part in your denser consciousness.
How do I enhance my abilities so that I experience through clarity?
You ask your High Self, Angels, High Guides, Galactic Family, Luminous Ancestors, and Ascended Masters (Soul Team) to assist you in opening, expanding and bringing clarity to your Soul Senses in effortless ways, so that you can embrace your experiences without fear of the unknown. Begin daily exercises that hone your Soul Senses (The Clairs). There is a wealth of knowledge out there on honing your Clairs. Seek out what you are attracted to and try it out for a week. If that method doesn’t fit well with you, seek out another method. If it is a good fit for you, continue with the method or methods and have fun doing it. The energy of play is one of the fastest ways to achieve your desired results.
How can I go from being afraid to feeling confident with my experiences?
Understand that spirits will often share their emotions with you. Sometimes those emotions are not happy. This can happen for many reasons, such as they are reliving their death state, great loss during their life, or are focused on their unfinished business. You will need to hone your empathic skills so that you can easily differentiate between what is yours versus what is someone else’s. Side note: This will also be very helpful for you in your day to day life with those who are still living.
It is also important that you ask your Soul Team to do whatever is needed or required to assure that you are fully supported and protected during every moment, amidst and outside your interactions. This comes through belief in yourself and your Guides. Belief and trust are choices, just like happiness and love.
How do I know if I can trust who I am communicating with?
Ask your Soul Team to help you with spiritual discernment through experiences that are easy to understand and manage, and that are also fun, joyful, loving, beautiful, peaceful, gentle, and easy. Communicating with the dead or other beings who aren’t physical is similar to communicating with everyday people. If you’re attentive, it is simple to tell if you are communicating with someone living or crossed over who is choosing to be positive or negative. Notice how you feel in the first few seconds of meeting their energy. I say the first few seconds because I’ve found that to be the time before our minds start to process what is happening. And though an important part of ourselves, our minds can color our spiritual experiences if we allow them to rule. Our feelings are our compass. And in spiritual experiences it helps if we are an objective observer before we analyze or take an action.
How can I feel charged instead of drained by all of this?
Understand that you are a limitless being with a constant source of energy. If you feel depleted, you need only call more light to yourself.
Begin to practice cord dissolving (cord cutting) and call your energy back to you. These practices work both with the living and the dead.
You will also want to spend as much time each week as you can in nature. It will charge you, cleanse your field, and ground you to Gaia - which helps us to understand our power, center and ground ourselves, calm our thoughts and emotions, and see things clearly. We are designed to be in nature often. So naturally, it provides a multitude of wonderful things for us and our various systems.
How can I protect myself and my space if I am feeling overwhelmed, experiencing too many beings, or negative beings?
You begin a schedule for cleansing yourself and your home on a highly regular basis. During times like this, you’ll want to be clearing, cleansing, filling and charging yourself and your home on a daily basis. Once things die down, you can go to once or twice a week or whatever feels aligned. Eventually, it will be less. But while you're opening, exploring, and learning about your gifts - it will benefit you to do it more. You can also do a deep cleanse once a week unless you feel you need to do it more often. But it’s helpful to be diligent and constant about burning sage, Palo Santo wood, other magically charged incense, magically charged candles, or the Angel related candles every day - fill your rooms with those beautiful vibes. Be mindful of the types you choose, as the energy they provide does matter. Think about using things that exude love, light, happiness, joy, protection, peace, purification, serenity, calm, etc... And use rose water or other essential oil combinations to spray around your home. You can also use them in baths or add them to your shower wash - just like adding salt. Speaking of baths, sea salt baths are a must and help reset your energies when regularly. They purify and clear you – which is super important. You can go with fancy salts or simply use table salt. It all works. Lol Adding oils to your baths and for use around your home will enhance your energy and the energy of your spaces. I used to exercise my love of creating tinctures, combining oils, and creating incense blends through inspiration found in the book:
“Incense, Oils, And Brews”, by Scott Cunningham. And I also use, “Cunningham’s Encyclopedia Of Magical Herbs”, also by Scott Cunningham.
AND The Dabblist has a recipe for how to create rose oil from scratch. This is lovely for use on your skin. (Tip: florists will often sell loose petals at a discount.)
AND I use the same method as The Natural Living Idea's method for creating room spray. The vodka keeps the solution from turning quickly by acting as a preservative. Add sea salt to the mix. Toss a small, tumbled rose quartz into the bottle and tah-dah! Instant LOVE spray that also purifies. lol
Basically, rose water is a medium’s bff. It has a super high vibration of love. Love trumps everything of a lower vibration. And sage... Sage is as equally our bff. It clears energetic cobwebs, lower vibrations, purifies and adds soft, gentle, and loving energies instead.
You can do all of these suggestions, or none of them. If you are adept at working in your own energy fields, that is often more than enough. Trust and rely on your intuition and discernment, as they always guide you on the highest path for you.
For more information about coping with negative entities, I suggest that you read: “Do You Have Dark Entities? Here's How To Get Rid Of Them.”
What should I do to start raising my vibration?
Meditate as often as you can. Meditation is key. If you want to know a few of my meditation tips, read Meditation Tips And Tricks. Then try any of the following: Yoga, Reiki, chi gong, light body meditations, shadow work, light work, etc. And explore what fits with you spiritually by trying out new spiritual outlets which you find exciting. Make your spiritual practices a part of your daily life. Even if you only have 15 minutes in the am and 15 minutes in the pm - make it a joyful ritual.
Anything and everything you do to harmonize and raise your vibration, and keep it raised, will determine what types of beings you attract. The higher you are, the higher the beings with which you can communicate. If you are bombarded by lower vibrating beings, these practices will lessen and soon remove your visibility to them.
These beings are often messengers, bringing attention to elements of our consciousness that are invisible to us but are ready to shift. We attract what we are a match for (even unconsciously). So, if I'm attracting lower vibrating beings —it's time for me to get real about my thoughts and emotions. I go introspective and determine where I can adjust my vibration to elevate out of being harmonic with denser vibrations. I also ask my Team to gently illuminate what makes me harmonic with said experience, and then I ask them to help in any ways needed to assist me in releasing, healing, transmuting, and bringing everything back within the wholeness that I (and you) always are. I do the inner work while honoring and embracing the truth of my inner situation being reflected in my external reality. Then, I either ask my Soul Team to assist me to raise my frequency and vibration while thinking and feeling about what I desire to experience now… Or, I breathe in light and do practices with intention to raise my own vibration.
You will figure out what works best for you as soon as you experiment with raising your vibration.
I know this is a lot to process. Choose whatever methods work for you at whatever time, and with whatever experiences you are encountering. I recommend doing all my tips at least once. I still reaffirm most of them periodically as a part of my personal rituals and sacred practices. Get creative in finding your own methods and practices. Alter my suggestions and see what happens – look for the effect. Use these tips as jumping off points to customize for yourself. Doing that will help you build your own sense of power. Make it a fun game. See the experiences as both a time to play and as challenges for you to expand your mediumship and spiritual repertoire. And as with anything in this world, only do what fits or feels right for you. This is your journey, you are the navigator. So, take initiative and enjoy your mediumship exploration! I am here for questions. If they arise, simply comment below.
I hope you found “You’re A Medium: Tips to Help You Navigate This New World.” useful and informative. Feel free to comment (positively) below or ask any questions you may have. I love interaction! So please share stories about your experiences.
Thank you for reading. So much love to you... See you in the next post!
Photo Credit: Javier Rodriguez on Pixabay
Being Spiritually Liberated!!
It’s time to start talking about more than our belongings, fashion, tv series and movies. So let’s talk about coming out of the spiritual closet. lol I know… Many of you are wondering why this is a topic I’m bringing up, again. I’ve spoken about “Being Authentic” in the linked video. Today I’m guided to bring this topic up, but discuss it more in depth. I’m going to touch on some subjects related to growing spiritually and what that can look like in your world. So, let’s discuss being spiritually liberated!
It’s time to start talking about more than our belongings, fashion, tv series and movies. So let’s talk about coming out of the spiritual closet. lol I know… Many of you are wondering why this is a topic I’m bringing up, again. I’ve spoken about “Being Authentic” in the linked video. Today I’m guided to bring this topic up, but discuss it more in depth. I’m going to touch on some subjects related to growing spiritually and what that can look like in your world. So, let’s discuss being spiritually liberated!
Let’s say you’re curious, opening up to new spiritual concepts and practices. So many beautiful synchronistic situations pop up in your life as a result of the quest to find what “fits” with you. Keep an open heart and mind. Research and try on different aspects of spirituality that feel interesting. Focus on what brings you joy and happiness. And remember that it is absolutely normal and okay if you don’t resonate with 100% of the aspect you’re trying out. Accept and incorporate only what feels right for you. It is perfectly normal to blend bits and pieces of many different concepts and practices into your world. Just remember, if it doesn’t fit - don’t force it on yourself. Gone are the days where we settle for partial fits or uncomfortable portions of our spiritual practices. We no longer need to get our spirituality from what someone else says is the “right” way. We are in an age where each of us decides what is harmonic for ourselves. Yay!!
Like attracts like. You will begin to draw others to you who are also on similar paths during their spiritual journey. And I feel it is super important to remain open minded to their experiences and beliefs, while still maintaining discernment with what resonates with you. These are exciting times, where you are able to give and receive information and experiences freely without a need to hold back information during communication. But to do so, you will need to liberate yourself. Trust that you are always in the right place at the right time. Understand that there are no coincidences. Realize that whoever you speak to about your spirituality is supposed to hear what you have to say. And bear in mind that if your paths cross, regardless of their reaction to your interaction, it is meant to be. It is time to come out of the spiritual closet! lol
Be unabashedly authentic. Speak openly about what you’re learning and experiencing. You never know how your openness and authenticity will impact another person’s life. And shielding people or hiding who you are spiritually, is actually a disservice for both of you. I can guarantee that many of my life-long, family-friends, at one point or another, thought I was out there, flaky, weird, strange, etc. But I can also tell you that each of those people sought my spiritual advice, support, knowledge, and assistance in various forms over the years. Who cares if someone thinks you’re strange or weird. The point to these connections is the exchange. And being inauthentic is withholding vital portions of what you have to offer. It’s like purchasing a piece of unassembled furniture. Getting home, opening the box - only to realize they have intentionally left out essential hardware and vital components. It’s super annoying and an inconvenience. You chose them, they chose to withhold some of what you needed. Sure, you can go back to them and ask for what you are missing. Or make an exchange with another store. But it would have been simpler if you were both able to get what you needed from that one exchange. So…
Remember that each exchange you have with someone feeds both of you. Give and receive openly. Every encounter is an opportunity for growth in one way or another. Most are beautiful and have an uplifting effect. They serve as an open exchange of ideas, practices, and insights you’ve gathered. In these moments, you can discuss what worked, didn’t work and why. This can give you a fast track to the next phase of your development. And if your exchange is with someone who isn’t open spiritually, continue speaking your truths. Even if in that moment you are receiving a bit of ridicule or judgment, remain spiritually liberated and authentic. Remember that another person’s actions and reactions have nothing to do with you. But these situations speak volumes about who and where they are in their life. I’m not saying to stand there and be abused. But if it’s bearable, like teasing or poking fun at you - stay your course. Their opinions are merely a reflection of who they are choosing to be in that moment. And you are quite likely, acting as a way to shake up their old beliefs that no longer serve them. So be strong in who you are spiritually. Exercise your security, remain neutral and authentically liberated.
Release your judgment. We are taught to be full of judgment about everything. We call it by many names, opinionated, dogmatic, prejudiced, pragmatic, analytical, skeptical, cynical, etc. My best advice is to release them… Release the use or deployment of them with regards to your interactions with others. Openly listen to others and what they share. You can easily appreciate another person’s spiritual journey without it resonating with you and yours. Going into these conversations with an open heart and mind will definitely illuminate many things for you. Sometimes it’s validation, while yet other times it is simply a study in humanity. Whatever the case, it is always interesting. And I also advise you to reserve analyzing (the best of them) to be used to digest information after it has been fully received. In the moment, it is always best to be an observer, rather than an analyzer. This holds true for interactions with others, your own spiritual experiences as well as receiving information from your higher self and Guides.
Who stays and who goes, and why? During your awakening and expansion, you will find that some people in your life stay, while others go. It is simply a matter of like attracts like… People who are a vibrational match to you will stay. Allow these shifts to happen. Just like anything else in your journey, you will be called to release what no longer serves you. I have found that the majority of my close friends and family began opening and expanding in their own ways as time moved forward. However, there have been a handful of cases where, as my spirituality progressed, we went our separate ways. To this day, I love and appreciate them for what they added to my world. But I am perfectly content without them in my daily life. I will also mention that I have many close friendships that are cyclical, in a manner of speaking. We live our lives apart, and every so often, reconnect as if no time has passed. During that time we catch up with one another’s journeys, then go our separate ways again for a while. These relationships are just as special to me as those that I am interacting with on a daily, weekly and monthly basis. All of this is, as it is meant to be in my here and now. Being spiritually authentic includes the allowance of the flow of your life, even when it pertains to relationships.
So, I hope this has given you some information while also provoking more thought on the topic of being spiritually liberated.
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!
Astrology: Touching on what it has given me
This post is a request from Nathaniel Suiter. As promised, I am delivering on my promise of speaking on Astrology. I decided that with a plethora of viable resources available to learn about Astrology, my experiences with it would be a more interesting read. lol However, if any of you desire that I expound upon the ins and outs of Astrology in detail, let me know in the comments.
And so I begin…
This post is a request from Nathaniel Suiter. As promised, I am delivering on my agreement to speak on Astrology. I decided that with a plethora of viable resources available to learn about Astrology, my experiences with it would be a more interesting read. lol However, if any of you desire that I expound upon the ins and outs of Astrology in detail, let me know in the comments.
And so I begin…
Astrology is something I became interested in when I was in my late teens. For me, it was something that my Guides used to help me get to know myself and my friends on a deeper level. It also assisted in my understanding of people in general. This was and still is beneficial to my light work and ability to connect. Specifically with channeling and intuitive work, amongst other things, it gives me clarity with communication. Through the lessons of Astrology, I find the similarities in people and how they give and receive via communication. Astrology assists with an ability to say things in a way that each person can hear and relate to quickly. It often eliminates the need to say something in many different ways until it is accepted by the person with whom we are communicating. It also gives a clear path of the manner with which I deliver information from the Guides. And it enables a customized form of communication.
For me, Astrology is all about discovery. There’s the obvious self discovery, but it also serves as a study of humanity. It offers layers of aspects and archetypes that offer explanations of the whole person. It shows a myriad of pieces that create individuality, while still calling attention to the aspects that connect us all.
Once I created the charts of a multitude of people, I began to see the connections with ease when interacting with others. It enabled me to know how to relate to them quickly. Though I’ll admit that I’ve not really had much difficulty in that department. lol Still, it has decidedly enhanced my ability to connect. And it has broadened and deepened my understanding of people and the things that make them tick. It has served as a great tool for the study of humanity. And I really enjoy understanding people at a core level. But it is also a great tool for glimpsing the growth of humanity as a whole. It puts things in perspective, by giving us the ability to forecast what will effect us intimately. And really, short of a crystal ball and a direct line to Source energy, this is a huge perk. lol
At one point during my exploration of Astrology, I was guided to a numerology book. It is so amazing that I have never sought another place to research numerology. I highly recommend acquiring a copy of this book: “Numerology and The Divine Triangle” by Javane/Bunker. This book uses the mystical father of mathematics, Pythagoras's, teachings. Yes, you read right. I said mystic. Pythagoras was a mystic. With this book, you can map out your entire life. I’ve found that utilizing numerology in conjunction with Astrology, I am able to get a complete picture of myself and others. And I highly recommend delving into the use of both tools, once you have a good understanding of one or the other.
Nathaniel asked for a reference to get an accurate chart. I used to use Astro.com (which had free and amazingly accurate charts), which then turned into Astrodienst.com. Their site is so bogged down with information that finding the free chart selection has proved almost impossible for a long while. I still have my charts and found another site which delivers an accurate natal chart, as well as a great interpretation of each aspect. I recommend using: http://astro.cafeastrology.com for your free natal charts. You can easily create a natal chart by clicking, “Create a new chart”. The only aspect I notice that is missing in the chart creation is the exact latitude and longitude of our birth place. But I found that the information is the same on the charts from this site (without that bit of information), as it was on astro.com (with that information). If you have a better site for free natal charts, feel free to comment that information along with your opinion of why it is better. I am always looking for ways to better my various forms of knowledge seeking. lol And sharing, is caring. Hahaha! ;)
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!
Vision Of The Future: Soul's Purpose
Have you ever wondered how the world would be if we were able to relate to one another through positivity and feeling connected? Ever dreamt about a utopian version of Earth? Well, you’re in luck! I received two visions and a download about the possibility of these realities. And you’ll be surprised to know… That even though we are currently experiencing so much polarity and witnessing such human on human, and human on nature horrors… The people of Earth have a potential path (with a high probability), for achieving such a beautiful existence. And yes, amazingly enough, this potential path can occur within our lifetime.
Have you ever wondered how the world would be if we were able to relate to one another through positivity and feeling connected? Ever dreamt about a utopian version of Earth? Well, you’re in luck! I received two visions and a download about the possibility of these realities. And you’ll be surprised to know… That even though we are currently experiencing so much polarity and witnessing such human on human, and human on nature horrors… The people of Earth have a potential path (with a high probability), for achieving such a beautiful existence. And yes, amazingly enough, this potential path can occur within our lifetime.
Earlier this year I had many questions regarding the change I felt in my soul’s purpose and life path trajectory. The answers I received were an overview of my spiritual role in this world. I also received details of how higher vibrating transformation will occur on an individual and global level. After having the visions, I received the download as follow up information. I am still processing. That much information can equate to what feels like a lifetime of learning. lol But my Guides have suggested that I share with you now, and write a follow-up in the future, if I feel the need. So yes, this is not a complete version of my visions and the download. However, I have digested enough information that we feel it is perfectly shareable as it is now. It is with great love that we hope you can perceive this potential path. If you feel —called, feel free to let me know… And please take action.
The beginning of the visions showed me 200 people all over the planet, moving throughout their daily lives. All of these people are on Enlightenment and Ascension paths. As they raised their vibration to love or above, the vibration of the people around them began to raise as well. It showed these 200 catalysts, as my Guides termed them, acting as an awakening amplifier for everyone with which they came into contact. Merely existing in the same room, block, neighborhood, city — allowed for an awakening. The first wave of catalysts awakened so many people, and of those people were many more catalysts. As the second wave of awakened ones began to open, raising their vibrations further, their elevation followed. As each new catalyst began to develop spiritually, they too acted as a magnifier for the next group’s awakening. This was occurring simultaneously on a global level... And it was happening fast. My Guides tell me that each catalyst when at an optimal vibration, can awaken 100,000+ people. That’s simply amazing!
The vision showed me a series of personal memories. In my early twenties, I was more open and elevated than I had ever been. I was wild and free spirited back then, partying and hanging out with a lot of people. At one point, I was so open that my energy began to serve as an amplifier for the people with which I was spending time. As a medium, I was used to seeing things that most people couldn’t fathom. I was accustomed to my energy acting as a charging station for beings and people who had crossed over. But my energy was thrusting acquaintances and total strangers into a blocked mediumship state. Most people’s third eyes weren’t fully open, hence, they were blocked. Naturally, they would begin to panic at seeing streaks, lights and shadows… And at sensing things around them that they couldn’t quite see. I eventually began giving these new people a disclaimer as soon as it looked like we would be hanging out for prolonged periods of time. “You’re going to see things you can’t explain. It’s not you. It’s me. I’m a medium. You will stop seeing things once you’ve been away from my energy for about thirty minutes. You are safe. There is no reason to be afraid.” It was always an awkward conversation, but I felt it was fair to give them a warning. lol After all, hanging out with me was going to thrust them into the world of mediums without any experiential training.
So, my Guides brought back a flood of all these dormant memories. I saw myself giving each person the disclaimer, and them seeing and experiencing things. Then they referenced this energy and correlated it to the energy of the catalysts. They made a point to note that the same situation was not going to occur. But that the catalysts will be an energy amplifier for the un-awakened, un-opened and non-expanded people. This was a way for the Guides to explain how the catalyst energy would work but on a much purer and vast scale. Rather than seeing and experiencing dead people by an energetic charge that thinned that veil, people will receive a lift of the human veil of perception. Everyone will then be able to discern concepts, ideals, frequencies and so much more that weren’t possible prior awakening. With this newfound vibration, they will understand our interconnectedness with one another and the rest of the universe. And with this awakening, the release of struggle, strife, doubt and fear will follow. It will bring a great freedom to each of us, and the planet.
They cut to a bit of my personal path here. I was a first wave catalyst, but I was joined by a few friends that I won’t name just yet. We were spearheading an organization of catalysts, so to speak. We were traveling the globe, connecting with other catalysts. It was our mission or path to create a global team of expansion ambassadors. They also showed me that we weren’t the only people contracted to this soul path. There were many catalysts around the globe doing the same initial team building tasks… And eventually, our teams would merge. My friends and I were also multi-tasking. We had a sort of wellness center in our home city where we held various spiritual "expansion" events. And we also traveled to meet with and invite others as they became aligned with our global group of healers, energy workers, light workers, Starseeds, spiritualists, etc. The sole purpose of this group was to assist humanity in any way needed, as the needs arose. There was not a leader, per se, just organizers. Within the global group were facets that had specialties. And of these many facets were smaller groups which worked as complete treatment teams. As an issue arose within a country, the leaders would call us to send whoever was aligned to manage and raise the vibration of what was happening. This was done on a personal level, person to person. The specific instance they showed me was somewhere in the middle east. A country leader or politician (if you can call him that, he was so full of light) contacted me in my home office. He told me the details about a neighborhood of people who needed healing within his country. I remote viewed into the neighborhood and realized they were experiencing doubt, mistrust, and fear, which would eventually lean toward hate. It was imperative that we send the pertinent group to the suffering people’s aid immediately. I made a call to a specific group, some were already in the area. The global team of expansion ambassadors gathered with the people to discuss the issues and help them move physically, mentally, emotionally and spiritually, past what they were experiencing. Each healer acted in their specialty role, but as a whole, they treated every aspect of each person. It was effective and beautiful to feel. No one was left to suffer, no one was left behind. After all, we understood that we are connected. We are one.
My next glimpse was of global ease. Almost everyone was awakened, opened and expanded. It was beautiful, peaceful and full of so much love. We also had a great understanding of our role in the universe and were learning about our position in the cosmos. We were advancing technologically at lightning speed, but doing so with well thought out technology and science. "Harm not us, nor the planet, nor our co-inhabitants. Create only what can be safely disposed of once its usefulness has passed." Conservation was of utmost importance. We were awakened to solutions for our future, the future of our planet and all of its inhabitants.
The second vision and immediate download occurred shortly after the first vision. Many of my questions were answered about the first vision. Why now? How will this work on a political or governmental scale? How do we go from the state we are in now, to one of global peace? Will this occur in my lifetime? These were some of my queries, amongst other questions.
I was shown that the goal is to effect the vibration of billions of people who aren’t initially willing to do it for themselves. Once awakened, people experience truth and will desire to open and develop spiritually. Catalysts are a kick-start for those who have become blinded and weighed down by the human creation. We lift the human perception veil for all those who cannot see past its influence. This is a global event, happening simultaneously across the world. Many of us have contracted at this soul path level to accomplish what our collective souls have cried out to change. I was shown that humanity as a whole, has cried out for the move from the Age of Pisces (mind), to the Age of Aquarius (heart). Everyone from newly incarnated infants to elderly people decided at a soul level that we want change. We have grown weary of the heaviness, struggle, strife, and disconnection. The next phase of existence as humans will be to move from 3rd to 4th density. This move came early, by around 640 years. The transition began before 2012 and continues now. But the main energy shift occurred around 2012. I saw that with this shift, more light was allowed into each human and into the Earth. With the addition of greater light, came confusion and illumination of the darkness — so to speak. Many people who are holding onto the old Age of the Mind are experiencing rifts within themselves. These rifts can be healed by simply turning inward and experiencing their own eternal soul, which is filled with love. Others are often confused by the shift and experience it as a drive for meaningful change, solely in their physical lives. Akin to a mid-life crisis that generally happens for a particular demographic at a specific time in one's life. It is now affecting anyone at any stage of their life. lol While yet others are focused on awakening, opening or expanding. Each of these phases are as they should be right now. Think of them as a last hoorah on an experiential level. That said, the people experiencing the first phases will choose change in whatever manner is harmonic. These self-made alterations will occur as they are awakened to light, truth, connection and other aspects of the enlightenment age.
My Guides also showed me that the awakened will begin to call out for political change, but it won’t simply be with their voices. As their energy shifts to hold more light, their desires will also shift. In doing so, some of the newly opened will answer a calling of their path to move into politics. This new breed of politician arises as the catalysts and awakened, become numerable. People in every nation around the globe begin to make different social and political choices. The new style of politician is voted into all government positions. The governments begin to make decisions from an enlightened vantage point. Global changes are enacted from governmental levels based on the illuminated viewpoints and expressions. Global peace occurs once the governments are transformed through the awakened leaders. And around this time, our global group of light-bearers or expansion ambassadors are set in motion. ("Catalysts" and "Expansion ambassadors" are what my Guides termed us. I’m not sure what names we will go by. If we need titles, I think they will be decided by the group. lol) My Guides then explained that all of this can transpire without violence. Those who struggle will feel ease once the awakening has occurred. And yes, all of this occurs within my lifetime
And so you see, that the closest thing to a utopian planet I’ve ever dreamed about, is a potential path with a high probability. I’m committed to seeing it through. It is my humble hope that you are too.
Do you resonate with the catalysts or the expansion ambassadors? If so, send me a message for more discussion and further details.
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!
Energy Exchange VS. Energy Grab And Stab
We all know at least one person who is always mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. Odds are, that person constantly vents about why they are feeling these emotions. Does this sound about right? Take a moment and think about how you feel after each conversation where they vent. I’m willing to bet that you usually feel pretty low, down, irritated, tired or generally upset.
Now, look at this from the other side… Think of a time where you consistently felt mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. After venting these emotions to someone else, you felt better. However, feeling better only lasted a short time. And once you stopped feeling better, you were in the same space as before — or worse!
We all know at least one person who is always mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. Odds are, that person constantly vents about why they are feeling these emotions. Does this sound about right? Take a moment and think about how you feel after each conversation where they vent. I’m willing to bet that you usually feel pretty low, down, irritated, tired or generally upset.
Now, look at this from the other side… Think of a time where you consistently felt mad, frustrated, annoyed or irritated. After venting these emotions to someone else, you felt better. However, feeling better only lasted a short time. And once you stopped feeling better, you were in the same space as before — or worse!
Next, think about a person you know who constantly picks verbal fights with other people. Have you ever witnessed or experienced someone who is determined to have a fight, encounter a person who gives them no reaction? One of the first things the “fighter” will do is escalate from an average argument to fighting with low blows, name calling, and mortal wound comments. If you have ever been on the receiving end of this moment, it usually leaves you feeling pretty crappy. I would say that feeling anger and a desire to fight back is the most common first reaction. Regardless of whether you fight back or not, the “fighter’s” actions leave you feeling sad, angry, betrayed, devastated, unworthy, unloved, etc.
Look at this from the other side, you are the fighter who is engaging someone and receives no response. After escalating, you feel powerful. After all, you’re “winning.” Though the emotional high from your win doesn’t last. A short time later, you're left feeling numb, guilt or destitute emotionally.
Then there is also the person who constantly has so much drama in their life. They always want to vent about that drama and how it effects them. Every conversation is about them, and their newest or longest running dramatic event or interaction. They repeatedly seek an audience and advice, almost as if they’re holding you hostage. And your job is to listen and absorb, then offer up your advice. And although you can feel good while you’re “helping” this person, you leave feeling drained, frustrated and tired.
Every interaction with another person holds an energy exchange. It can be mutual or forced. Mutual is a willing give and take. Both participants are actively and freely, giving and receiving. Forced is either, removed against your will or spewed upon you. Obviously, mutual exchanges are the way to go. They feel good, and the energy exchange feeds each person in a positive, lasting way.
Energetically, these socially dysfunctional moments look like people are either spewing their energy onto another (often enveloping them to siphon their energy) or are greedily ripping another person’s energy away from them. It’s pretty crazy that we have been taught to do this with one another. Forcefully adding or removing energy to and from another person’s energy field is a temporary fix at best. It reminds me of heroin addicts getting their fix. Their thirst for the high is never quenched. There will always have to be another fix. It is the same with the ridiculous energy, grab and stab, social interactions. We’ve all learned these behaviors, and employ them consistently. We've allowed these adopted behaviors to become so common that we rarely stop to think about what we are doing or how it works. And in this case, it doesn't actually benefit us or others. Without free and benevolent exchange, that energy isn’t ours to take, keep or use. So why do we continue this behavior? And why do we as adults and parents allow these out-dated, learned behaviors to continue to influence our children? It is nonsensical.
So, the moral to this blog is that, much like with sex… our daily interactions with people need to be made with consent, and from good intent. lol And, if you are feeling anger, depression or a need for attention — look within. Give whatever you need to yourself first. If you have time, meditate. Then simply ask a friend or loved one for more of what you need. Yes, it’s that simple. I’m sad, down, frustrated, depressed - I need unconditional love and a hug (at least 30 seconds long). Done.
We are taught that requesting such things shows weakness through vulnerability. But I believe it is quite the opposite. Making such requests shows strength, wisdom and an understanding of balance. So if any of you ever need unconditional love with a hug - I’m here for you!! lol
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!
A Teaser... Visions of the Future: Soul's Purpose
I listened to a YouTube video tonight where a prominent spiritual teacher and an interviewer discussed awakening. They spoke about many things, but at one point, the interviewer spoke about awakening to the darker aspects of government. He highlighted that it is people’s responsibility to awaken to these darker aspects and demand change. His co-worker alluded to her impression that this “global awakening” would happen regardless. The spiritual teacher then basically said that this “world awakening” is not set in stone. That if we don’t choose to awaken and seek change (in all aspects), we will be forced into an awakening by some sort of cataclysm or devastating series of events. So, the implications were… This change is up to you. You decide whether to open, awaken and expand. You determine Earth and humanity’s future.
I listened to a YouTube video tonight where a prominent spiritual teacher and an interviewer discussed awakening. They spoke about many things, but at one point, the interviewer spoke about awakening to the darker aspects of government. He highlighted that it is people’s responsibility to awaken to these darker aspects and demand change. His co-worker alluded to her impression that this “global awakening” would happen regardless. The spiritual teacher then basically said that this “world awakening” is not set in stone. That if we don’t choose to awaken and seek change (in all aspects), we will be forced into an awakening by some sort of cataclysm or devastating series of events. So, the implications were… This change is up to you. You decide whether to open, awaken and expand. You determine Earth and humanity’s future.
I somewhat agree with these statements and implications. However, there are always multiple paths which can be viewed at any given moment in time. And these paths can also be viewed from different angles. Due to visions I’ve received, I believe that people have been born into humanity whose life and soul purpose is to facilitate this very change. They are the “catalysts,” as my Guides term them. It is the main mission of these incarnated souls to facilitate awakening, opening, and expansion on a global level. These visions have led me to believe that this is the calling for a great many light bearers, light workers, energy healers, starseeds, mystics, shamans, spiritualists, etc. They are to be the awakening and opening Source energy for others. A jump start, if you will, for others to be able to see, understand and utilize this Source energy inside themselves. What do I mean by this? Well, it is the soul mission of millions of people to be an awakening force for others, who will then be an awakening force for millions of new people, until we number in the highest billions (and hopefully beyond). How does that happen? By raising our vibrational frequency above the mundane (matrix), while remaining in our flow. We are then able to help others awaken, open, and expand — just by existing in this higher vibrational frequency. One person who vibrates in love can raise the vibration of 100,000+ people — just by existing in that frequency. There is no need for this expanded person to even interact with the 100,000+ people. Although, interaction will expedite expansion.
This interview conversation also brought me to another bit of information conveyed in these visions that discussed positive world change in the political arena, on a global scale. In this portion of my visions, sheer awakening and expansion brought about the positive world change that many of us are yearning for and fighting to create. As people awaken and expand, they choose different avatars in the political arena. And many of these awakened ones become the new political avatars themselves. It was shown to be a very organic change. (Meaning: no violence, nor fighting required. No struggle necessary.) By so many of us opening ourselves to more of our light, we make different choices. These choices are made from a higher vantage, and from different and wider perspectives. Thus our choices effect the mirrored reflection we see through our political systems. And I'll add that once expanded, the lures that lead to corruption and being corruptible are no longer viable, nor able to be leveraged.
Stay tuned for the full story of these visions and a following call-to-action for all of you who resonate with these messages.
And I will also add, if you read this and your interest was even slightly peaked, you are probably one of us. This is the purpose that so many of us have sought out. This is the reason so many of you are feeling a deep unrest and a deep desire for change in your everyday life.
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!