About Bridget… Multidimensional experiencer and channeler.
Welcome To A Blip Of My Lifelong High Strange Reality…
Hi. I'm Bridget. I’m an international Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist , Channeler and Starseed Mentor with a focus on Awakening and Ascension Mentoring.
As a blueprinter, I work within the energetic systems and energetic technology within the blueprints for adjustments focused on healing, releasing and harmonizing to the highest blueprint. Reiki attuned and a Multidimensional Energy healer, I love to work with energy, frequency, and vibration — especially when it comes to quantum healing and consciousness expansion. I also have a passion for ascension, sovereignty, and enlightenment.
I love writing, reading oracle cards, expanding my consciousness, meditating, exploring our multidimensional and quantum nature, dancing, laughing with friends and family, playing in nature, embracing my magical-mystical Starseed aspects and living my life purpose.
My favorite activity is communicating with my Soul Team collective which includes my high self, star family (galactic, cosmic, ethereal), angels, high guides, ascended masters, luminous ancestors, elementals, beings of light… as well as many other high vibratory beings who are here to assist and support us.
Because of this, I receive many insights, visions, downloads, and experiences that originate from a stream of endless questions.
For me personally, the objectives are always expansion, enlightenment, ascension —and being of service while building commUnity as we reconnect all of our Star Family on Earth.
I am a knowledge and wisdom seeker at heart.
I have a deep desire to assist people as they open, awaken, and expand to their infinite, multidimensional nature so they can thrive in a life that is aligned with their inner guidance and soul’s purposes. I thoroughly love what I do as service-soul work —being in service to all of you! Thank you for co-creating with me. It’s beautiful to live my purpose. I am deeply grateful for each of you.
All my life I have been an intuitive, channel, and multidimensional medium. My earliest mystical memories are as an infant and at two years old. They are interacting and regularly communicating with angels and high guides, as well as viewing into people to observe what they were carrying that was not of their true energy. Happily, I still retain and utilize these aspects in my soul-service work.
As an adult, I had two contact experiences with two beings, an Interdimensional and then Galactic being, which happened three hours apart. These experiences activated me consciously as a Starseed. Afterwards, a large group of beings within my Soul Team collective (think Guides+) began introducing themselves to me as more than beings of light. They told me they are star beings, our multi-universal family. Then, I began to awaken to many more aspects of my multidimensionality. Cosmic wisdom and knowledge began pouring into my consciousness through remembrances, high knowingness, visions, downloads, and channeled communication with my Soul Team... Leading to more and more experiences which also serve to expand me. This is wildly exciting and fills my human journey with wonder! Each piece of the reawakened consciousness puzzle shows me that we have so much more to awaken, remember, and expand into within our human experience.
A lifetime of mystical, metaphysical, paranormal, and multidimensional experiences has inspired me to extensive spiritual exploration. I am a knowledge and wisdom seeker at heart. Because of this, I receive many insights, visions, downloads, and experiences that originate from a stream of endless questions. It is this curiosity and zest for knowledge and wisdom that led me to channel as a teenager. Upon learning to channel, I realized that I have been channeling in one form or another for most of my life. For me personally, the objectives are always expansion, enlightenment, ascension —with an emphasis on being of service.
I enjoy navigating this life in a way that is grounded and strongly supports a high vibrating existence. Though admittedly, the grounded aspect has been a rather recent inclusion in the span of my life. lol
Life paths and soul missions are very interesting to me. I have a strong understanding that we are already whole and I approach my life and service from this perception. When in conversations, I find that I naturally intuit how a person wants to expand in their life, versus where they are focused now. I am able to view potential paths. I can also see past experiences where you retained, adopted, and created things that aren't your true energy. I receive information of how it is pertinent to where you are now and what needs to happen to release or transmute these blockages, contracts, or beliefs. That is when our friends and family from beyond the Earth experience join in the fun.
As a channel and multidimensional medium, I communicate with those who no longer have a body, as well as galactic, cosmic, and ethereal beings (star family), beings of light, higher and master guides, angels, ascended masters, elementals, luminous ancestors, high self collective, architects of creation, creator beings, and everything in between. I call this group of amazing beings a Soul Team (Guides+). We work together with my client’s Soul Team collective to determine what is within your highest alignment to experience in and beyond your session. The goals are always to give you the most growth momentum while directing you toward the next steps along your paths. Naturally, this means that the majority of my One On One sessions have strong mentoring tones. And our Soul Teams will offer guidance, perspective shifts and reframes, and often easy exercises and daily practices to assist in the expansion process through channeled messages.
Being a seeker of wisdom and knowledge with a desire to embody what I access, I also have received so much information over the years to share with you throughout our conversation. These sessions are also used for deep healing, clearing, activations, and upgrades. Much of the multidimensional healing work is done within the blueprints with the guidance of your High Self, our collective healing teams, and other members of our Soul Team collectives.
As a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnotherapist, I utilize my deep connection to spirit and my dialed-in intuitive nature to assist you to expand during communication with your high self, high guides, star family, and anyone else on your Soul Team who desires to assist you. Healing and reprogramming requests occur within the blueprint levels to assist you to exist in your highest harmony.
The Multidimensional Energy and Quantum Healing that I embody and am a conduit of is always available to my clients when interacting with me. Directed energy healing is done, when helpful, during the healing portion of your BQH session.
These experiences are amazing! BQH Hypnotherapy sessions are one of my very favorite things to facilitate and co-create. They offer direct, clear, guidance and I’ve found that the internal shifts clients experience during their sessions provide clarity, balance, and a deep sense of well-being.
The connection that is experienced in a session offers a feeling of contentment, peace, and a knowing that you are always supported and never alone — no more need for feelings of separation. You have all the answers within you and are always connected to your High Self and Soul Team collective. You are your own healer, spiritual guru, and are Source.
— As I am consciously quantum and/or multidimensional, I like to request things that will enable clients to receive upgrades, activations, blueprint adjustments, clearings, energetic technology adjustments, and activations, unneeded timelines collapsed while those that align with your purpose are the bright and shiny ones to reveal themselves, and so much more. lol
I truly love the transformation that every client receives from having a BQH Hypnotherapy session. Each person’s experience is different, and you always receive exactly what you need in the now — even if you aren’t aware of what those things might be. I can go on and on about Beyond Quantum Healing, it’s amazing on so many levels!! I highly recommend booking a Full BQH Hypnotherapy session if this piques your interest.
My role is all about helping you raise your vibration, connect, and expand your consciousness while also guiding you to love yourself unconditionally and find your joy. That's because these states of being lead to the soul's purpose. The goal is to always live your happiest life with the highest potential. That truly comes when you're living a life that flows with your mission — your reasons to be here.
Whether you are just starting out on your journey, or are a seasoned spiritual adventurer and explorer - it is my role to help provide clarity on where you are right now and insight as to how you can shift to expanded levels of consciousness and spiritual growth.
We also focus on how you align yourself into your highest vibration, which leads to your highest potential. All of this is to guide you toward and reveal your soul's purpose so that you can live your dream life that is filled with love, fulfillment, joy, and happiness.
Book a Quantum Hypnotherapy Session (BQH Hypnosis), Starseed Mentoring & Messages Session (Starseed Mentoring, Awakening, and Ascension Mentoring) today!
Please contact me if you have questions.