Official Speaker's Bio & Downloadable Media Kit For Bridget Renee Holliday
Bridget Renee Holliday is a Starseed, channel, multidimensional medium, and Galactic Unity Ambassador. She holds frequencies of unity consciousness and anchors them into the human experience. Her star lineages include Pleiadian, Sirian, Arcturian, Lyran, Andromedan, Lemurian, Auroras, Blue Avian, Orion, amongst others.
As an Ascension-Contact Specialist of The Galactic Councils Of Light, she communicates with the high realms and assists others to expand and embrace those innate connections within themselves. Her mission also includes normalizing the conversations and perceptions around interdimensional, extra-dimensional, ultra-dimensional, and extraterrestrial beings —which she calls Star Beings.
Bridget’s soul-work is offered internationally through Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnotherapy. Utilizing Quantum Hypnotherapy, she helps us access our lives beyond Earth and anchor those wisdom frequencies into this world. She assists us to embrace deep relationships with our higher self, galactic, cosmic, and ethereal connections for direct and clear guidance. Through One On One sessions, she offers channeled messages, awakening and ascension mentoring, and requests multidimensional upgrades, activations, and energy healing within our blueprints. Bridget specializes in mentoring Starseeds within our ascension journey. When working with Starseeds, she helps us remember who we are and that we have trained lifetimes for what we’re here on Earth to do. Some of the focuses include assisting Starseeds to discover:
Our lives and homes beyond Earth.
Specializations and masteries originating from our galactic lives.
Perception shifts and consciousness expansion.
Upgrades and activations to assist with our journey.
Embracing a deep relationship with our galactic, cosmic, and ethereal star families.
Stepping into service through our purposes and missions.
Since birth, Bridget has communicated with a large collective of beings. Initially, her childhood interactions and communications were focused with the angels, master guides within her collective, and people who were no longer in physical bodies.
Before long, she was communicating with ascended masters, beings of light, luminous ancestors, elementals, amongst others —all while knowing them by their frequency signatures. She calls this collective a Soul Team and believes everyone has one.
As an adult, she experienced two different star-being contact experiences in her home, occurring only three hours apart. She refers to these experiences as her Starseed awakening. Afterwards, many beings within a larger group in her Soul Team collective began reintroducing themselves as more than beings of light. Some started showing her images of their non-Earth physical forms. These occurrences initiated more experiences and memories that the star beings on her Soul Team are simultaneous lives, members of her star family, and her star friends. Each remembrance leads to more inner knowing, visions, downloads, experiences, contact, and channeled information which offers even more insight into galactic, cosmic, and ethereal beings and our shared connection.
This lifelong relationship with her Soul Team encourages her to embody her Starseed specializations to serve humanity through love and unity during ascension. Bridget is also here to remember and share her remembrances and experiences to assist our beautiful collective to remember who we are.
Do you have the deep desire to connect with your soul-star family, share your multidimensional and contact experiences, and receive support and guidance in a safe environment? —Join Ascension Catalysts, the private unity consciousness community Bridget founded whose focus is to connect our Star Family on Earth, share experiences, support and uplift one another, and expand our consciousness as we are of high service.
She is also an Emissary with the Conscious Awakening Network (formerly The Galactic Alliance/*W.I.S.H.* Alliance), conscious evolution movements for anyone seeking universal knowledge, spiritual growth, education, and community, founded by Sheila Seppi.
Bridget also supports Portal To Ascension founded by Neil Gaur. Discover Portal To Ascension events and services.
Bridget also enjoys sharing cosmic wisdom and knowledge through online speaking engagements and workshops. To invite her to speak in events and on podcasts, contact her here with the details of your event request and/or links to your show or podcast episodes.
Stay connected with Bridget through Instagram, YouTube, and X (Twitter) at @xoxoxbridget and through the Awake And Ascending community she founded on the Clubhouse app.
Book a BQH Hypnosis Session or a One On One Session (Starseed Awakening and Ascension Mentoring, Channeled Messages & Healing) today!
Please contact me if you have questions.