Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Guides 101

Guides, guides, guides!! 

They are one of my favorite topics of conversation. Mainly because I love my guides immensely and assisting others in finding theirs, tickles me a little on the inside. (I’m talking about feeling joy, people. lol) 

I cannot tell you how many times over the years I’ve been asked about guides - so many!

Guides, guides, guides!! 

They are one of my favorite topics of conversation. Mainly because I love my guides immensely and assisting others in finding theirs, tickles me a little on the inside. (I’m talking about feeling joy, people. lol) 

I cannot tell you how many times over the years I’ve been asked about guides (so many!). I’ve narrowed the inquiries down to four questions we’ll begin with, which are: 

Who are guides? 

Do I have guides? 

What can guides do for me? 

How do I meet and connect with my guides?

So, let’s get started!

Who are guides? 

They are our friends, team, helpers, teachers and soul family. Guides are friends and family who are on the other side. So your favorite aunt, grandparents, parents, friends and others who no longer have physical bodies. Those of us who have chosen not to incarnate during this life so they can assist from beyond. And they are also Angels and other ascended beings, which include our higher and master guides.

Do I have guides?

Yes, Each and every one of us has guides. It’s an agreement or contract (if you will) that we make before our soul enters physicality. We do so because this life and existence is so dense and intense that we understand we need guidance. Our perception is limited to the constructs of this reality, so we rely on our soul family! They aren’t limited to a third dimension, earthly vantage point. Time and space does not really exist for them, not in the way it does for us. They see all points of our time, as existing in the same moment or space. I know... it’s a mind-blowing concept for many people. But time is an illusion (of a sort), that exists within the third dimension — in our world. And it is because their perception isn’t limited, that their knowledge is vast. They see and understand what we currently cannot. 

What can guides do for me?

Anything! Well, anything that is harmonic with your soul’s purpose and desired experiences. But we must ask! Ask for guidance and assistance. We have free will. They cannot intervene in matters we set in motion and create - unless asked. So, ask!

My guides do everything with me! Seriously, anything and everything... From things that are seemingly unimportant to those things that are immensely important. They assist in locating lost or misplaced items. They aid me in making decisions. Bring positive situations and desired outcomes into my realm of creation. And I am a woman with zillions of questions and have been since I was a small child. So, they answer (so many!) questions about: 

Life, my life, people, the world, history, the future, spiritual concepts, how the universe and cosmos work, information about God, Source or the All and all of its creations (However you label it, it is the same being.), as well as information for others regarding healing and spiritual development. And just recently I received information again on humanity as a whole and how we move forward on our collective path, in a positive way. (I’ll include this in another post and video. It’s on my list!) Seriously, this list could go on and on and on. But I’ll stop here as I think you’ve gotten the gist. Basically, guides give us what we seek, as long as we ask, and it’s harmonic. 

And we’ve reached our final question!

How do I meet and connect with my guides?

I would say initially, that this is a three step process. 

Step one: If you haven’t already, I suggest you acknowledge them. You can do so out loud or in your head, whatever you feel comfortable doing. Start by saying, “Hi. I know you exist and acknowledge you.” Or, “Hey guides. I know you’re there.” Or something like, “Hi! I hear you’re with me. I would like to know for sure.” Which brings me to my second step... 

Step two: Ask them for signs of their presence. You can include this step along with step one. “Hi. I know you exist and acknowledge you. I would like you to give me signs of your presence.” Their chosen signs will be meaningful. Things that already have meaning to you, and things that elicit a desirable emotional response in you. Then you must look for these signs. Be mindful and attentive in your daily life. They will give you signs repeatedly. So, look for things that repeat. Pay attention to the small details during your days. If you see something in a repeating pattern, that is your guides telling you they are with you. And when you see these signs, take a moment to feel grateful. Gratefulness will bring more to you. I’ll also add that you should expect to receive the signs. Your expectation will serve as an non verbalized intention, which is a factor in manifestation. It is a permission of a sort, that will allow them to ride that manifestation wave. 

My guides use many things to communicate with me. Each sign means something a bit different from the other, or is used to communicate a particular message depending on the need. I receive dragonflies, doves, crows, butterflies — those little white and yellow ones that I call buttercup butterflies as they remind me of the flowers. They also use double, triple and quadruple digit numbers, such as 222 and 2222, 333 and 3333, 444 and 4444 to communicate with me. They do so because these numbers are a close match to their vibrational frequency. So a few of my guides may resonate with 2222, while others may resonate with 4444. They use each of the numbers 1-9 in this way. 

Step three: Ask for guidance and assistance. I suggest you do this step once you are able to receive, acknowledge and trust the signs you are given. They will communicate with you through all of your claires. (Claires are our soul’s senses, I will list them below in this post.) And your guides will also sound and feel like you. This is because they are a part of you and have always been with you. They are our family. We know them on a soul level. 

Generally, I’ve found that they sound like me, just softer (but not always). What do I mean when I say, “they sound like me”? When you hear yourself think, it’s your voice in your head going over your plans or dialoguing about this and that. Initially, guides will often speak in your voice. You can hear them in your head, and some will hear them audibly. Once you can recognize their energy, you will be able to differentiate when they are speaking from your own internal chatter. You can also ask them for assistance to discern and know when they are speaking, as opposed to when it's you.

Basically, they will speak to us through our intuition. So pay attention and always trust your intuition. Whether it‘s your internal voice, a feeling or vibe, a moment of knowing, a glimpse in your mind’s eye or a combination of these — trust it! We’ve all experienced moments where we ignored what our intuition encouraged us to or not to do, and ended up in sticky situations. Avoid the stickiness! Trust yourself and listen to your inner compass. Many times that compass will be your guides.

Oh! And there is no need to fear or worry about your guides. They only have our highest and best concern at heart. To do otherwise would be to do so to themselves. It would be pointless, literally. So, if you’re hearing, feeling, knowing or glimpsing something negative... It’s not your guides. It’s probably your ego and sounds like you’ll want to put it in check. Guides only speak positively and of a beneficial nature. 

Well, that’s it for this post. I hope you enjoyed Guides 101 and found it useful. Feel free to comment (positively) below or ask any questions you may have. I love interaction! So please share stories about your experiences with guides.

I hope everything is beautiful in your world! Much love... and shine brightly! See you in the next post.

As promised:

Clairvoyant: clear seeing 

Claircognitive: clear knowing

Clairaudient: clear hearing

Clairsentient: clear feeling

Clairsalience: clear smelling

Clairtangency: clear touching

Clairgustance: clear tasting


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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Meditation Tips And Tricks!

So you want to meditate? It sounds easy, right? Then you try it… and a three ring circus moves into your mind and takes over. lolIf this sounds about right, I’m here to lend a helping hand. Meditation can be fun, relaxing and illuminating. I’ll give you my tips and tricks to subdue the “monkey” that hangs out in your brain. And I’ll help you look at the entire experience from a new angle. So here’s my meditation experiences and advice for all of you beautiful meditation novices:

So you want to meditate? It sounds easy, right? Then you try it… and a three ring circus moves into your mind and takes over. lol If this sounds about right, I’m here to lend a helping hand. Meditation can be fun, relaxing and illuminating. I’ll give you my tips and tricks to subdue the “monkey” that hangs out in your brain. And I’ll help you look at the entire experience from a new angle. So here’s my meditation experiences and advice for all of you beautiful meditation novices:

When I first began meditating I used guided meditations. After the initial adjustment, I had the realization that I needed to release control. I was then, easily able to hold a focus and maintain quiet in my mind. Through repeated practice, I could literally tell my conscious mind to focus on my breath. When random thoughts were passing through, simply saying “shush” would work to get a quiet mind. 

It was when my Guides suggested that I do quiet meditation, that things went a bit nuts. lol I encountered a lot of distraction, both from my own mind and with what I thought meditation was “supposed” to be. Like many of you, upon closing my eyes and being quiet, my once calm-ish mind became a chatty monkey. Without a guided meditation to focus on, anything annoying became possible. Such as the chorus of songs I don’t like or listen to, playing on repeat. My thoughts becoming wildly loud. Thoughts repeating on a loop happened often. Ya… I was beyond frustrated and at times, desperate. I attempted to use the methods I used for guided meditation and control the thoughts. Pushed them out, only for them to boomerang back. “Shush” was a total joke. In one attempt, I created an empty white room with a solitary chair, in my mind. The idea was to hold space for quiet meditation. Only to have the thoughts throw a raging party outside. My mind was a chaotic mess and I was its hostage. lol It felt as if my consciousness was fighting me. I heard my guides tell me to use my headphones. I tried that and it helped a bit, but my conscious mind was still showing me an exaggerated version of what occurred in my daily life.

As I usually do, I asked my Guides for help. They guided me to search out a particular YouTube video on meditation. They often give me search terms when doing this, and it was, “How to quiet mind for meditation”. Per usual, my intuition told me which video to watch. The girl looked so young. But I listened with an open mind. This sixteen-year old's meditation experience had yielded something I had not yet done. She found that through listening to her heartbeat and breath, her a.d.d. was quieted and she felt peace. Cue the headphones, baby! It was a start! 

After this search, I received the following message from my guides: The trouble with forcing a quiet space... 

1st: I’m controlling everything. There’s no surrender in those actions. They then showed me visuals of my experiences where I controlled my thoughts and tried to snuff them out.

2nd: Actually trying to “create” a quiet space isn’t needed or viable. They then showed me a visual of my attempt to create an empty white room with the chair. Where I sat down in nothing. I couldn’t hold it for long because my conscious mind was a loud distraction, just outside. (Talk about a desperate idea… hahaha!)

3rd: Focus not on creating a still, quiet space. Focus instead on listening to my breath, and feeling my heartbeat. The quiet space will occur naturally.

4th: Once I allow it to occur without an action on my behalf - I will remember that state of existence and will find it always.

5th: Much like the first go around with guided meditations… Relinquish of control released my mind and equaled surrender to the experience. Which equated to ease of meditation. 

My guides had pegged everything right on the mark, as always. (Must be lovely to have that illuminated vantage point!) So, over the next few months, we worked on releasing control, fear, doubt, a feeling of boredom, and so much more. Throughout this meditation journey, I have learned a lot. Some things I’ve received from my Guides, and others I picked up on my own are:

Come into meditation with a youthful, almost child-like mindset. This is about having fun while exploring. Meditation is not about making things fit into tiny, logic filled boxes. Think of playing with your friends as a child and using your imagination to create worlds. This is the mindset you want to be in while you meditate. It’s about expanding your horizons, releasing limitation and regaining knowledge and wisdom. It’s centering, aligning and understanding who you truly are, as a whole being. Exciting stuff! 

Be diligent, but stay calm and be patient with yourself. And a sense of humor about your meditation journey is a must! Be in a positive, happy mindset when you begin any meditation. It helps in so many ways!

Try to focus on the task at hand. Open your mind. Allow yourself to go on this journey without analyzing or criticizing. There is no need to make things logical, right or wrong, good or bad. Just go on the meditative journey and live in the moment of whatever you are experiencing. Be an objective observer or be objective during the experience. Immerse yourself in the here and now.

Everything you experience while in meditation is right for you. You will learn from these experiences. But it is very important to wait to do the analyzation until after you’ve returned. Then write it down or record it immediately.

I also suggest that you leave the possibilities open for what you may want or need to see and experience. If you're doing a guided meditation, be open to something different than what the meditation directs. Often, once I’m open to a certain degree - I am either whisked off or whisk myself off to something else I want to experience. That’s fine too. These guided meditations are designed to help you lift yourself up. Once lifted, you can explore as you, your Higher Self and Higher and Master Guides see fit. If you're doing a meditation that isn't guided, be open to experiencing anything that feels good. lol  

Oh and don’t fight or struggle with your conscious thoughts. Just allow them to do their thing, and direct your focus toward being fully present in the experience. Fighting or trying to control them only creates more struggle, resistance, and often more thoughts… Which is pointless. Just let them be, accept them, but do not focus on them. Eventually, you will barely notice them, if at all.

Always remember that with a mere thought, we can create anything. So, if you decide or intend that you want to see or experience something while in a meditative state — it will happen instantly. There is absolutely no reason for fear and doubt. Just toss those out the window. You are an eternal, spiritual being. You are safe. If you have fears about exploring through meditation, ask your Guides and Angels to join you on the meditation, guide you, while keeping you safe. Ta-dah! Problem solved. lol

Lastly, make sure you are in a calm, quiet space, and will be free of interruptions. Turn your phone off, put it on do not disturb, or place it on vibrate in another room. 

I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.

Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

The Making Of A Miracle For Mary: Gathering Higher Beings And A Request Of The Ascended Masters

By sharing this story, I wish to inspire hope, belief in miracles, and faith. And I wish all of you to know that any one of you can do what I do, spiritually. We are all special and capable of magnificent things. I am no more special than any of you. I am simply awake and expanding. (If you aren’t already, you can be too.) This particular story will tell the events from my perspective. And it will include my role in requesting a miracle and the healing Mom continues to receive. But I want to be clear that I am but one, of many, who assisted in the unfolding of these feats. 

Some of you know that my beautiful mother, Mary, has recently been in the hospital. Friday, November 18, 2016, she had an aortic aneurysm that ruptured and dissected down to her abdomen. At the first hospital’s E.R., we were descriptively and repeatedly told about her grim odds and to prepare for her passing. Most people with this condition don’t live to be picked up by the ambulance, nor make it to the hospital. This particular Ft. Worth hospital didn’t have a Thoracic surgeon on staff and they were having no luck finding one who was available to immediately perform her surgery.  They said she would die if she didn’t receive surgery within three hours. (It is here where my story will begin. But first, I’ll tell you the short version of Mom’s hospitalization details.) Eight and a half hours after reaching the first hospital, she was transferred to Baylor Dallas. Still fully conscious and communicating, it was here that she was given anesthesia and had a nine and a half hour heart surgery to repair her aortic valve, the aorta, and the dissected vein. Then just three hours after the first surgery, she underwent a second surgery to place a stint in the vein leading to her intestines where a blockage was located. And on day eleven, her recovery led to her release from the hospital. On my birthday, November 28, 2016, my amazing mother went home!! Best birthday present, EVER!!! A 1% survival rate and she is on the road to recovery!! It’s incredible. And it’s a miracle! Even the doctors and nurses were calling her Miracle Mary. And I, for one, hope that nickname sticks. lol

My Mom is an amazing, strong, gifted woman whose unconditional love and support has awarded her a miracle. A special note of thankfulness and gratitude must be made for the huge network of prayer warriors, thought supporters, magical people and energy healers who have also played your roles and assisted with her miracle and healing. Though I will discuss my active role here, I want to express how massively important all of you are. Each of you are instrumental in Mom receiving the miracle and with her continued accelerated healing. My family and I are grateful for each and every one of you. 

By sharing this story, I wish to inspire hope, belief in miracles, and faith. And I wish all of you to know that any one of you can do what I do, spiritually. We are all special and capable of magnificent things. I am no more special than any of you. I am simply awake and expanding. (If you aren’t already, you can be too.) This particular story will tell the events from my perspective. And it will include my role in requesting a miracle and the healing Mom continues to receive. But I want to be clear that I am but one, of many, who assisted in the unfolding of these feats. 

For a few months now, my Guides have been encouraging me to “learn and remember” many different things. Upon looking back, they’ve actually been preparing me for this very moment. They have done so, by introducing various aspects I would need to request assistance for Mom. One of these aspects is a meditation. It allows a connection to Source, grounding and connecting to Gaia, alignment of Chakras, clearing and expansion of the “Clairs,” and expansion into Source energy. I’ve been doing this particular meditation for a couple of months now. And I truly believe that it helped facilitate my ability to do what I’m about to share.

During what was the longest ride from Dallas to Ft. Worth… I asked the Guides to guide the minds, hands, heads and hearts of anyone who was assisting my Mom. And that each one of them, be open to that guidance. Upon arriving in the Ft. Worth hospital emergency room, my Mother’s doctor began telling Scott and me about the gravity of her condition. Amongst many other things, he said her aorta was shredded, one kidney was blown, the other was barely hanging on. He said her liver was in failure. He urged us to prepare for the worst, saying she would die if she didn’t have surgery within three hours. He also told us that none of the hospitals in Ft. Worth could take her. And although their hospital has a division who handles the acquisition of appropriate surgeons for situations like this, he was personally calling contacts at other hospitals. (His tenacity is greatly appreciated.)

We were in shock, and I felt the gravity of her situation just by looking at her and her condition. Yet amongst the surface layer turmoil, I had a strange sense of calm emanating from deep within my soul. As he was speaking, very little of what he was saying rang true. It’s like all those words rang as a note of discord. So, I immediately reached upward and outward for my Guides, Mom’s Guides, David’s Guides, Scott’s Guides and Anthony's Guides. If ever there were a time for their help, it was now. We needed all the assistance we could get from the higher realms. So as the doctor is loudly blurting out the dire facts of her situation, I felt an urge and began to use the techniques I had been practicing.  

In less than a minute, I expanded upward, connecting to Source. I drew in Source energy, filling my body and allowing it to shoot as a cord into Gaia. Gaia bounced her energy combined with Source energy back to me, flooding my body. I then expanded all this energy upward and outward. Within seconds I had expanded past my usual eleven dimensions and kept going farther than I had ever contemplated before. And once expanded, I reached out for assistance using my consciousness. The request went something like: “I call upon all high vibrating beings who can provide assistance and facilitate healing for my Mother, Mary. If ever there were a time for your help, it is now. Please assist in any way needed until she is well. I give you full permission.” 

Immediately, I could sense my request was being answered. I felt Guides, Angels, beings of light and many other beings I had yet to meet (as Bridget). And suddenly, I became aware of what “holding space” meant. I instinctively knew that I was to hold space for the manifestation of the request I had made. Once I felt everyone’s higher realm energy, I then requested: “We need the best surgeon for my Mom’s condition. And we need a hospital who can accept her and perform surgery immediately.” As soon as I thought those words, the doctor’s phone rang and Southwestern hospital told him they could not take her. I was unwavering in holding space through that call. I began to understand that my role was to remain in a higher vibration, maintain a strong knowing that the request would manifest - hold belief, hope and faith and emanate these states of being to everyone else.

After giving my Mother Reiki, speaking of her beautiful Granddaughters, telling her I love her and to fight - I exited the room and began to walk down the hall to Scott. (My amazing husband was currently making calls to the family who needed to know about the situation. He was literally perfect in the chaos, handling everything I hadn’t yet considered. I love this man so much!) As I’m walking down the hall toward Scott, feeling the divine assistance, I received a series of images and ideas. Someone was reminding me of meeting Buddha a year or so ago. They were guiding me to follow his energy and communicating about the Christ blueprint over Earth, miracles, and Jesus. As I remained in an expanded state… I instinctively felt for Buddha’s beautiful, deity-like energy. And with this action and intent, I held the thought of requesting a miracle from Jesus. 

In doing so, I arrived in a large, circular area. Evenly spaced around the edges of the circular area were giant, white, stone thrones (think temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel - in size). Upon each throne was an Ascended Master in their immense, deity-like, energetic form (well… a fraction of their form, anyway lol). I arrived facing Jesus but could feel Buddha behind me to the right. I could sense all the Ascended Masters’ attention. Knowing that I had Jesus’s focus and was connected, I said, “I request grace and a miracle for my Mother, Mary.” Instantaneously, I knew my request was granted. A few things struck me about this experience. Unlike before when I met Buddha, my energy was not small and human-like in size. I was instead, much larger. And although I was requesting from Jesus, I did not feel beneath him or below him. I felt connected, oneness and a presence of equality. Though I perceived him as being on a throne (of a sort) - Jesus was not on a pedestal, and I found these things to be both illuminating and validating.  

As I reached Scott, I was feeling the stress and shock of the situation on the surface of me, Bridget. But internally, I was unwavering in holding space for Mom’s miracle and healing. I knew I had to release all attachments to the outcome, but still hold faith, hope, and positivity. Shortly after this moment, the doctor loudly answered another call from the other end of the hall. Baylor had accepted Mom. They were prepping CareFlite. My requests were already being manifested.

Once at Baylor, we found out that Mom’s thoracic surgeon is the best in his field and at repairing her particular condition. Miracle! And though she had spent so many hours without the majority of her blood being pumped to her major organs… The nurses informed us that Mom’s kidneys were not blown and that she was not yet in liver failure. Miracle! At this point, Mom was still lucid and speaking. She’s so amazingly strong. Each time I saw her during this period, I was struck by her ability to fight and persevere. She was not going down for the count!

Eight and a half hours after first experiencing the aortic aneurysm and dissection, she was taken into surgery. A surgery we were told would take twelve to eighteen hours, went picture perfect, only taking nine and a half hours. Miracle! We were told that she had three blockages they were going to watch closely. The blockages were caused by the dissection and lack of proper blood flow to all her major organs. One was in the vein leading to her kidney, the second in the vein leading to her liver, and the third in the vein leading to her intestines. Fortunately, her kidney and liver blockages cleared quickly as her blood began pumping strongly again. But just three hours after her open heart surgery, she went in for a second surgery to place a stint in the vein leading to her intestines. It too went perfectly. 

All the while, everyone who loves Mom or any of us were praying, sending positive thoughts, lighting candles and directing healing energy to Mom. Some brought gifts to make our stay comfortable. And that lounge area was packed with family and family-friends. Numerous people came, some for short visits and others stayed for days. The family was there, on both Mom and David’s sides. To show their love and support, many people had come from Lubbock, Possum Kingdom, Allen, Frisco, deep Ft. Worth, Mineral Wells, and Arlington - traveling all the way to Deep Ellum . Everyone had multiple stories to share about Mom and how she touched their lives. It was beautiful to listen as family and family-friends spoke about the love, joy and support Miracle Mary gives so freely. I felt grateful that she is cherished by so many people. And although we were all stressed and in shock, I was pleasantly surprised to experience most everyone chose to stay in a positive vibration, holding hope and faith… Unconsciously assisting in holding space. (This was so good!)

Mom’s ICU recovery time began, and we were informed that she would likely remain in ICU for seven to nine days, then move to the tenth floor for at least two weeks. As her grace and miracle continued to unfold, her strength, determination, and perseverance became hugely obvious. She was recovering in record time. The ICU nurses and a couple doctors began referring to her as “Miracle Mary”. And with every passing day, her internal strength began to show through her body. The grace and miracle were working in her favor. And so, having been checked in, rushed to surgery and placed in an ICU room at Baylor on the 19th of December - she was moved to the 10th floor on Thanksgiving day!! David’s family brought Thanksgiving dinner to the hospital and the four of us celebrated. And just three days later, she was recovered enough to be sent home. More of her grace and miracle in action! (And the best birthday present - EVER!!!)

Yesterday, Mom went in for a follow-up appointment. Dr. Mac, life-giving thoracic surgeon extraordinaire, said she was doing well. He recommended that she begin walking. She says she is often tired, but her recovery has been going smoothly. She’s also crazy tough! She’s only been taking her pain medication when she feels pain, and this started while she was still in the hospital. lol Two major and invasive surgeries in one day, and six days after - she’s weaning herself off of pain medicine.You realize her breastplate was also broken, right? Seriously. This woman is made of steel. lol And I, for one, couldn’t be more grateful.

To all of our family and family-friends. Your love, care, and support have carried us through this experience. Thank you for all your time, prayers, positive thoughts, magical assistance, and energy healing. You assisted in a miracle being granted for a woman we all love. We are forever grateful for you. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and will continue to do throughout her recovery. You are loved and cherished.

I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.

Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Light vs Dark: Which School Of Thought Do I Follow?

Recently, I received expanded visions based on an original vision I received a while ago. I haven’t blogged or vlogged about it because I’ve been processing and awaiting follow up information. In this vision, they showed me one of my potential life paths with a very high probability. Within this life path I saw how my soul’s purpose would be fulfilled, both on a micro and macro level. I’m not one to tell the future or fortunes, as I understand that paths change consistently, based on decisions made through free will. But my guides have encouraged me to give a few messages from these visions, as it is for the greater good of you and humanity as a whole. So I will do so very soon. In fact, one of the aspects of these visions has brought me to the topic today. 

Recently, I received expanded visions based on an original vision I received a while ago. I haven’t blogged or vlogged about it because I’ve been processing and awaiting follow up information. In this vision, they showed me one of my potential life paths (timelines) with a very high probability. Within this timeline I saw how my soul’s purpose would be fulfilled, both on a micro and macro level.

I’m not one to tell the future or fortunes, as I understand that timelines change consistently, based on decisions made through free will. Yet my My Soul Team (Guides +) have encouraged me to give a few messages from these visions, as it is supportive and of service to you, my friend reading this, and humanity as a whole. So I will do so very soon. In fact, one of the aspects of these visions has brought me to the topic today. 

There are many schools of thought within many spiritual communities on Light vs Dark. And within that vastness of opinions, there are just as many opinions as to how we '“should” choose to live our lives within one, or how to integrate with the other. There are also many thoughts and beliefs within these very opinionated groups with which I align, on both sides.

I am a Starseed and light worker, or rather a light bearer. I have made a dedication to Source light and to work within the light during this life. If these words ring true for you, you are likely a light worker as well. If these words do not ring true, do not concern yourself. There are numerable paths to assist this world and its people. You will find yours soon - if you haven’t already.

Having said that I am a Starseed and light worker, doesn’t mean that I ignore darkness. I am a firm believer of integrated shadow sides (dark sides of your persona, etc.) and integration of shadow emotions (denser emotions due to unhealed emotional wounds, unexpressed and often trapped emotions, etc.…).

I have been Guided to understand and believe that I must first do this integration to achieve the degree of enlightenment I’m on Earth to express and for what we’ve labeled, Ascension.

I do not believe that ignoring our own personal darkness and pretending it doesn’t exist is healthy nor enlightened. I’m of the belief that it’s important to know and embrace ourself, all of ourself, not just the pretty bits. lol

Now, this does not mean that I pitch a tent and camp out in my dark sides for days or weeks. That may work for some of you, but I find it to be counterintuitive to do so myself. lol Yet whenever it is needed, I spend time in the darker aspects of myself and take the time to know what triggers them, how I use them, and why they are a part of me.

I also accept them as viable parts of myself. I do not judge them, making them “evil," “wrong” or “bad”. They have purpose (and sometimes history/herstory), just like the lighter sides of me.

I currently believe that having no knowledge of these aspects of myself limits my ability to be within the light of my soul for longer periods of time. I’ve found that the more integrated they become, the more efficient I am at being and emanating light.

How do I integrate my dark sides? Understanding, knowledge, and acceptance… See what they are, learn how they are triggered, understand their true purpose, accept that these are aspects of myself, and integrate them into who I am in a positive, loving way. I bring them back into the wholeness that always exists within me. I’ve found this to be harmonizing and empowering.

Having explained all this, I also find it of great importance and am Guided in my daily life to choose lighter states of being, rather than denser ones. I make a point to choose happiness. It is my nature because I choose to be this way. I am an optimist because I choose to be optimistic about life, people, and situations.

I believe we are all born this way but are taught to be otherwise. I actively seek to release any programming I have learned, adopted, or created that I now accept as truths (false truths).

My Soul Team (Guides +) have repeatedly given messages and visions about the importance of choosing higher emotions (states of being), and what the people who choose to live as those frequencies mean for the future of our world… the ascension catalysts. 

And just like that, this topic is complete. lol  Finally! We’re on to the visions…

I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.

Infinite love. Thank you for reading! I'll see you next post.


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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Manifestation: Energetic Vantage Of This Election's Outcome And How To Move Forward

I’m writing this particular blog post the day after election day, November 9, 2016. I feel that I may wait a few days before posting it, as everyone’s emotions are raw and fear is palpable right now. And while I support each of you and believe that everyones fears and emotions are quite valid. I also believe there is another way to move forward which allows us to accomplish our dreams instead of making our nightmares manifest. This post is devoted to explaining how to follow the enlightened manifestation method.

I’m writing this particular blog post the day after election day, November 9, 2016. I feel that I may wait a few days before posting it, as everyone’s emotions are raw and fear is palpable right now. And while I support each of you and believe that everyone's fears and emotions are quite valid. I also believe there is another way to move forward which allows us to accomplish our dreams instead of making our nightmares manifest. This post is devoted to explaining how to follow the enlightened manifestation method.

In light of the current political events in America, I’d like to take a moment to tell everyone that you are deeply loved. I write this particular post for all of my friends and family who are afraid because you and your loved ones can be affected by this outcome. Things like potential policies, repeals, and actions based off of the things promised during (presidential candidate’s name’s) campaign as well as those by appointed cabinet members and judges are in your daily thoughts. Please know that I will hold space for you and will support you in any way needed, should those situations arise. 

Although the major viewpoint during times like this comes from a psychological place. I also feel strongly that this sort of polarizing event must be looked at from an energetic, spiritual vantage point. And while I would love to say that I am absolutely unbiased and unwavering, I am not. What I am:  Diligent in learning to remain as neutral as I am able to be, amidst times of great polarity with regard to manifestation. And when I falter, I am mindful to redirect myself without judgment, regret or guilt, and to do so as soon as possible.

Having said that, I would also like to say the following:  While so many of you feel this is a great blow, it is not the end. There is always hope. My suggestion is to take a few days to a week to feel your grief and fear. After that time, move your thoughts, emotions, and energy toward what you truly want out of this situation. Decide it is time to redirect yourself toward something that makes you happy, brings fulfillment and emphasizes your connection to the people in your life. We truly are stronger when we are bonded together. And politics as of late have been intentionally divisive (ripe with social manipulation) and many have allowed this to wreak havoc on their connection with one another. When we are divided, we are weak. So, make amends with those that you love. The damage is only irreparable if we decide it is so. It is time to open our hearts and heal.

From an energetic vantage point, this election directly reflects the polarization of the new age being felt by so many people. Overall, it is a macro view of what is going on with individuals on a micro level. What do I mean by this? Well, the energy of the age of Pisces was all about the mind. The new age of Aquarius is all about the heart. With this shift came many things that are no longer viable, including many beliefs and belief systems. On a micro level:  Those people who refuse to awaken or choose to cling to the age of the mind, are experiencing polarization and rifts within themselves. This can manifest in a range of low vibrating manners. These rifts can be experienced in any aspect of a person. For some, the experience is in very few, small areas of themselves. Yet others feel it in the entirety of who they are as a person. It’s like a constant itch, that no amount of scratching relieves. That is until awareness is achieved and the transition is accomplished. For once we move into the heart space, the polarization, feelings of separation and negative emotions are healed.

Anyone who is not following their basic guidance system and intuition will experience at least some of the polarizing effects during the transition from mind to heart. For a smooth transition, we must become aware of how we feel at any given moment. Are you thinking about something that makes you feel bad, angry, annoyed, frustrated, irritated, disgusted, offended, unhappy, sad, desperate, depressed, despondent, fearful or any of the other denser emotions? Simply experiencing the dense emotion is your cue to take note and determine if you’re being invited to shift. Basically, it is your soul’s way of telling you that something within you is ready for change. For example, if you think about, do something, or experience something that brings up a denser emotional response in you — it is time to determine one of two things. One:  Is it your soul’s way of showing you something within yourself that is no longer serving you? Example:  A false belief, conflicting belief, out dated contract, etc. Or two:  Is it a sign to remain in alignment with what you have already told the universe you truly want? In this case, is the dense emotion is a sign to redirect your focus toward something that makes you feel more harmonious and aligned?

It really is that simple. In the beginning, it is a matter of awareness. Your goal is to become aware of how you feel. Once you have awareness, you can begin to change the things with which you give importance, via your attention, thoughts, emotions and experiences. You have the power to choose what you allow into your internal and external worlds. It is up to you to be aware of your choices and how they affect you, your everyday life and potentially, the lives of everyone you encounter. 

This is Law of Attraction 101, basic knowledge. It is unfortunate that we are not taught this as small children. If we were, situations like those we have experienced this year, wouldn’t happen as frequently nor would they be likely to have a national impact. When looking at the past couple of years from an energetic, Law of Attraction vantage, the situation we find ourselves in today makes perfect sense. I’ve explained this before and will continue to explain it again, as many times as are needed, for everyone to finally understand. 

See, we live in a universe of inclusion, not exclusion. This means that the fundamental laws of our universe are designed to give us what we want. And the language through which we communicate with the universe is energetic. We communicate what we want by what we give the most time, energy, focus, thought, and emotion toward. (Take a moment to reread those four sentences. They’re important.) But Western society doesn’t teach us this basic universal truth. We are instead taught to bitch, moan, complain, vent, stress about, and focus on what we do not want. We’re taught to struggle against what we do not want and that through perseverance, we will prevail. And then we become defeated and exacerbated by receiving more of the things we’ve just repeatedly said we absolutely do not want. The problem with “do not” and “cannot” and words of this nature is that the universe isn’t designed to differentiate nuances, spoken via words. It responds to energy, and often the percentage of energy it receives will determine the outcome. 

So here’s the macro vantage:  If millions or billions of people (around the globe) are essentially screaming out about (presidential candidate’s name) becoming President of the United States of America. It will occur. It doesn’t matter if millions or billions of those people (around the globe) are saying, “I do NOT want (presidential candidate’s name) to become President” or “I DO want (presidential candidate’s name) to become President”. The fact that everyone directs that much strength of time, energy, focus, thought and emotion toward (presidential candidate’s name) and the Presidency, will determine the outcome to be, (presidential candidate’s name) as President.  

Are you beginning to understand how this works? Focus on what you DO want. Only direct your time, energy, focus, thought and emotion toward what you truly want. To do anything else will be to create contrast situations for yourself and those with whom you are bonded. Contrast situations are, by nature, designed to bring to the foreground of our attention those things that need adjustment within ourselves and our lives. Think of contrast (and emotional triggers) as the universe’s way of gifting us clarity. By showing us aspects that are no longer in alignment with what we currently (truly) want, we are provided with the opportunity to then choose to release, integrate or dissolve these aspects. 

In following this train of thought, it means that (presidential candidate’s name) is contrast for a great many people. What can we do now? Utilize this time to determine why we are receiving contrast in the form of said candidate. Once we do that, we can focus our attention on all the issues with which we can affect positive change. Such as, remaining vigilant after the Presidential election with regard to voting on issues we are passionate about changing and maintaining. Write letters to Congress and the Senate encouraging them to actively pursue the angles we support. Vote for new people who share our integrity and stances, to join those seated in Congress and the Senate. Or maybe you are the person in your group of friends and family who alerts everyone to the issues that are up for a vote, and when voting day occurs. There are countless situations in which you can affect positive change within the political arena. And I’m sure applying even a tiny percentage of the passion you feel right now about the way things turned out with this election, will result in an ample amount of positive change.

In closing, I will say that we, literally, have to be the change we wish to see and experience in the world. Let us be that change in every moment. It starts now.

I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.

Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Duplicate Messages - Shaming Spiritual Teachers

I want to take a moment to discuss something I believe is very important. It has come to my attention lately that certain spiritual teachers and mentors are coming under fire for duplication of messages and healing techniques. 

I want to take a moment to discuss something I believe is very important. It has come to my attention lately that certain spiritual teachers and mentors are coming under fire for duplication of messages and healing techniques. 

Let me begin by explaining that messages, techniques, and ideas are sent repeatedly to numerous people across the globe. Mass amounts of the same information is spreading across the planet. These messages are sent by God/Source/The All, higher realms and are also received from our higher selves (our soul). Those of us who readily receive information from our guides and our higher selves will spread the same messages, often down to the last detail. This is due to the fact that our growth as individuals, and as a whole is a focus of the cosmos right now. Meaning, our enlightenment, and ascension is of cosmic importance. 

I have also found this information comes in waves. So for example, a universal truth or viable healing technique that was received ten years ago, will repeat verbatim, today. It is important to understand that duplication of messages and processes will occur. It is pointless to experience a duplication, and in judgment, attack the person through which it occurs. Instead, the wise way to experience duplication is as validation and within gratitude. Be grateful that the message has another opportunity to reach audiences it was unable to impact in a previous rendition or moment.

This is no longer a world of hierarchy. One person’s message is, quite literally, the message of everyone else. Meaning, these messages are reminders for our awakening, enlightenment, and ascension. That’s it. The messenger is not the creator of the message. The messenger (teacher, guru, mentor, coach) is the recipient of the information and instruction. It is their duty to relay the information and instructions and release any and all need to call it their own. If we are truly balanced, there is no need for “credit” nor “glory”. Instead, the focus should be on enlightenment and ascension for everyone. If you judge another teacher, guru, mentor or coach, you are out of alignment yourself. Remove judgment and allow yourself to feel grateful that the message is being received by more people.  This is the way of enlightenment. 

I’m all about interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.

Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!


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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Roles In Spirituality: Getting Real

I think it is time to speak about what roles in spirituality look like now. Am I a teacher? Are you a student? Is that person a guru? Are you their follower? Yes… Let’s address this right away. Let’s delve into the perceptions of “teachers” and “students” and what those roles should look like.

I think it is time to speak about what roles in spirituality look like now. Am I a teacher? Are you a student? Is that person a guru? Are you their follower? Yes… Let’s address this right away. Let’s delve into the perceptions of “teachers” and “students” and what those roles should look like.

Gone are the days where you need someone else to tell you how to spiritually, walk in this world. Giving someone else control over you spiritually is the same thing as giving someone control over you in a relationship. It is highly dysfunctional and inadvisable. We are experiencing the days where you gain knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment through waking up to who you are as a soul. This occurs when you remember information which has been lost or forgotten and gain access to your higher self and guides. If someone seems further along than you, more open, has more knowledge — they have likely been awake and exploring their enlightenment and ascension paths longer. It does not mean, however, that they are higher, greater nor more gifted than you. We are all born with gifts. You can remember how to open and incorporate those things within yourself. No one else is here to truly give you any information that you do not already have within your own soul. So, remember who you are… A spiritual being having a human experience. You are eternal. You are divinity, incarnate. You are both spirit and human.

First things, first, this is so very important… Do not put people with spiritual messages on a “teacher” or “guru” pedestal. That eon ended in 2012. There is absolutely no reason for you to see yourself as below another person. We are all equal. The spiritual hierarchy is dying. We are now in a time where “regular” people with “regular” human lives have awoken to their souls’ purposes. Often we have information to share, to assist you in waking up and in striving toward your soul remembrances. That in no way means we are above the everyday issues in life that you experience. We too are human. We often acquire this information while working on our own issues. You will not meet us and experience that we are like Jesus or Buddha, who entered this world and walked it with their divinity in perfect condition. We have our own triggers, emotional trauma and shadows to integrate. We are in no way perfect. We live our lives, make happy and crappy life choices and move forward — just like you. The only difference is that we have awoken prior to you, or in different aspects than you have chosen. Maybe we dedicate more of our time to the enlightenment process at this moment. Perhaps our soul’s purpose is to exist with fewer filters during this time so that we can be of assistance to those of you who are now waking up. 

Receiving guidance from an open and awakened Spiritualist or Light Worker is different from being taught by an Ascended Master who is living a life on Earth. Does this make sense? Are you able to put aside the ingrained need to be taught by another human who has taken on the role of master or teacher? If not, it is time to take a look inside yourself and figure out why your spiritual worth must be received from others. Determine why you have a drive to find your enlightenment fully or partially outside yourself. Because following someone who appears perfect in every way, will likely mean you are following someone who is being spiritually inauthentic. (And, I foresee scandal in their future. They can only keep up the perfect pretense for so long. That house of cards eventually falls… And, well… scandal. lol)  Having said this, it is also important to seek spiritual advisors, coaches, and mentors with whom you align with their messages. We each have our own purpose and frequency. All messages we receive and all acquired information will pass through us before being translated and shared. This means that this information is translated through our personal perception filters. Because of this, it is important for you to have and use discernment. Follow your intuition and emotions as they are your compass. And remember that you may feel 100% connected and aligned with 70% of what a person says, and have 30% of their information that doesn’t fit with you. And that is perfectly normal and okay. Everything that I align with, may not align with you. That is one of the beauties of individuality. If you hear information that doesn’t fit, don’t dwell on it. Don’t judge the information. Don’t make that information wrong. Simply allow it to be okay that you are not in alignment with that particular notion or notions. Also allow it to be okay that the person you’ve received that information from, is in alignment with that particular message. This is not about right or wrong, or good and bad — it is about vibrational frequency and soul purpose. However, if you find you are feeling far less aligned with the majority of what a person is conveying spiritually — it’s a good idea to seek counsel from another source. They themselves are likely out of alignment spiritually. 

The point of this post is to remind you that you too are on a quest of the soul. We are here to help you become your own “master," “guru” or “teacher," to become your own access to spiritual information. We are here to share what we have remembered and what we know to be true. It is up to you to determine whether our truths, knowledge, and wisdom are also true for you. And the end goal should always be that you are able to open up and remember how to access spiritual information for yourself, from yourself and your guides. 

I’m all about interaction, so… If you have questions, or (nice) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.

Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Do You Have Dark Entities? Here's How To Get Rid Of Them.

For all of the light workers out there (current or future): Stop and take a few minutes to read this. A few things have come up recently regarding lower vibrating entities, so I thought I would address the topic here and now.

For all of the light workers out there (current or future): Stop and take a few minutes to read this. A few things have come up recently regarding lower vibrating entities, so I thought I would address the topic here and now.

This is a great, big cosmos. It’s filled with so much life, in all different forms. Some would be considered positive by us, and others negative. Honestly, I think it’s a matter of perspective. And right now, ours is of the human variety. lol

But take a moment and think about what we humans could be perceived as by higher vibrating beings. As negative as we allow ourselves and this world to be, it probably wouldn’t be good. Luckily, they have an expanded understanding of the Cosmos and all life, in comparison to us. lol

I have found there are higher vibrating beings, lower vibrating beings, and between those is a neutral zone of beings.  It would look something like this:

Super High

Really High


High Neutral


Low Neutral


Really Low

Super Low

Rudimentary, I know… but it works to convey the point. lol

That said, we have to keep in mind that they are all part of the ALL/ Source/ God, just as we are. Everything in creation has a purpose. We cannot possibly begin to understand what that purpose may be for most beings. That understanding is outside of our realm of permitted perception. What do I mean by that? Well… What we may perceive as dark and creepy isn’t found to be so elsewhere in the Cosmos. We all need a little perspective adjustment on this issue. And it is important to remember that it is not our job to label or judge other forms of life. It is our job, as Spiritualists, Light Workers and Star Seeds (and whatever else we choose to call ourselves), to remain objective and free of judgment while standing in our sovereign power as we retain strong discernment in our quests for spiritual enlightenment, wisdom, exploration, ascension or whatever our goal may be. 

Sometimes our encounters with things that go bump in the night or creepy, shadowy things are symptoms. If we’re focused on or allowing negativity in our lives, we will likely attract lower vibrating beings. It’s pretty simple. Like attracts like. We are magnets. We receive exactly what we put out, give off or focus on. So if we’re drawing in creepy, dark, shadowy things - it’s time to take a look at ourselves. What do our thoughts look like? What emotions are we frequently feeling? What actions are we taking in our lives? What are we curious about right now? We will find any number of these denser vibrations within us right now. The simplest solution is always found within. If we find lower vibrating things within ourselves, we must accept their presence without judgment, and begin to replace them with (positive) higher vibrating opposites. We do so in gradual, higher and more positive increments. We can’t go from 0 to 100 naturally. So start the replacement with a step above where we are, and gradually go higher. Before we know it, we will have directed ourselves to our higher vibrations. We then repeat this process whenever we find ourselves being negative in any way. (Want more information on this process? You’re in luck! I’ve just published a blog post on this exact subject.)

Other times, we encounter lower “negative” beings whose presence serves as an opportunity to be taught or reminded. Consider these moments time to learn and remember valuable life lessons, but of a spiritual tone. Often these beings are around to push us toward something expansive. Such as the realization of our personal power, to remind us of our strength, to illuminate our darker aspects so we can address them in whatever ways are needed, and to realize we have adopted false truths within our belief system (and so many more things….). So, the next time we are facing something of a lower vibration, we have a couple of choices. We can fill ourselves with love and joy and give that energy to the being. Or we can command it to leave. Once we’ve done either, it’s our opportunity to immediately look within. Ask ourself and our guides, “What am I supposed to learn from this experience?”. 

How to command a lower vibrating being to leave: Often times lower beings feed off lower things, for us that is likely thoughts or emotions. They want us to believe they have power. In doing so, we give them our power. In truth, they can only feed off us if we allow them to do so. We’re called to remember that this is our world. This is our space, we own it. We have the power to decide what we allow to exist along side us, and what cannot. When faced with a lower being we have the opportunity to reject fear and anger, and find our power within.

Option one: Block out the thought of this lower being along with our instinctive fears of the unknown and of dark, shadowy things. Fill and surround yourself with love, joy and white or gold light (or both). Address the being with love and say, “I don’t know why you are here… but I give you love. Message received. You may take your leave now.” Imagine that you are flooding them with the love and light you’ve just created. Allow this energy to stay within and around you, but share it with them. Flood them and the entire room with these higher states of being. If it is truly a lower vibrating being, it will remove itself. You and your space will no longer be a hospitable meal or place to hang out.

Option two: Tell said being, “Go away and leave me alone. Only love and light may remain.” We must really mean those words as we say them. Nothing is allowed to stay if we choose that it cannot. Then, we must determine if it was attracted to us because we’ve been holding negativity within ourselves. We have true power, and it is especially strong in this world. We also have the ability to view things for what they truly are… In comparison to us, lower beings within our plane (the Earthen plane) are small and insignificant. And this planet is part of our birthright. Therefore, when we command other beings to leave us alone and go away - they will.

I am a huge proponent of embracing and wielding our own power to remove lower entities ourselves. However, if we are unable to reject fear or anger, we can call for reinforcements. lol Yes, I’m speaking of Angels. In particular, Archangel Michael is truly adept at managing this sort of situation. Asking for his assistance is simple and easy. We must simply say, “Archangel Michael I need your help. I am afraid. Please defend me in battle!”. We can repeat it if it makes us feel better, though he will come upon the first request. His energy will enter the space swiftly, and all lower vibrating beings will be pushed out by his love and light. Then we can also ask that he or another Angel please soothe us and stay with us throughout the night (for comfort and protection). They will happily do as we ask. 

Now, please keep in mind that this situation may repeat itself in the near or far future. Basically, calling for reinforcements may cause a repeat moment. If it was meant as a spiritual life lesson and our response isn’t what we desire to experience, our lesson will repeat until we accomplish our soul’s desired experience. So we will use the time between experiences to get ourselves in higher states of being, clearing our own negativities and raising our vibration. We will change our alignment from being harmonic with darker or lower beings, to being harmonic with higher beings. While using our discernment, we release our judgment and remain objective. We will be ready for any lesson as it comes up. We empower ourselves with belief in our own strength. We rely on our guides for assistance and guidance with everything. In doing all of this, we become a better version of ourself. This aligns us with our higher self and higher beings who can offer knowledge and wisdom, instead of lower beings who are around for a snack or a serious spiritual lesson. 

That’s it for this post. I hope you enjoyed “Do You Have Dark Entities? Here's How To Get Rid Of Them.” and found it useful. Feel free to comment (positively) below or ask any questions you may have. I love interaction! So please share stories about your experiences.

Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Happy, Healthy And Enlightened: A Guide To Your Thoughts And Emotions

At our core, I believe we all want a life filled with happiness, fulfillment and ease. For me, the drive for this is strong right now. I desire to be of service within my purpose and to learn how to live within the flow at all times. I’ve lived within the flow during many points in my life, but for shorter durations than I’d like. My intention now is to learn how to maintain living in the flow, and stay there indefinitely. I like to dream lofty! lol And luckily, my guides say it is possible and viable. Though it is not without a fair share of inner work. But I’m always up for that, especially if it means a happy, fulfilled, easy life. So in this post I’m going to share information my guides have given me over the years, and include their recent elaborations.

At our core, I believe we all want a life filled with happiness, fulfillment, and ease. For me, the drive for this is strong right now. I desire to be of service within my purpose and to learn how to live within the flow at all times. I’ve lived within the flow during many points in my life, but for shorter durations than I’d like. My intention now is to learn how to maintain living in the flow and stay there indefinitely. I like to dream lofty! lol And luckily, my guides say it is possible and viable. Though it is not without a fair share of inner work. But I’m always up for that, especially if it means a happy, fulfilled, easy life. So in this post, I’m going to share information my guides have given me over the years, and include their recent elaborations.

Before I delve into the information on this topic, you should read this blog post if you haven’t already. In that blog post, I receive background information that is pertinent to this post.

Let me also preface this with a note: Many of you will want to work on your belief system a bit regarding worthiness to receive. You want to be open to receive and believe that you deserve true happiness and to live with ease. If you feel you have hangups with these things, go inward and see what that’s all about. If you’re having trouble navigating yourself, work on your chakras and try guided meditations to release negativity, clear blockages, and boost self-love. Like Reiki, Chakra clearing and alignment will bring deep rooted issues to the surface in your daily life. Remain mindful of triggers and you can determine what issues need to be addressed, healed (integrated) and released. Guided meditations tend to allow you to delve a bit deeper during solid spans of time, which is always good when maneuvering around (false) core beliefs. (If you’re still having trouble, you can always book a session with me. My guides and I can help you get to the root situations governing your triggers, and teach you how to move past them.) Be mindful that this process can be as simple or complicated as you allow it to be… A willingness and intent to change and heal will enhance your progress. And let’s also remember to ask your guides for assistance with whatever you encounter. They are here to help and happy to do so!

So… Let’s get started. Here are the steps we will cover:



Accountability (Judgement Free Responsibility)

Choice Of Action And Reaction

Living In Positive States Of Being

Alignment And Flow

We’ll begin with thoughts which will lead to emotions. Are you aware of the amount of negative thoughts you have in a single hour? Most of us are riddled with them but are completely unaware. They’re a byproduct of so many things, but let’s just say our environment and habits for now. lol And we are designed creators… like attracts like… this is a Universe of Inclusion, rather than Exclusion… energy follows thought… so our thoughts are the basis of what we bring into our lives! If we want positive lives, we have to retrain ourselves to hold positive thoughts and emotions. Essentially, we have to reprogram ourselves. Think of it as getting back to our original blueprints. My guides tell me that we want to choose thoughts that make us feel good emotionally. Our emotions are our guidance system, so of course, we’ll want to be attentive to what we are feeling. If we aren’t feeling happy, love, joy, etc - we’ll want to look at what we are thinking about and shift it to something that makes us feel good. But because we aren’t designed to go from super low to super high in one bound, we’ll want to meet each thought and emotion with a gradual move, up the scale. Our conscious mind doesn’t believe a dramatic shift from low to high, but I will explain how it can be coaxed. Below is a simple way to view the scale of thoughts and subsequent emotions. This is one way (of many) for our linear minds to perceive the healing and enlightenment process. Yes, the two go hand-in-hand!


We’ll start with the low vibration zone of "negative" thoughts and emotions and work our way to the high vibration zone. 

Black zone is where any lower or "negative" thoughts and emotions reside. Some emotion examples are being paranoid, offended, irritated, annoyed, sarcastic, feeling betrayed, bad moods, depression, anger, doomsday prep for possible situations, raging, critical thoughts against others, judging other people’s actions and lives, low self-esteem, lack of confidence, low self-worth, etc… While in the Black, there are also triggered thoughts and emotions. Triggers are moments of contrast that are experienced from an unbalanced, unhealed, misaligned viewpoint. Those occur so that we can heal old wounds and false beliefs we created due to those wounds, which will bring us into balance and alignment. For every contrast experience in the Black zone, there is also an opportunity for growth, healing, and integration. Basically, the Black zone is not “bad”, but being in it is a strong indication that something in you needs to be healed.

Examples of Black thoughts: Something happens and you think “This experience is the worst thing ever! I can’t believe they would do this to me! Now my entire day is ruined!” Or, “This experience just happened, which means more terrible experiences are coming… like ____ and ____ and ____.” *commence cycle of continual "negative" thoughts and an almost doomsday preparation for the worst* Or, “I can’t do ____.” “I’m not good enough.” “I’m not pretty enough.” “I’m not worthy to receive.” “I’m unloveable.” “I’m a bad person.” “I hate everyone.” “People suck.” “I never have enough.” “This will never happen (insert what you really want here).” “I never get what I want.” “I’m afraid I will lose everything.” “I’m scared of being hurt.” “I’m afraid of betrayal.” “Everyone is out to get me.” “That person is so ugly.” “Look at that person’s clothes, ugh. Tired/ cheap/ ugly.” “How could ____ do that?!” “Why are you driving a hoopty?” “I can’t believe ____ is dating and/or sleeping with so many people.” —All of these are Black zone thoughts which can be removed and replaced. And their very existence point to aspects of yourself that need to be healed. —I know right?! Gone are the days where someone being bitchy at the expense of another, makes them look better. lol As if it ever really did… But seriously, we’ve all been here at one time or another. To me, these thoughts, behaviors, and comments show a person in need and out of balance.

Grey zone is the neutral zone. It’s a managed limbo for your thoughts where you remove all judgment and begin to direct yourself toward positivity. You are laying crucial belief system foundations in this zone. You’re removing some of the egocentric beliefs and allowing a situation to simply be practice. Experiences can be viewed objectively, without judgment or classification. You quickly learn to taper strong negative emotional responses. And eventually, refuse allowance of strong emotions accompanying the trigger. You begin the healing process for old wounds in this zone. Once you become aware and acknowledge your triggers, you make yourself accountable and choose your actions and reactions in this zone. This is done by choosing to allow the trigger situations to be your emotional body’s reminder of old wounds which require healing. It is here that you remove the Black zone emotions as soon as the trigger arrives in your life. You choose to view the trigger objectively, without allowing it to activate Black zone emotions. Your healing is performed in this zone and in the zone of positivity. And the Grey zone is used to catapult you into the White zone. —We’re making progress!! 

Examples of Grey zone thoughts: Someone cuts you off while driving and you think, “This is an experience. They are not doing this to me, they are just doing this.”. Or, “It is not personal.”. “I have the power to choose how I respond.” Something occurs and you think, “This is just a solitary experience. I can manage this and allow it to pass by. It is not personal. I have the power to choose my response.”. —Keep it neutral and retain your power. 

White zone is the positivity zone. In this zone, you allow yourself to view potential and current experiences as opportunities for growth and to receive what you want. You see all encounters as opportunities to choose your actions and reactions. You allow yourself to view without judgment. And you trust that every experience you encounter is bringing you something that you want. Even if that experience appears as contrast (or something you could perceive as negative), you trust. You remain in alignment through these moments and allow yourself to receive in whatever form the universe provides. This takes the perceived judgment of “negative” out of your life, allowing each experience to present you with something positive. It is here that you will also perform healing within your emotion body. All triggers are a form of contrast and are a tool your emotion body uses to bring your focus toward wounds that require healing.

White: Something occurs and you think, “I see you experience. What am I supposed to learn from this?” Or, “I see this experience as it passes by me. I’m thinking about what I really want.” Or, “I trust that this contrast is bringing me something wonderful. I’m going to remain in alignment until it is fully manifested.” Or, “Thank you for bringing this into my life. I am grateful.”

Color zone is living decidedly positive in alignment, within the flow. This is the zone of peace, happiness, joy, love, compassion, bliss, etc… To exist in this zone, much work on self has already been accomplished. Shadow sides have been integrated. Wounds have been healed. Mental and emotional triggers are a thing of the past. Ego is in check and isn’t ruling your life. When contrast is shown, its purpose is understood and life continues without tension. Oneness is understood on both fundamental and practical levels. In the Color zone, life is not just about us as individuals. The greater good is always considered.  

Color: “I see you experience. I trust that your outcome is in alignment with my true desires. I’m really excited and grateful for what I know is coming.” - Alignment & Flow

Living in color is the goal. As I mentioned before, we are not wired to believe we can jump from Black to White or from Black to Color. The idea is to move gradually from black to gray, or gray to white, or white to color. (In this case, gradually does not have to indicate speed. View this instead as a procession.) If you are living in a world of black thoughts and emotions, move yourself to neutral thoughts - in the gray zone. The gray zone is objective, free of judgment and guilt. Being in the gray enables you to be aware that (in each moment) you have a choice and are responsible for the choice you do make. If you are already living in a world of neutral thoughts, move toward balanced positivity in the white zone. Once in the white zone, you will begin to move yourself into the world of alignment and flow which is the color zone.

So the first step is to become aware of the types of thoughts you allow or create. The act of awareness enables you to achieve the second step which is to acknowledge each individual thought. For every black, "negative" thought or mental reaction - you follow it with three, positive thoughts that are equivalent to its opposite. And bear in mind, you will likely replace a lot of thoughts when you begin this process. Luckily, the positive thoughts are in threes! That’s three times the positive thoughts (going forward) that you manifest for yourself during each thought adjustment. Are you beginning to see how this works? lol It’s also really helpful if someone you trust and respect is doing this step along side you. You can (gently) hold each other accountable for each negative comment that pops out of your mouths - a true sign of negative thoughts. Once you have more positive thoughts and a sensitivity to your negative remnants, move forward to step two.

Now that you have a solid handle on your thoughts, we can say that you are aware, acknowledge and are holding yourself accountable (third step) for what you are creating in your own head. And we all know that thoughts and emotions walk hand in hand. So I’m thinking you are also starting to feel better right about now. lol Be mindful that while you hold yourself accountable, you are doing it with judgment-free responsibility. There is no room for shame here. Absolutely no need for judgment of any type. You are simply reprogramming yourself. If you’re holding yourself accountable by beating yourself up for mistakes, then remember that this entire process is about being a healthier, balanced, love filled you. In the famous lyrics of Lenny Kravitz, “Let love rule!”. lol And it’s perfectly okay to have a sense of humor about all of this… sometimes the universe brings us crazy situations that look like contrast, just to give us what we want. I mean, it’s just bringing us what we’ve created, in the crack of least resistance within us. So, if you’re getting crazy situations - look at yourself. What release can you offer, so that you are in alignment with what you are telling the universe that you want? Release is a key in manifestation and to being in alignment! 

The fourth step is realizing you have a choice of action and reaction when responding to or creating anything within your world. Internally, you decide what you give attention to, and what you allow to simply pass by. You allow your thoughts and emotions to exist. You train your focus on information and experiences of which you want to receive more. You are aware that if you permit yourself to focus on something, you are drawing more instances of it into your life. You know that you can simply view something, without giving it focus or allowing it to elicit an emotional response. In that case, it will simply slide right by. By removing judgment, you empower yourself to be able to view situations and experiences objectively. This allows you to remain unattached from things with which you are unaligned. Save your thoughts and emotions for people and experiences that make you feel good! If it makes you feel good - all warm and fuzzy inside, think about it instead. By doing this, you get to choose what you pay attention to and what you want in your life. You create alignment in these actions and reactions.  

Which brings us to the fifth step, living in positive states of being. Positive emotions are really, positive states of being. The idea is to choose love, empathy, compassion, joy, bliss, gratefulness and other positive emotions instead of choosing "negative" emotions. When a situation arises or presents itself, you’ve already trained yourself to view it objectively. You’ve reprogrammed years of learned responses, healed old wounds and replaced "bad" habits. You’ve taught yourself how to draw to you things that you want. It’s here that you’ll feel grateful for every beautiful experience, situation, person, animal and bit of nature that you encounter. In a previous blog I discussed how gratefulness is like a magnet for what you truly desire and it maintains the state of peace. It simply allows you to live in peace, which is the embodiment of being in complete alignment. And the state of peace keeps you within the flow. This is the step where you utilize choosing "positive" or higher states of being and what they bring into your world, to be grateful. And once you maintain positive states of being and everything discussed above, you are living in alignment within the flow (final step). Alignment will bring people, experiences and situations into your life which are in your highest good. Life becomes easier. Being within the flow means there is no need to force situations and experiences… They are literally brought to you, as you will them into existence. Struggle, tension and resistance are no more. Everything literally happens for a reason. And that reason is always in the highest and best concern for all - the greater good of all mankind and Earth’s creatures (which includes you). Once you're in this space, you're there. lol This is the experience of Enlightenment, my friends!! Now to achieve this indefinitely and spread it around the world...

Well, that’s it for this post. Thank you for reading! I hope you enjoyed “Happy, Healthy And Enlightened: A Guide To Your Thoughts And Emotions” and found it both useful and insightful. Feel free to comment (positively) below or ask any questions you may have. I love interaction! So please share stories about your enlightenment journey and healing experiences.

So much love... Be the light in the world that you wish to see. Catch you next post!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Chakras: 7 Minute Tune Up

Chakras... We all have them, but are yours open and clear? 

Most of us experience small blockages on a daily or weekly basis. Some of us experience blockages which have considerable longevity. If parts of your life are not in balance, your chakras will show it and aligning them daily will bring you back to balance. 

Chakras... We all have them, but are yours open and clear? 

Most of us experience small blockages on a daily or weekly basis. Some of us experience blockages which have considerable longevity. If parts of your life are not in balance, your chakras will show it and aligning them daily will bring you back to balance. 

So... I've found this great, short chakra alignment video. It's here, on YouTube and is really good. Though I've found that the tones can be a bit off. So here's what you do: 

  • Wear ear buds (I believe it has solfeggio and isochronic tones.).

  • Find a comfortable place to sit.

  • Align your spine (stack the vertebrae).

  • Play through the video once (optional).

  • Watch the video as you sing along.

  • Try to hold the specific color in your mind as you are aligning each chakra.

  • Visualize the symbols as if they are each chakra (optional and more advanced).

  • Take a deep, lower lung, breath before singing each tone.

  • You will sing the tones with the guide on exhale.

  • If tones in the video do not cause you vibrations at each chakra... Play with each tone a bit, sing a scale around each tone. 

  • Once you feel a vibration (and/or heat) shooting from the chakra, you have hit the correct tone. And no, you will not miss it. lol

This is super powerful. You will feel it even if you aren't playing with the tones like I do. This alignment can be repeated as many times in a day that you feel it's necessary. And you can use it to center yourself whenever you're off kilter (balance). 

Chakras: 7 Minute Tune Up 

I hope you enjoy this video. Please comment your experiences with this tune up. If you have questions on chakras, comment below. And I love interaction, so let me know what topics you're interested in reading or watching.

Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Spirit Journey (Part 2 of 2, Bonus 3)

Let’s just call this a two for one… lol  I originally intended to blog only about part two of the Spirit Journeys I received a month ago. I experienced them while doing back to back guided meditations. However, I did this particular meditation again a few days ago and received more information. So there are two experiences to share in this post! Yay!!

As I mentioned in a previous Spirit Journey post, I love guided meditations! I often journey, receive visions and detailed information from my guides, higher self, and Source. These experiences were filled with answers to questions I’ve been asking lately. 

Let’s just call this a two for one… lol 

I originally intended to blog only about part two of the Spirit Journeys I received a month ago. I experienced them while doing back to back guided meditations. However, I did this particular meditation again a few days ago and received more information. So there are two experiences to share in this post! Yay!!

As I mentioned in a previous Spirit Journey post, I love guided meditations! I often journey, receive visions and detailed information from my guides, higher self, and Source. These experiences were filled with answers to questions I’ve been asking lately. 

I’m going to explain the meditation flow, then get right into what I received and experienced. So… In this particular meditation, they ask that I select two positive emotions such as love, happiness, joy, peace, bliss, compassion, etc. For the first one, I considered selecting compassion. Mostly because I’ve been pondering how we can assist people in increasing their compassion. As I was contemplating this, I heard my guides clearly tell me to, “Choose Love”. So I did! Then the meditation asked me to imagine how having more of this positive emotion (state of being) will change me. How will it affect my daily life? How will having more of it affect how I interact with people? And these questions begin my journey. In them, I view, feel and sense information and images and receive an experience in the form of a movie of my reality. It’s kind of like an overview. Here’s what I learned in the first experience:

Love is a catalyst and crux for happiness, compassion, empathy and all the positive emotions. (We learned positive emotions are actually states of being in a previous Spirit Journey. If you haven’t read it, check it out here.) The first image I saw was similar to a wheel, love was the center and the other emotions orbited it at the end of spokes. (It looked kind of like a Sputnik light or a dandelion. lol) After showing me this, they began to show me what happens as we choose to feel love. In those moments, we have a direct connection to our Higher Selves and God/ Source/ All. They showed me that we yearn for that connection. And we desire it so deeply because being so connected is a part of our true state, outside of our human existence. (We are currently filtered from the awareness of our deep connection to everything (including everyone), but we won’t be forever. lol) 

I was then shown that once we are in the state of love, we are impelled to offer it to one another freely and unconditionally. In doing so, the person receiving the love is also in direct connection to their Higher Self and Source/ God/ All. Basically, when we live with open hearts and choose to exist in the state of love, whether giving or receiving - we are connected to the divine parts of ourselves and Source/ God/ All. And receiving unconditional love enables us to pass it on, or pay it forward. They showed me that it starts with just a few of us who are choosing to live and connect in love. We are scattered here and there around the globe. We interact with the people in our daily lives and they too begin the choice of living in love. It spreads like a beautiful wild fire around the world. 

My second choice was joy! I was shown the exact same type of vision in this journey. Joy was the hub and fun, playfulness, peace, love and bliss (amongst others I wasn’t directed to focus on), were orbiting at the end of the spokes. Peace coming from joy was particularly exciting. I’ve been asking about peace and was pleasantly surprised to find that it is directly related to joy. That makes total sense if you think about people who embody peace, such as the Dali Lama. Love this! 

This journey played out in exactly the same way as the first portion. Through joy, we are directly connected to our Higher Selves, God/ Source/ All. Unconditional sharing of joy allows the recipient to also be connected. We continue to share joy until it has spread around the world. We only need one person to begin the process, and just a few to help move it forward. Interesting!

In round two, I selected happiness as my first experience. Happiness leads to playfulness, joy, love and gratitude (amongst others). Gratitude brings us in alignment with more things that bring more happiness. It puts us into the flow, which in turn, brings us peace. And when in peace, we maintain our alignment. We are held and carried within the flow, which is also our life’s flow. *Flow is a state of non-resistance where we manifest what we truly desire in alignment with our soul’s purpose, but do so in an effortless manner. Life becomes easy and effortless. I also experienced that playfulness opens us to more guidance and information from our Guides, Higher Selves, and God/ Source/ All. 

The second choice this time was peace. When I started, I realized I had a tiny concept of what peace is… but that I really didn’t know much. All of that was explained with ease. Akin to love, peace encompasses all higher states of being (positive emotions). In other words, living consistently, moment to moment in any of the higher emotions (states) will lead directly to peace. Once we choose to live our entire lives in balanced alignment, we are automatically living in peace and grace. Peace is being in and maintaining alignment, within the flow. Think of it as an easy, guided life. In particular, they showed me that it comes easily from love, joy, happiness and gratitude. And it enables us to stay within the flow. So that when things occur that may appear to be “negative” or “out of alignment”, we acknowledge and view them objectively. But we allow them to move past us quickly after the initial acknowledgment, because we are not directing any energy nor additional thoughts or emotions toward them. We immediately refocus on what we do desire. And while remaining in the state of peace, we continue to draw to us the other experiences that are in alignment with our true desires and soul’s purpose. (These messages are based on my current mental and emotional states and level of consistent manifestation, which is similar to where many of us exist now. I did receive information afterward with more details of this concept and will speak about it in another blog post soon.) 

My guides also explained that peace is free of tension, strife, struggle, stress and resistance. It is nearly effortless once we have established the positive thoughts and emotional habits. Positive thought and emotion habits are another way to describe the start of manifestation. My guides are really wanting to reframe our concept of what manifestation truly means… They say our view of what it means to manifest is misconstrued. lol So, we will now refer to this portion of the process as positive thought and emotion direction or habits. They want to reframe our understanding of how to make this (manifestation) work. 

Well, that’s it! I hope you enjoyed these vision journeys. Feel free to comment any questions or thoughts you have. I’m absolutely open to communicating with you about any of this information. If you need clarification, please ask. These concepts are a bit tricky to translate into English. lol I absolutely understand that follow-up questions may be in order. 

Do you have spiritual topics you want to hear more about? Comment them below and I will happily share what I’ve learned. And if you have additional information on this particular concept, please share! As always, your thoughts on these messages are welcome and encouraged! 

Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

Spirit Journey (Part 1 of 2)

I adore spirit journeys! I’ll share the first (of two) today, which occurred during consecutive guided meditations. I love guided meditations for the very reason that I often journey on them. Journeying is fun! For me, it’s a similar experience to astral projection. The colors are amazing, like neon on steroids. lol They look and feel alive, which is very different than how they are here on Earth. During these journeys I receive answers and information about who I am, our interconnectedness, spiritual concepts and how the universe works. Sometimes my guides take me on them and other times I experience them on my own. The two journeys I will share with you, were a bit of both. 

I adore spirit journeys! I’ll share the first (of two) today, which occurred during consecutive guided meditations. I love guided meditations for the very reason that I often journey on them. Journeying is fun! For me, it’s a similar experience to astral projection. The colors are amazing, like neon on steroids. lol They look and feel alive, which is very different than how they are here on Earth. During these journeys, I receive answers and information about who I am, our interconnectedness, spiritual concepts and how the universe works. Sometimes my guides take me on them and other times I experience them on my own. The two journeys I will share with you were a bit of both. 

Journeying, traveling and projecting mostly occur (for me), while outside the Earth. Once a person leaves their body (in whatever form they do), the sensations magnify. They use their spirit senses (the claires) while having the experience. As this is the case, it’s often quite difficult to break down the concepts and experiences into words. Processing these moments is like digesting and incorporating with your mind and emotions at once. But I do my best to share everything after I have processed the information. I must add that there are (unfortunately) many things I am unable to express by simply using our language. So there is always more to these moments than can be conveyed. Even so, I will try.

I’m unsure how much I actually followed the first guided meditation. I do recall the lifting, door, and return (three teasers!)… but that’s about all. The first portion directed to lift oneself and become lighter, and to raise my vibration (by merely thinking it). I’m good at this so, I did it fairly quick. Up and away I went, leaving Earth and entering space. I tend to move upwards and to the left, as I travel through space because that is how my travel guides used to take me when in guided journeys. I was looking for a white light and couldn’t yet see one. Upon noticing it wasn’t in sight, a beautiful wave of energy appeared above me. The main color was a deep, medium pink. It had large vertical ribbons in it that were a light to medium blue and liquid gold. Gorgeous! It was huge. And the movements reminded me of silk fabric being moved in water. It was undulating toward me, but moving up and away from me. So I instinctively followed. I followed it through a number of dimensions (nine or ten, I believe) before I was finally able to view the white light with my mind’s eye. It was a great distance above me, so I stopped. 

I was stationary, hanging out in space in my spirit form for a few moments. I looked to my right and saw a large door. It was an equivalent to twelve feet in height. It looked more like an opening, as it didn’t have moulding or an actual door. Instead, it had a threshold (about a foot deep) that looked like space had been folded and it was created with right angles. I could see stars in it, off in the distance. lol So cool! And a stunningly beautiful, bright, white light was emanating from the other side. When I say emanating, it was pouring out of it, but didn’t cross the boundary of the threshold. The edge looked almost fuzzy, similar to white snow on an ancient tv (if you don’t know what that looks like, Google it. lol). The feeling of this light was breathtaking. It was love, but magnified and fuller. As I got closer to look at it and sense it a bit deeper, I noticed thousands of tiny pin pricks of color that it contained. I saw pink, blue, green, lavender, yellow, orange and gold within the bright white. Suddenly I became aware of presences within the light, on the other side of the door. They felt similar to my guides and I became really, really excited! Like a kid on Christmas, excited. lol 

I rushed through the door… and was suddenly brought back in front - as if I had never entered. It made me giggle then, and still does now. (When I’m excited, I’m impulsive.) Then I heard the meditation tell me to cross the threshold ("enter the door"), followed by more giggling. (Which by the way, feels like your soul is laughing! All encompassing laughter - it's so good!) Thrilled to meet whoever was on the other side, I immediately began to go through the door - again. Now, time is different during these journeys. It’s like it exists very quickly and in slow motion within the same moment. I know it sounds confusing, but you get used to it and understand it while you’re in the experience. So… As I was crossing the threshold, I experienced that duality. The moment the white light entered me (as I began to cross the threshold), I suddenly knew and could see little bits of darkness within me. A thought struck me, “Oh no... They’ll be able to see my darkness.” Now, there was no judgement in this thought. It was a realization, or knowing. But as soon as I had it, I knew what to do. I began to expand my energy and absorb as much of that white light as I could. It felt amazing! The darkness was immediately dissipated. I felt the beautiful energy surge through my body below. Overwhelmed, it began to cry. This occurrence split my focus, so I brought my focus back to my journey. As I entered the place of white light, I was sensing about twenty beings waiting by the door. And I was still so elated and excited that I entered with a hug to each of them at once. You can imagine it like splitting into twenty copies of yourself. But it is really like being able to be in front of twenty beings at once - while you perceive and experience the hugs with all of them, at the same time. lol I know… it can be mind boggling until you expand your consciousness or experience it yourself. Anyway… They were much larger than me, seemed about twelve feet tall. And they were also made of this beautiful white light, but I could sense an individuality and something similar to a personality within them. Five of them stepped forward with one directly in front of me. They all felt so familiar… Like I have always known them.

The entire place was this white light, not made of it, was the light. It was blissful and I softly yearned for it to fill my entire being. I began to drink in the beautiful energy, while simultaneously expanding myself. I looked at myself and saw that I too was made of this energy. I had transformed! Briefly shed my human energy shell. And I felt more at home here, in this moment, than I have in a very long while. My body began to sob, which split my focus. And I wanted to be present in the journey, so I brought my focus back again. 

I began to see that this place was vast and filled with so many more beings than those that were still gathered around me. Everyone was living their existence. As I observed what was "a day in the life" of these beautiful beings, I began to feel this place. I knew that this place was free of resistance, struggle, turmoil, difficulty, sadness or any of the heaviness we experience on Earth. It was the closest thing to utopia that I've ever encountered. I understood it was a blissful existence where we all shared knowledge and presence, while still being individuals with personalities. It was beautiful and peaceful!

At this point, I looked at the white energy, and began to once again see and feel the colors that I observed upon entering. I understood that my perception was limited. I suddenly knew there were many, many more colors I was unable to see (thousands). I also understood, without judgement, this was due to my humanity. My perception was temporarily filtered. I felt and understood just how limited my “most” was with everything - not in judgement, but in observation. I knew that each color was a positive state of being, or what we know to be an emotion. I also knew that humans have a very limited awareness of these states of being. Meaning, we only see and experience a fraction of what is really out there in this big, beautiful cosmos. And I understood that we only feel our perceived emotions at a fraction of what they truly are… It’s not that we’re unable to feel their entirety, but that we’re taught to feel them in that manner. 

I turned to look beyond this realm or dimension, out into space. I could see as far as I could imagine. I saw space and universes scattered about. And had the realization that there was so much more that I knew was there, but was again unable to perceive... And while it felt like a word that's on the tip of your tongue, but you just cannot access it - it was perfectly okay.

Everything here, in this dimension, was so peaceful. It was love, love, love and bliss and joy and all the other happy emotions - wrapped in love. lol A complete absence of negativity and hardship. Utterly harmonic, in every possible way, during all moments. I deeply missed my existence here, this place, and these beings. My body sobbed again, splitting my focus. And again, I brought it back to the journey. 

I began to realize that it would be time to go back soon. In that moment, I felt like I was halved… Half of me wanted to stay, while the other knew I needed to return. I could feel my “family” gently and softly encouraging my return. Though they did so while not being pushy, without a sense of urgency, nor with intention to bend my will. I thought of the people I love and my soul’s purpose here on Earth and decided, without hesitation, to come back. Once I made the decision, I was whisked back almost instantaneously. 

My body was already sobbing. I still retained some of the energy from the beautiful state of being for about five minutes. But I was also an emotional mess. I was sobbing so hard. And I had a feeling of homesickness that was immense and deep - deeper than its ever been before. My throat chakra area was painful, so I called for my Love to come downstairs. I asked him to do a chakra alignment with me. It's one that we really love to do together. He wasn’t feeling into it, but instead, he gave me so much love... Which was exactly what I needed. Afterward, I was soothed, calm and centered again. And my throat no longer hurt. In the end, the tears were worth every second of this journey. I'm elated and grateful for the gift of this experience.

So… That’s the story or should I say, "book". lol The first of two recent spirit journeys, explained. I hope it was clear and that you enjoyed reading it as much as I enjoyed the experience. I will post the second one soon. It should be shorter. lol 

I’m all about interaction, so… If you have questions, or (nice) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any interesting journeys you’ve encountered.

Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

2016 Update: Understand And Exist In The Energy Of This Age

Unless you’re a hermit with no access to technology, it’s pretty obvious that things are really polarized right now. Turmoil and strife appear to be lurking around every public corner. And many people’s personal lives and relationships seem to be filled with confusion, frustration, anger and discord.  So what is going on? Well, my guides and I are here to help illuminate what is happening and how to move forward. I received this information in both a vision and a consecutive download. 

Unless you’re a hermit with no access to technology, it’s pretty obvious that things are really polarized right now. Turmoil and strife appear to be lurking around every public corner. And many people’s personal lives and relationships seem to be filled with confusion, frustration, anger and discord.  So what is going on? Well, my Soul Team (guides) and I are here to help illuminate what is happening and how to move forward. I received this information in both a vision and a consecutive download. 

I’ll begin with the background, in case you aren’t aware. In 2012 humanity as a whole, left a period called the Age of Pisces. Although the end of this age wasn't supposed to occur until 2160, I am told the majority of humanity elected to manifest the early shift. 

The Piscean age was all about aspects of the Mind. There was a drive to succeed within parameters that focused on power, hierarchy, and success through structure. It was also a time of great knowledge through obtaining information, technology, and hard science. Though often, the focus to acquire that knowledge was derived with little forethought into the totality of its effect. This is because the mind ruled, with minimal focus on connection nor interconnectedness. Much of our knowledge was directed by organizations and people of power.

Toward the end of 2012, we entered into a new period, the Age of Aquarius. (I know. That song pops into my head every time I hear those words too. lol) This age will be all about aspects of the Heart. With this new age, comes a vastly different set of parameters which will focus on love, unity, and success through integrity. This will be a time of great wisdom and spirituality. Information, technology, and science will advance during this new age with forethought and awareness of connection and interconnectedness. Our wisdom will come from within, as will an understanding of the oneness of all things.

The unrest began long before 2012, with the impending current age. My guides explain that all shifts in humanity’s maturation begin prior and extend into the next period because we require massive adjustments during these times to shift into our next evolution of consciousness. 

So, where are we now? Well, many of us are still experiencing growth pains. I am shown that many of the aspects of the Piscean Age must be released to move forward with ease into the Aquarian Age. (That said, we must retain the knowledge from that age so that we can merge it later on.) Aquarius is an age of Heart and feelings. We must be willing to release aspects of the Mind that are no longer viable nor needed. I am told that a good place to start is to honor our feelings. By this, they mean to do what makes us feel good and honor the difficult or intense feelings rather than resist or avoid them.

If it makes you truly happy, do it. If it brings you immense joy, repeat it often. If it feeds your soul in any way, make it a regular thing in your life. They say our emotions and intuition are our compass. And this compass will direct our path flawlessly during this age.

Why are so many of us caught in a negative loop? My guides have shown me that many of people have chosen to cling to the old age itself or its aspects that no longer have a place in this age. In doing so, they are creating a distortion within themselves. And instead of releasing the narratives, identity adoption, and control… Shifting into embracing change and being guided by the heart (which will harmonize that distortion with love). They consciously and unconsciously choose confusion, fear, frustration, anger and rage. Those states of being are permeating them. And when full, they must eject them in one way or another — be it a trickle, flow, cyclonic action or explosion. For those people whose distortions are extreme and remembrance of connectedness is faint, they choose for their ejections to affect others in dramatic and devastating ways. 

What can we do to help ourselves and others adjust to the shift? Harmony, compassion, love and choice... My guides show me that we must begin to live in higher states of being (we currently know these to be emotions, but they are much more) while being anchored in the now of our human experience. Do the inner work to bring all parts of us back into the knowing of our wholeness. Choose to live in love, joy, happiness, peace, compassion, empathy, as often as possible. Remember that we are connected to Source/God/All as is everyone else - unity consciousness. As we engage in these ways with one another, we we uplift and support ourselves in that moment. And it is in our very nature to then pass those experiences on to others. The more often we maintain these ways of being and living, the more our friends and family can as well. Can you see how this works? Start small. Retrain yourself in your daily life and interactions. Choose to live in harmonious states of being during as much of your day as you can while honoring your journey through all your emotions. With intentional practice, it will become your new way of living. In doing so, you will inspire those around you to choose this as their preferred existence as well. And although it appears dark right now, there is hope. We choose the future we wish to create by taking actions accordingly. It all starts with us and the choices we make. I am shown that living in our true states of harmony and expansive love, eventually spreads like a beautiful wild fire around the world. 

Thank you for reading. I hope you found this post both useful and insightful. Please post any questions or related comments below. I love interaction!

So much love... Be the light in the world that you wish to see. Catch you next post!

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Bridget Renee Holliday Bridget Renee Holliday

An introductory teaser...

A bit about me... I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. Sound familiar? Then you're in the right place! 

Spiritual enlightenment and spiritual development are my passions. And I've been studying and exploring my spirituality since I was a small child. The first experience I can remember occurred when I was one. While in a cart in a grocery checkout line, I peered into an older hippy gentleman as he was smiling at me. I saw many dark, withered pieces that were nestled within his bright soul. And without judgment, had a clear knowing that they were gathered, not needed, nor were they a part of his natural essence.

A bit about me... I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. Sound familiar? Then you're in the right place! 

Spiritual enlightenment and spiritual development are my passions. And I've been studying and exploring my spirituality since I was a small child. The first experience I can remember occurred when I was one. While in a cart in a grocery checkout line, I peered into an older hippy gentleman as he was smiling at me. I saw many dark, withered pieces that were nestled within his bright soul. And without judgment, had a clear knowing that they were gathered, not needed, nor were they a part of his natural essence. So the next time a baby looks deep into your eyes, you'll know they are actually looking deep into your soul. lol

Although that story pointed out one of my spiritual strengths, I will give you a few more: 

I am intuitive (psychic - but not like Miss Cleo!). I see and communicate with people who have shed this mortal form (medium - "I see dead people"). I have a lovely set of guides as best friends and teachers who are constantly answering my zillions of questions and bringing me closer to enlightenment through downloads, visions, channeling, spirit journeys, meditations, and general conversations. They really are the best. If you haven't yet met yours, I can help! Which brings me to my next bit of information... I am an Intuitive Consultant and Spiritual Development Coach. Yes! I'm living my passion and following my soul's purpose. If you aren't doing either of those, but are interested, my guides and I can definitely help get you on point. Check out my blog, and Instagram page, watch my YouTube videos and if you vibe with me... Book a session. Otherwise, I'll be sharing as much information as I can. I mean, we all have to shine brightly in this world. That's part of our global purpose. So if I can help you do that, we're already on the right track... I mean timeline... no, track. lol

I receive so much information and am excited to share as much of it with you as is possible. I love interaction. So do hang out here and feel free to leave me comments or questions below the blog posts and videos. I'm always game for blog and video topic suggestions shared spiritual stories and spiritual chats. It's about to get interesting on here. See you in the next post!

Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!

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