Collective Timelines: 3 Days Of Darkness

Since I can remember, I’ve received regular collective light quotient updates with accompanying information about our collective timelines. My entire life, these updates have shown stacks of four, equaling twelve major timelines, as if they’re racing cars pulling up to a starting line. One has always been pulled forward.

Until the end of 2024… Now, we have four collective timelines pulled forward. This means that humanity is actually on four different collective timelines, rather than being on the same one. I was shocked when the update showed me this for the first time and equally as shocked as it continued for the next a handful of updates.

Well, we’re officially and collectively on four different timelines. Timelines are always shifting and changing, and the collective timelines do as well. Though the collective timelines can have much longer staying power than our personal timelines do.

When I receive the light quotient and collective timelines updates I’m able to peer into the timelines a bit. Over my lifetime, I’ve observed there are multiple versions of the same basic timeline scenario. Usually between three or four versions.

I’ve also observed that we can collectively choose multiple versions of the same collective timeline. Currently, we have two versions of the 3 Days Of Darkness pulled into the leading four timelines. As this is the case, I thought I’d share some information on three of these versions. Enjoy!

3 Days Of Darkness… I know. The name sounds creepy, but I actually really like this one a lot. I’ve also received visions about this one separately to the updates. Many of these versions begin with an actual flash of light and it’s so beautiful.

Let’s shine on the first one, which is my fave because it’s fun:
It’s the version where the rainbow wall of energy moves through Earth, or some similar visual to that rainbow wall. When we see, feel, or sense it, we’re encouraged to lay down and go within ourselves through placing our attention and focus on our heart space. It’s best to stay inside as the whole world becomes like night. Hence, the name. lol This one is like a rewrite of our entire reality blueprints.

This particular version has a moment after the rainbow wall guiding in the global night, where many people go into a trance. The reason people go into that trance is because their physical bodies will not be able to withstand the blueprint rewrite. They have a different plan for themselves which I’ll share more on in a moment.

First, I want to add some context. We are all aware of these timelines as the expanded aspects of ourselves. We are the ones choosing them, as the Dreamer or the collective of Dreamers. This particular timeline version is no different in that way. Even the multidimensional aspects of each of us, who exist in higher dimensions, are aware and have been training with our Councils Of Light for what to do in each of these timelines, including the 3 Days Of Darkness timelines.

Back to the vision… There will be some of us who awaken to the remembrances of what we are to do to support our human family. Meanwhile, others will go into a trance-like state while still being very aware of what they’re doing and saying. At this point, the illusions of forgetting and separation are lessened. Those of us who will stay on Gaia for the blueprint rewrite, who are not in a trance-like state, immediately know what we are to do to be of assistance and who we’ll be helping. Those of us in a trance-like state immediately know who’s going to assist us and where to go.

I was told at this point that we don’t even fully know who will stay and who will go until just before this occurs, so we’re all training for every timeline potential and possibility.

Enter the most fun part of this timeline and me laughing and jumping with joy as I first received this vision… Ships. Lots of galactic ships begin to descend into our atmosphere. I mean, a lot of them… All over Earth. Some of the enormous motherships stay in the upper atmosphere or in space. But soo many ships begin to land or send shuttle craft to Gaia’s surface.

Those of us whose bodies are ready for the actual blueprint rewrite which will adjust all of our energetic systems - we know where to go and who to connect with. We begin to lovingly guide those of us who are in trance-like states, to the ships. At the ships we are met by Source Angels and Galactic beings, that we remember our connections with because the illusions of forgetting and separation have lifted.

I was also told that the trance-like state is temporary to help us stay calm, until those of us who are getting on the ships leave Earth’s current dimension, releasing us from the shadow consciousness and back into the deep recall of who we truly are. They say our ability to frequency match makes quick work of remembering who we are.

Once everyone who is going on the ships are where they’re meant to be, those of us who are staying go home and lay down. Again, we will know exactly what to do because those veils of forgetting will lift and we’ll remember. From here, our bodies will feel cold. Yet we’ll be traveling within our consciousness and will barely notice it. Our animals will stay with us and do the same.

When Source returns our consciousness to our bodies, we are in perfection of form —physically, etherically, emotionally, mentally, and spiritually. No more trauma or shadow consciousness. We are returned the original intention of the human blueprint and expression. Our abilities are fine-tuned and easy to use. No more fear. No more doubt. We know and feel our oneness with Source, ourselves, each other, our universal family. We remember.

Those of us on the ships, we are assisted to upgrade and activate as much as we can. This occurs through the dimensional frequency shifts of being on the crafts with our galactic, cosmic, and ethereal friends and family and by leaving the third dimension. It’s enhanced by the energetic healing technology aboard each craft and mothership. We are blessed with being able to spend time with our star families. Then, when our blueprint adjustments are as complete as they can be when done this way —we return to Earth. It doesn’t take long for our energetic systems to completely adjust to the new blueprints once we’ve returned home.

Then, we all migrate to particular areas on Earth and are guided to these areas by our beautiful planet. We are able to effortlessly communicate with one another from all over the world, using our consciousness. In North America, we are initially guided to the Four Corners. Once we’ve had our Source guided and Gaia driven reconnection, receiving Source instructions - we all return to the harmonious places for our energy and our connection with Gaia. We go to our home spots. There will be less spreading out across Gaia, and we’ll live in the harmony locations per her encouragement. Btw, we’re also deeply connected to all our co-inhabitants, our beautiful planet, one another, and everything. It’s like a new beginning that’s truly a return to where we were originally created as a collective.

Shining on the second one just a tiny bit… Same flash of light… Then, when you see a rainbow bridge, doorway, etc. You’ll feel it and know that you want to walk through it into a new vibrational version of yourself and Earth. Do it. Hello parallel reality without shadow consciousness and control constructs!

The third one… This is the version where we partially activate over the 3 days and continue shifting afterwards… We’ll lose electricity, cellular, and darkness comes. Stay calm and peaceful, no fear. Don’t try to fix it. Release control, resistance, and attachment to technology and the areas of our modern systems that are unavailable. Use candles. Do things that help you stay relaxed, calm, joyful, and happy. Observe as you begin to feel lighter and brighter - more of your soul will be entering into your human expression through the peaceful areas within your consciousness over the 3 days. Observe and use your Soul Senses (extrasensory abilites) to stay connected with the people you love. Ie: Use telepathy to check on them and let them know you’re all okay. Our Soul Senses will become amplified and magnified. Some faster than others initially. This is how this version begins.

They’re all similar and hold commonalities. Stay calm, release resistance and attachment to the old systems and technology that emulates our natural abilities and tie us to control constructs. Use your Soul Senses, observing how they’re increasing effortlessly. Use and trust your intuition which will amplify. Be patient, know that whatever comes after the 3 Days Of Darkness is moving us into a higher dimensional version of ourselves and Earth.

Some of these timelines have an obvious indication of what’s beginning. In others, the darkness of tech and possibly 3 days with no sun are the indicators. Either way, it’s exciting and we’ll be connecting more with community during and after most of the versions of timelines that are 3 Days Of Darkness.

I hope you’ve enjoyed hearing a bit about these versions of this potential collective timeline. Add your comments and let me know what you think and feel.

Infinite Love,

Bridget Renee Holliday


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