Preparing for your BQH Hypnosis session with Bridget
List of Questions
Prior to your session, prepare a list of questions and/or concerns you want to ask your High Self (super consciousness).
For all the Quantum Hypnosis (BQH - Beyond Quantum Healing) sessions, you will add your specified questions to the intake form as you book your session.
These questions should be about you and your journey. Start with the most important questions first.
There are many reasons why a person seeks a Quantum Hypnosis (BQH) session - health, relationships, career, or life purpose-related, curiosity. There are also people who seek answers to questions regarding the new Earth, ascension, shifting frequencies, Universal and metaphysical-related, consciousness expansion, cosmic, universal, and galactic connections. Here are a few categories and example questions you may want to consider:
Life, Path, Spiritual:
What are my purposes and missions?
How can I get on the path of my highest purpose?
Should I move locations? Where to?
May I receive some insight on a spiritual experience/dream/contact/etc?
Starseed Origins, Lives, and Star Guides:
Which galactic, universal, and cosmic beings am I Starseeded from?
What are the races in my Starseed lineage?
I want to meet and connect deeply with my Star Family, May I do so now?
Can I visit the home worlds, dimensions, and planes of existence that are appropriate and important now?
I want to easily communicate with my Star Family in my waking, conscious life. What can we do to provide instant, effortless access to communicate in this way?
What is the origin of my soul? Who created me?
Am I living parallel lives to this human life?
Am I living simultaneous lives to this human life?
What is the origin story of my simultaneous lives?
May I meet and connect with the simultaneous aspects (simultaneous lives) of my soul?
What is the origin story of the races of which I hold frequencies? How do those frequencies assist me and others in this life?
What are my Starseed specializations, masteries, and geniuses?
Am I a member of the Galactic Councils of Light? Or am I a part of other councils?
Am I currently in a relationship with the person who is the best match for me now?
Why do I have such a difficult relationship with a family member (mother, father, sibling, etc.)?
What is the purpose of [name]'s relationship in my life?
Am I on the highest path regarding my career?
What career will serve me in the highest?
Should I quit my job?
I am having creative blocks - what can I do to get past them?
I have a health condition (allergy, illness, pain, injury) - why do I have this:? Does it serve a purpose? Can it be fully healed today?
What diet will serve me in the highest?
What is preventing me from losing (or gaining) weight?
Why am I having allergic reactions to certain foods? Can this be healed?
Set a Clear Intention
Once you have scheduled a session, begin preparing yourself by setting your intention to have a successful session. The moment you take the step towards receiving a Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis session (past life regression, parallel life regression, and future life regression) and communication with your High Self, the greater part of you begins to open up so that you have the best experience possible. Receive the energies, questions, and thoughts that come to you. Say to yourself:
"I have clear and direct communication with my High Self.”
Understanding that the greater part of you exists within you, not separate from you. This understanding makes connecting with your higher aspect easier - therefore making communication with it during the session flow freely.
Spend time connecting with your highest vibrational thoughts (they usually come from your High Self!), doing inner reflection work, and journaling your dreams. Reflect on the reasons why you’ve decided to have this session (Health-related? Relationships related? Life path related? Spiritually related? Cosmic, Universal, and Galactic related?).
Energy is Everything — Relax and Meditate
On the day of your session: upon waking up and the hour before your session, take a few moments to relax and quiet the mind and/or meditate. I recommend that you take a short walk or spend some time in nature before your session to ground yourself, relax, and open your heart and mind. You can also sit and do some breathing exercises, and/or light yoga and stretches.
Meditate upon your intentions:
"I will have a successful session today. I am open and willing to receive the highest good from my high self and Source. I have clear and direct communication with my High Self and the Source consciousness that flows through me."
Your energy, frequency, and vibration are very important the day of and days leading up to your session, so be sure to carve out some alone time for you to connect to yourself, your energy, and your intentions for your session.
If you'd like to bring along a few of your own crystals to your session, feel free to do so.
Leave Expectations at the Door
Every session is as unique as the individual having it. Allow your High Self and Source to take you on your journey, letting you know everything you need to know.
Allow your experience to happen exactly as it is meant to happen —with no expectations. Be open to receiving anything that happens within your journey, and relax into the experience.
In this type of consciousness-expanding journey, it is better not to have expectations and instead just allow what is meant to happen, to happen. All answers come from within. Your High Self or Soul Self and Source is within you. Or more accurately: you and your conscious mind exist within those Higher Aspects, not separate from them. Just go with the flow of the journey!
With that said, there are many clients who have watched YouTube videos or testimonials about other people's experiences. Please do not come into your session with the expectation of having the same experience as another client. As stated, each session is as unique as the individual having it and is experienced in the way that is the most optimal for your highest good.
Here are a few specific "expectations" that you should leave at the door.
Healing. All healing that takes place in your session is Self-Healing. Practitioners only provide the space and opportunity for the client to heal themselves. Practitioners do not do any healing on you. Any energy work that occurs is integrated to the extent that you are open, willing, and able to integrate into your own being.
Hypnosis. Although this technique is called "hypnosis", it is not regarded as "stage hypnosis" in the usual, programmed sense (i.e. when people quack like a duck on stage). For people who think they "cannot be hypnotized", please consider that this style of "hypnosis" is more of a metaphysical and spiritual connection for the client, rather than entertainment. Having a session offers you the space for you to relax into a natural connection to your Soul Team, High Self, and Source —and anyone can do this, as it is your birthright.
The states of Hypnosis. Not everyone — and rarely anyone nowadays — goes to the somnambulistic states of trance in a session. This is because the energy, frequency, and vibration of the planet and of our individual bodies have risen to the point where we can access and "tap into" our High Self, Source, Akashic Records, Soul Team, Spirit Realm, and intuition much easier these days. Most clients usually go to the Alpha or deep Alpha states of consciousness, which is a state in which you are still fully aware and conscious, but in a deeply relaxed and "meditative" state (think daydreaming, auto-pilot driving, or getting lost in a book or movie). Understand that although you are fully aware and conscious of the experience, you are still very deep on a trance level. Many clients come out of their sessions surprised at how deep they were even though they were aware throughout the entire journey.
Ego. For those of you who think that you cannot put your ego on the side, we will discuss how your ego actually serves you throughout your session. It is working with the High Self and Source to translate experiences and information into a package for you to easily process and understand. Of course, the way the ego does not serve is when you have thoughts of doubt, fear, or anxiety. It works with you when you make the intention. So if you believe you cannot have a successful session, your ego will work with you to make that happen. If you believe you will have a successful session and will receive all the answers you are seeking, your ego will work with you to make that happen. This is also why the next point is so important:
Meditation. Although you don't need to know how to meditate, it's important to take some time before your session to practice quieting the mind. This will help you to connect to your High Self and Source to align your energy with the intentions for your session. This will also help you to get to know your ego and what roles it plays for you when you experience quieting your mind. Do you find your thoughts drifting? Do you find it easy to quiet your mind? Do you find yourself overthinking? Pay attention and make intentions with your ego.
Intake of Information. This might be one of the most frequently discussed points with those who come for these sessions. Some people believe that they cannot visualize. However, there are many ways in which a person takes in information during their session. Some people do not get very clear visualizations, but they get a clear sense of "knowing" or "feeling". For example, they may not "see" that they are at a beach, but when asked, they "feel" or "know" that they are at a beach. Do not block yourself by jumping to the conclusion that you are unable to visualize or receive information. I have had clients come in thinking they cannot visualize and are very surprised to experience very clear visuals or other ways to receive information when they are in a trance state. Even if you do not experience actual visuals within your mind’s eye, you are able to receive the messages and experiences in other ways that will create the “picture” for you.
Practice Visualizing or Receiving Information
This is much easier than it may seem. Even for those of you who think you cannot visualize.
Prior to your session, you can practice daydreaming and "using your imagination" so you can get to know and learn how information comes to you. Some people see images, some people hear information, and others just know or feel information. A rare few smell or taste information. These are all ways that information comes to you! This is also how your High Self communicates with you.
Here are three practices you can do to help prepare you:
Read a chapter of your favorite book, or whatever you may be reading at the moment. Make sure it's a pretty descriptive book that is able to set the scene or characters or message. As you read, try to imagine "seeing" or visualizing what you are reading. For example, if two characters are speaking, imagine what they look like and how they are speaking to each other. If a character is on a mission or journey and the author is describing where the character is going, try to envision or visualize the scene and the character on their journey. Do this with your eyes open as you read the words, and do it again with your eyes closed after you have finished reading the passage(s).
Close your eyes and imagine standing outside of your house or apartment building. In your mind, what does it look like? Can you visualize it? Now imagine stepping into your house, and visualize the layout, the rooms, and the details. This is something you have seen hundreds, even thousands of times. Recall the outside and inside of your house through visualization, knowing, and/or feeling.
Close your eyes and think back to one of the happiest moments in your life. This is a memory, and information in a hypnosis session often comes in a form of a "memory" whether you remember it or not (i.e. current or past lives). It carries the same energy of "knowing". When you think back to this very happy memory, keep tabs on what was happening and how it made you feel. Get as detailed as possible.
Timing and Session Information
Be prepared for your Quantum Hypnosis session to last between 2 and 6 hours depending on the session you’ve selected. Read the description of the BQH Hypnotherapy or BQH Hypnosis session you’ve selected to know more about how that session will flow.
*Your session may be used publicly unless you desire not to share some or all of your experiences - our session is a place for you to feel safe and secure in the confidentiality of your information. Yes, you can opt to share portions or all of your session in multiple ways through the session intake form. This is encouraged, but absolutely not required. The degree of confidentiality you desire will always be honored and held in the highest regard. I am always mindful of private information that arises during your session. It is common for me to touch base and ask if you want me to omit that private information if your session is going to be shared.
All sessions are recorded. You will receive an email with a Zoom link to download your session. This will happen unless the strong energies of the session cause the recording technology or the microphones to fritz. This can occur. I highly recommend that you also utilize your own device to record if you are highly interested in the recording. I delete all the videos from Zoom within one week, so remember to save them.
What to Eat and Drink (Water!)
Because your Quantum Hypnotherapy (BQH) session can last 2 to 6 hours, make sure you eat something light and healthy right before your session. Bring a snack with you for after the session - it will quench your hunger and also ground your energies.
Be sure to start drinking a lot of purified and/or spring water starting a few days before your session (if you don't normally, do so now) - get 8 or more daily glasses in your body! Ideally, start drinking a lot of water right now, the moment you have scheduled your session! Drink water on the day of your session. Water opens up the communication between you and your High Self. Water = consciousness!
Refrain from Caffeine, Alcohol, and Recreational Drugs
Caffeine: Try not to have much if any caffeine the day of the session, and drink a lot of water instead. If you must have caffeine, try to switch from coffee to tea or reduce the amount of coffee you would normally drink. This will allow you to go into a deeper state of relaxation.
No drugs or alcohol: Do not take any recreational drugs or alcohol the day and/or night before, and the day of a session. This includes any pills that you may think will relax you. A session will not be conducted if a client seems to be under the influence of drugs, alcohol, or any other substances that alter your state.
NOTE: If you are taking prescribed medication to assist health conditions, please continue to take your medicine as prescribed by your physician.
Where to Be for Your Session
You will experience yourself in a state of deep relaxation while in a state of trance that is similar to sleep. This means your body will need to be fully reclined and will require full support for the many hours of your journey. Please situate yourself in your bed, on a comfortable couch or recliner, or in another comfortable place that will allow your body to stay relaxed for between 2 to 6 hours (depending on the type of BQH session you’ve selected). It is not appropriate to have your journey in an office, decorative, or dining chair.
How to Position Your Technology
Please setup your technology before we connect for your session to ensure everything works smoothly and all the cords reach (including your headset), if you’re not wireless. Keep in mind that I will need to see your upper torso and head so where you setup the camera is important. I recommend the camera be near your waist or hips, angled toward your head. Of course, you will want the camera to be elevated much higher than the surface you’re laying on.
Often, wired headsets with cord extenders work best due to the length of time these sessions require. Please do not attempt to use AirPods or other wireless headset devices that do not hold a charge for up to 6 or 8 hours at a time (depending on the type of BQH session you’ve selected). You will not be able to switch out your ear pods during your session. Please also ensure anything you choose to use is fully charged if it is wireless, and/or plugged in if it requires a charge.
If you plan to use a phone or iPad (tablet) and do not have a tripod with a mount, please use something to secure them while in landscape mode (horizontal placement).
If you plan to use a laptop and do not have secure risers, large books, boxes, or storage containers can assist you to get the height needed. Please also ensure it is plugged into power.
If using your desktop pc and a webcam, please ensure it is setup right beside where you will be laying down and is at the appropriate height and angle.
Visit Technology Requirements for more information and links to great inexpensive yet sturdy gear such as extender cords, iPad (tablet) mounts, phone mounts, and a tripod. (At the time of writing this you can get both mounts and the tripod for just over $50. Also, the items I use daily are what I’ve suggested for you. And no, I am not an affiliate. lol. I’m just trying to help you gear up inexpensively for this session - and any of your social media video creations.)
What to Wear
Keep in mind that you will be laying down for between 2 and 6 hours during your Hypnosis session. Wear clothes that are comfortable, loose, and non-constricting. Have a blanket nearby and wear something that will not make you overheat. Consider wearing or bringing socks to keep your feet warm and cozy.
After Your Session
Your session will be recorded and you are able to download your video as soon as you receive the email containing the Zoom download link. The reason for the recording is that by re-watching your journey, you may find it easier to remember the entire session. Often your Soul Team will use the video to stream additional codes, keys, frequencies, and messages to you each time you re-watch your session.
It is recommended that you continue to listen to your recording on a regular basis afterward to get the most out of your hypnosis journey. Most people receive further insight and continued self-healing frequencies and vibrations during this time.
By listening to your recording regularly, you allow your conscious mind to align with your High Self, Superconscious, and Subconscious mind. This opens you up to consciously live your most purpose-filled life path.
Try to book your session on a day when your schedule is clear before and after your session - don’t schedule anything else. You will want to take time to absorb and unpack your many, deep experiences.
It is highly encouraged that you publicly share important, wise, and valuable information received during your session. This information can be of service to many other people. Use the booking intake form to make the selection of how you desire your session to be shared.
Of course, any information you deem private or confidential will be omitted upon request. As I mentioned earlier, I will reach out during production about anything that feels private.
You may also opt out of sharing your session by sending me an email expressing your desire not to share your journey. Above all, this decision is yours to make and will be honored and respected either way. There is only love here. This is a judgment-free space.
Please keep in mind that a Quantum Hypnotherapy (Beyond Quantum Healing Hypnosis) session involves a connection with Source, your High Self, and Soul Team collective through a self-hypnosis and self-healing experience that is based on your own belief system and thoughts.
Your thoughts hold power and energy, like attracts like, and thoughts become things. If you do not believe in a "High Self", have doubts about your session, or fear that you will not be hypnotized - then it's possible your session will play out those beliefs.
Leave any expectations at the door, keep your thoughts in an open, relaxed, heart-filled space and be amazed at what is shown to you (this applies to every day as well!).
Everything happens for a reason. You are guided here for a reason. Trust your inner intuition and knowing.
BQH Hypnosis sessions are for those who believe they are ready for a Quantum Hypnotherapy experience. This type of hypnosis serves anyone who is dedicated to their inner exploration, spiritual journey. galactic-cosmic heritage and specializations, and desires deep, lasting consciousness expansion to transform their lives and be of high service to others.
What if you’re not quite ready for a deep dive like this? What do you do if you are seeking a deeper connection with Bridget about what she discusses on Clubhouse, through any other social media, and speaking engagements? Learn more about booking a Starseed Mentoring & Messages with Bridget by clicking here.