Duplicate Messages - Shaming Spiritual Teachers
I want to take a moment to discuss something I believe is very important. It has come to my attention lately that certain spiritual teachers and mentors are coming under fire for duplication of messages and healing techniques.
I want to take a moment to discuss something I believe is very important. It has come to my attention lately that certain spiritual teachers and mentors are coming under fire for duplication of messages and healing techniques.
Let me begin by explaining that messages, techniques, and ideas are sent repeatedly to numerous people across the globe. Mass amounts of the same information is spreading across the planet. These messages are sent by God/Source/The All, higher realms and are also received from our higher selves (our soul). Those of us who readily receive information from our guides and our higher selves will spread the same messages, often down to the last detail. This is due to the fact that our growth as individuals, and as a whole is a focus of the cosmos right now. Meaning, our enlightenment, and ascension is of cosmic importance.
I have also found this information comes in waves. So for example, a universal truth or viable healing technique that was received ten years ago, will repeat verbatim, today. It is important to understand that duplication of messages and processes will occur. It is pointless to experience a duplication, and in judgment, attack the person through which it occurs. Instead, the wise way to experience duplication is as validation and within gratitude. Be grateful that the message has another opportunity to reach audiences it was unable to impact in a previous rendition or moment.
This is no longer a world of hierarchy. One person’s message is, quite literally, the message of everyone else. Meaning, these messages are reminders for our awakening, enlightenment, and ascension. That’s it. The messenger is not the creator of the message. The messenger (teacher, guru, mentor, coach) is the recipient of the information and instruction. It is their duty to relay the information and instructions and release any and all need to call it their own. If we are truly balanced, there is no need for “credit” nor “glory”. Instead, the focus should be on enlightenment and ascension for everyone. If you judge another teacher, guru, mentor or coach, you are out of alignment yourself. Remove judgment and allow yourself to feel grateful that the message is being received by more people. This is the way of enlightenment.
I’m all about interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!
Roles In Spirituality: Getting Real
I think it is time to speak about what roles in spirituality look like now. Am I a teacher? Are you a student? Is that person a guru? Are you their follower? Yes… Let’s address this right away. Let’s delve into the perceptions of “teachers” and “students” and what those roles should look like.
I think it is time to speak about what roles in spirituality look like now. Am I a teacher? Are you a student? Is that person a guru? Are you their follower? Yes… Let’s address this right away. Let’s delve into the perceptions of “teachers” and “students” and what those roles should look like.
Gone are the days where you need someone else to tell you how to spiritually, walk in this world. Giving someone else control over you spiritually is the same thing as giving someone control over you in a relationship. It is highly dysfunctional and inadvisable. We are experiencing the days where you gain knowledge, wisdom, and enlightenment through waking up to who you are as a soul. This occurs when you remember information which has been lost or forgotten and gain access to your higher self and guides. If someone seems further along than you, more open, has more knowledge — they have likely been awake and exploring their enlightenment and ascension paths longer. It does not mean, however, that they are higher, greater nor more gifted than you. We are all born with gifts. You can remember how to open and incorporate those things within yourself. No one else is here to truly give you any information that you do not already have within your own soul. So, remember who you are… A spiritual being having a human experience. You are eternal. You are divinity, incarnate. You are both spirit and human.
First things, first, this is so very important… Do not put people with spiritual messages on a “teacher” or “guru” pedestal. That eon ended in 2012. There is absolutely no reason for you to see yourself as below another person. We are all equal. The spiritual hierarchy is dying. We are now in a time where “regular” people with “regular” human lives have awoken to their souls’ purposes. Often we have information to share, to assist you in waking up and in striving toward your soul remembrances. That in no way means we are above the everyday issues in life that you experience. We too are human. We often acquire this information while working on our own issues. You will not meet us and experience that we are like Jesus or Buddha, who entered this world and walked it with their divinity in perfect condition. We have our own triggers, emotional trauma and shadows to integrate. We are in no way perfect. We live our lives, make happy and crappy life choices and move forward — just like you. The only difference is that we have awoken prior to you, or in different aspects than you have chosen. Maybe we dedicate more of our time to the enlightenment process at this moment. Perhaps our soul’s purpose is to exist with fewer filters during this time so that we can be of assistance to those of you who are now waking up.
Receiving guidance from an open and awakened Spiritualist or Light Worker is different from being taught by an Ascended Master who is living a life on Earth. Does this make sense? Are you able to put aside the ingrained need to be taught by another human who has taken on the role of master or teacher? If not, it is time to take a look inside yourself and figure out why your spiritual worth must be received from others. Determine why you have a drive to find your enlightenment fully or partially outside yourself. Because following someone who appears perfect in every way, will likely mean you are following someone who is being spiritually inauthentic. (And, I foresee scandal in their future. They can only keep up the perfect pretense for so long. That house of cards eventually falls… And, well… scandal. lol) Having said this, it is also important to seek spiritual advisors, coaches, and mentors with whom you align with their messages. We each have our own purpose and frequency. All messages we receive and all acquired information will pass through us before being translated and shared. This means that this information is translated through our personal perception filters. Because of this, it is important for you to have and use discernment. Follow your intuition and emotions as they are your compass. And remember that you may feel 100% connected and aligned with 70% of what a person says, and have 30% of their information that doesn’t fit with you. And that is perfectly normal and okay. Everything that I align with, may not align with you. That is one of the beauties of individuality. If you hear information that doesn’t fit, don’t dwell on it. Don’t judge the information. Don’t make that information wrong. Simply allow it to be okay that you are not in alignment with that particular notion or notions. Also allow it to be okay that the person you’ve received that information from, is in alignment with that particular message. This is not about right or wrong, or good and bad — it is about vibrational frequency and soul purpose. However, if you find you are feeling far less aligned with the majority of what a person is conveying spiritually — it’s a good idea to seek counsel from another source. They themselves are likely out of alignment spiritually.
The point of this post is to remind you that you too are on a quest of the soul. We are here to help you become your own “master," “guru” or “teacher," to become your own access to spiritual information. We are here to share what we have remembered and what we know to be true. It is up to you to determine whether our truths, knowledge, and wisdom are also true for you. And the end goal should always be that you are able to open up and remember how to access spiritual information for yourself, from yourself and your guides.
I’m all about interaction, so… If you have questions, or (nice) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!
An introductory teaser...
A bit about me... I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. Sound familiar? Then you're in the right place!
Spiritual enlightenment and spiritual development are my passions. And I've been studying and exploring my spirituality since I was a small child. The first experience I can remember occurred when I was one. While in a cart in a grocery checkout line, I peered into an older hippy gentleman as he was smiling at me. I saw many dark, withered pieces that were nestled within his bright soul. And without judgment, had a clear knowing that they were gathered, not needed, nor were they a part of his natural essence.
A bit about me... I'm a spiritual being having a human experience. Sound familiar? Then you're in the right place!
Spiritual enlightenment and spiritual development are my passions. And I've been studying and exploring my spirituality since I was a small child. The first experience I can remember occurred when I was one. While in a cart in a grocery checkout line, I peered into an older hippy gentleman as he was smiling at me. I saw many dark, withered pieces that were nestled within his bright soul. And without judgment, had a clear knowing that they were gathered, not needed, nor were they a part of his natural essence. So the next time a baby looks deep into your eyes, you'll know they are actually looking deep into your soul. lol
Although that story pointed out one of my spiritual strengths, I will give you a few more:
I am intuitive (psychic - but not like Miss Cleo!). I see and communicate with people who have shed this mortal form (medium - "I see dead people"). I have a lovely set of guides as best friends and teachers who are constantly answering my zillions of questions and bringing me closer to enlightenment through downloads, visions, channeling, spirit journeys, meditations, and general conversations. They really are the best. If you haven't yet met yours, I can help! Which brings me to my next bit of information... I am an Intuitive Consultant and Spiritual Development Coach. Yes! I'm living my passion and following my soul's purpose. If you aren't doing either of those, but are interested, my guides and I can definitely help get you on point. Check out my blog, and Instagram page, watch my YouTube videos and if you vibe with me... Book a session. Otherwise, I'll be sharing as much information as I can. I mean, we all have to shine brightly in this world. That's part of our global purpose. So if I can help you do that, we're already on the right track... I mean timeline... no, track. lol
I receive so much information and am excited to share as much of it with you as is possible. I love interaction. So do hang out here and feel free to leave me comments or questions below the blog posts and videos. I'm always game for blog and video topic suggestions shared spiritual stories and spiritual chats. It's about to get interesting on here. See you in the next post!
Thank you for reading. So much love to you… See you in the next post!