Light vs Dark: Which School Of Thought Do I Follow?
Recently, I received expanded visions based on an original vision I received a while ago. I haven’t blogged or vlogged about it because I’ve been processing and awaiting follow up information. In this vision, they showed me one of my potential life paths with a very high probability. Within this life path I saw how my soul’s purpose would be fulfilled, both on a micro and macro level. I’m not one to tell the future or fortunes, as I understand that paths change consistently, based on decisions made through free will. But my guides have encouraged me to give a few messages from these visions, as it is for the greater good of you and humanity as a whole. So I will do so very soon. In fact, one of the aspects of these visions has brought me to the topic today.
Recently, I received expanded visions based on an original vision I received a while ago. I haven’t blogged or vlogged about it because I’ve been processing and awaiting follow up information. In this vision, they showed me one of my potential life paths (timelines) with a very high probability. Within this timeline I saw how my soul’s purpose would be fulfilled, both on a micro and macro level.
I’m not one to tell the future or fortunes, as I understand that timelines change consistently, based on decisions made through free will. Yet my My Soul Team (Guides +) have encouraged me to give a few messages from these visions, as it is supportive and of service to you, my friend reading this, and humanity as a whole. So I will do so very soon. In fact, one of the aspects of these visions has brought me to the topic today.
There are many schools of thought within many spiritual communities on Light vs Dark. And within that vastness of opinions, there are just as many opinions as to how we '“should” choose to live our lives within one, or how to integrate with the other. There are also many thoughts and beliefs within these very opinionated groups with which I align, on both sides.
I am a Starseed and light worker, or rather a light bearer. I have made a dedication to Source light and to work within the light during this life. If these words ring true for you, you are likely a light worker as well. If these words do not ring true, do not concern yourself. There are numerable paths to assist this world and its people. You will find yours soon - if you haven’t already.
Having said that I am a Starseed and light worker, doesn’t mean that I ignore darkness. I am a firm believer of integrated shadow sides (dark sides of your persona, etc.) and integration of shadow emotions (denser emotions due to unhealed emotional wounds, unexpressed and often trapped emotions, etc.…).
I have been Guided to understand and believe that I must first do this integration to achieve the degree of enlightenment I’m on Earth to express and for what we’ve labeled, Ascension.
I do not believe that ignoring our own personal darkness and pretending it doesn’t exist is healthy nor enlightened. I’m of the belief that it’s important to know and embrace ourself, all of ourself, not just the pretty bits. lol
Now, this does not mean that I pitch a tent and camp out in my dark sides for days or weeks. That may work for some of you, but I find it to be counterintuitive to do so myself. lol Yet whenever it is needed, I spend time in the darker aspects of myself and take the time to know what triggers them, how I use them, and why they are a part of me.
I also accept them as viable parts of myself. I do not judge them, making them “evil," “wrong” or “bad”. They have purpose (and sometimes history/herstory), just like the lighter sides of me.
I currently believe that having no knowledge of these aspects of myself limits my ability to be within the light of my soul for longer periods of time. I’ve found that the more integrated they become, the more efficient I am at being and emanating light.
How do I integrate my dark sides? Understanding, knowledge, and acceptance… See what they are, learn how they are triggered, understand their true purpose, accept that these are aspects of myself, and integrate them into who I am in a positive, loving way. I bring them back into the wholeness that always exists within me. I’ve found this to be harmonizing and empowering.
Having explained all this, I also find it of great importance and am Guided in my daily life to choose lighter states of being, rather than denser ones. I make a point to choose happiness. It is my nature because I choose to be this way. I am an optimist because I choose to be optimistic about life, people, and situations.
I believe we are all born this way but are taught to be otherwise. I actively seek to release any programming I have learned, adopted, or created that I now accept as truths (false truths).
My Soul Team (Guides +) have repeatedly given messages and visions about the importance of choosing higher emotions (states of being), and what the people who choose to live as those frequencies mean for the future of our world… the ascension catalysts.
And just like that, this topic is complete. lol Finally! We’re on to the visions…
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Infinite love. Thank you for reading! I'll see you next post.