The Making Of A Miracle For Mary: Gathering Higher Beings And A Request Of The Ascended Masters
By sharing this story, I wish to inspire hope, belief in miracles, and faith. And I wish all of you to know that any one of you can do what I do, spiritually. We are all special and capable of magnificent things. I am no more special than any of you. I am simply awake and expanding. (If you aren’t already, you can be too.) This particular story will tell the events from my perspective. And it will include my role in requesting a miracle and the healing Mom continues to receive. But I want to be clear that I am but one, of many, who assisted in the unfolding of these feats.
Some of you know that my beautiful mother, Mary, has recently been in the hospital. Friday, November 18, 2016, she had an aortic aneurysm that ruptured and dissected down to her abdomen. At the first hospital’s E.R., we were descriptively and repeatedly told about her grim odds and to prepare for her passing. Most people with this condition don’t live to be picked up by the ambulance, nor make it to the hospital. This particular Ft. Worth hospital didn’t have a Thoracic surgeon on staff and they were having no luck finding one who was available to immediately perform her surgery. They said she would die if she didn’t receive surgery within three hours. (It is here where my story will begin. But first, I’ll tell you the short version of Mom’s hospitalization details.) Eight and a half hours after reaching the first hospital, she was transferred to Baylor Dallas. Still fully conscious and communicating, it was here that she was given anesthesia and had a nine and a half hour heart surgery to repair her aortic valve, the aorta, and the dissected vein. Then just three hours after the first surgery, she underwent a second surgery to place a stint in the vein leading to her intestines where a blockage was located. And on day eleven, her recovery led to her release from the hospital. On my birthday, November 28, 2016, my amazing mother went home!! Best birthday present, EVER!!! A 1% survival rate and she is on the road to recovery!! It’s incredible. And it’s a miracle! Even the doctors and nurses were calling her Miracle Mary. And I, for one, hope that nickname sticks. lol
My Mom is an amazing, strong, gifted woman whose unconditional love and support has awarded her a miracle. A special note of thankfulness and gratitude must be made for the huge network of prayer warriors, thought supporters, magical people and energy healers who have also played your roles and assisted with her miracle and healing. Though I will discuss my active role here, I want to express how massively important all of you are. Each of you are instrumental in Mom receiving the miracle and with her continued accelerated healing. My family and I are grateful for each and every one of you.
By sharing this story, I wish to inspire hope, belief in miracles, and faith. And I wish all of you to know that any one of you can do what I do, spiritually. We are all special and capable of magnificent things. I am no more special than any of you. I am simply awake and expanding. (If you aren’t already, you can be too.) This particular story will tell the events from my perspective. And it will include my role in requesting a miracle and the healing Mom continues to receive. But I want to be clear that I am but one, of many, who assisted in the unfolding of these feats.
For a few months now, my Guides have been encouraging me to “learn and remember” many different things. Upon looking back, they’ve actually been preparing me for this very moment. They have done so, by introducing various aspects I would need to request assistance for Mom. One of these aspects is a meditation. It allows a connection to Source, grounding and connecting to Gaia, alignment of Chakras, clearing and expansion of the “Clairs,” and expansion into Source energy. I’ve been doing this particular meditation for a couple of months now. And I truly believe that it helped facilitate my ability to do what I’m about to share.
During what was the longest ride from Dallas to Ft. Worth… I asked the Guides to guide the minds, hands, heads and hearts of anyone who was assisting my Mom. And that each one of them, be open to that guidance. Upon arriving in the Ft. Worth hospital emergency room, my Mother’s doctor began telling Scott and me about the gravity of her condition. Amongst many other things, he said her aorta was shredded, one kidney was blown, the other was barely hanging on. He said her liver was in failure. He urged us to prepare for the worst, saying she would die if she didn’t have surgery within three hours. He also told us that none of the hospitals in Ft. Worth could take her. And although their hospital has a division who handles the acquisition of appropriate surgeons for situations like this, he was personally calling contacts at other hospitals. (His tenacity is greatly appreciated.)
We were in shock, and I felt the gravity of her situation just by looking at her and her condition. Yet amongst the surface layer turmoil, I had a strange sense of calm emanating from deep within my soul. As he was speaking, very little of what he was saying rang true. It’s like all those words rang as a note of discord. So, I immediately reached upward and outward for my Guides, Mom’s Guides, David’s Guides, Scott’s Guides and Anthony's Guides. If ever there were a time for their help, it was now. We needed all the assistance we could get from the higher realms. So as the doctor is loudly blurting out the dire facts of her situation, I felt an urge and began to use the techniques I had been practicing.
In less than a minute, I expanded upward, connecting to Source. I drew in Source energy, filling my body and allowing it to shoot as a cord into Gaia. Gaia bounced her energy combined with Source energy back to me, flooding my body. I then expanded all this energy upward and outward. Within seconds I had expanded past my usual eleven dimensions and kept going farther than I had ever contemplated before. And once expanded, I reached out for assistance using my consciousness. The request went something like: “I call upon all high vibrating beings who can provide assistance and facilitate healing for my Mother, Mary. If ever there were a time for your help, it is now. Please assist in any way needed until she is well. I give you full permission.”
Immediately, I could sense my request was being answered. I felt Guides, Angels, beings of light and many other beings I had yet to meet (as Bridget). And suddenly, I became aware of what “holding space” meant. I instinctively knew that I was to hold space for the manifestation of the request I had made. Once I felt everyone’s higher realm energy, I then requested: “We need the best surgeon for my Mom’s condition. And we need a hospital who can accept her and perform surgery immediately.” As soon as I thought those words, the doctor’s phone rang and Southwestern hospital told him they could not take her. I was unwavering in holding space through that call. I began to understand that my role was to remain in a higher vibration, maintain a strong knowing that the request would manifest - hold belief, hope and faith and emanate these states of being to everyone else.
After giving my Mother Reiki, speaking of her beautiful Granddaughters, telling her I love her and to fight - I exited the room and began to walk down the hall to Scott. (My amazing husband was currently making calls to the family who needed to know about the situation. He was literally perfect in the chaos, handling everything I hadn’t yet considered. I love this man so much!) As I’m walking down the hall toward Scott, feeling the divine assistance, I received a series of images and ideas. Someone was reminding me of meeting Buddha a year or so ago. They were guiding me to follow his energy and communicating about the Christ blueprint over Earth, miracles, and Jesus. As I remained in an expanded state… I instinctively felt for Buddha’s beautiful, deity-like energy. And with this action and intent, I held the thought of requesting a miracle from Jesus.
In doing so, I arrived in a large, circular area. Evenly spaced around the edges of the circular area were giant, white, stone thrones (think temple of Ramses II, Abu Simbel - in size). Upon each throne was an Ascended Master in their immense, deity-like, energetic form (well… a fraction of their form, anyway lol). I arrived facing Jesus but could feel Buddha behind me to the right. I could sense all the Ascended Masters’ attention. Knowing that I had Jesus’s focus and was connected, I said, “I request grace and a miracle for my Mother, Mary.” Instantaneously, I knew my request was granted. A few things struck me about this experience. Unlike before when I met Buddha, my energy was not small and human-like in size. I was instead, much larger. And although I was requesting from Jesus, I did not feel beneath him or below him. I felt connected, oneness and a presence of equality. Though I perceived him as being on a throne (of a sort) - Jesus was not on a pedestal, and I found these things to be both illuminating and validating.
As I reached Scott, I was feeling the stress and shock of the situation on the surface of me, Bridget. But internally, I was unwavering in holding space for Mom’s miracle and healing. I knew I had to release all attachments to the outcome, but still hold faith, hope, and positivity. Shortly after this moment, the doctor loudly answered another call from the other end of the hall. Baylor had accepted Mom. They were prepping CareFlite. My requests were already being manifested.
Once at Baylor, we found out that Mom’s thoracic surgeon is the best in his field and at repairing her particular condition. Miracle! And though she had spent so many hours without the majority of her blood being pumped to her major organs… The nurses informed us that Mom’s kidneys were not blown and that she was not yet in liver failure. Miracle! At this point, Mom was still lucid and speaking. She’s so amazingly strong. Each time I saw her during this period, I was struck by her ability to fight and persevere. She was not going down for the count!
Eight and a half hours after first experiencing the aortic aneurysm and dissection, she was taken into surgery. A surgery we were told would take twelve to eighteen hours, went picture perfect, only taking nine and a half hours. Miracle! We were told that she had three blockages they were going to watch closely. The blockages were caused by the dissection and lack of proper blood flow to all her major organs. One was in the vein leading to her kidney, the second in the vein leading to her liver, and the third in the vein leading to her intestines. Fortunately, her kidney and liver blockages cleared quickly as her blood began pumping strongly again. But just three hours after her open heart surgery, she went in for a second surgery to place a stint in the vein leading to her intestines. It too went perfectly.
All the while, everyone who loves Mom or any of us were praying, sending positive thoughts, lighting candles and directing healing energy to Mom. Some brought gifts to make our stay comfortable. And that lounge area was packed with family and family-friends. Numerous people came, some for short visits and others stayed for days. The family was there, on both Mom and David’s sides. To show their love and support, many people had come from Lubbock, Possum Kingdom, Allen, Frisco, deep Ft. Worth, Mineral Wells, and Arlington - traveling all the way to Deep Ellum . Everyone had multiple stories to share about Mom and how she touched their lives. It was beautiful to listen as family and family-friends spoke about the love, joy and support Miracle Mary gives so freely. I felt grateful that she is cherished by so many people. And although we were all stressed and in shock, I was pleasantly surprised to experience most everyone chose to stay in a positive vibration, holding hope and faith… Unconsciously assisting in holding space. (This was so good!)
Mom’s ICU recovery time began, and we were informed that she would likely remain in ICU for seven to nine days, then move to the tenth floor for at least two weeks. As her grace and miracle continued to unfold, her strength, determination, and perseverance became hugely obvious. She was recovering in record time. The ICU nurses and a couple doctors began referring to her as “Miracle Mary”. And with every passing day, her internal strength began to show through her body. The grace and miracle were working in her favor. And so, having been checked in, rushed to surgery and placed in an ICU room at Baylor on the 19th of December - she was moved to the 10th floor on Thanksgiving day!! David’s family brought Thanksgiving dinner to the hospital and the four of us celebrated. And just three days later, she was recovered enough to be sent home. More of her grace and miracle in action! (And the best birthday present - EVER!!!)
Yesterday, Mom went in for a follow-up appointment. Dr. Mac, life-giving thoracic surgeon extraordinaire, said she was doing well. He recommended that she begin walking. She says she is often tired, but her recovery has been going smoothly. She’s also crazy tough! She’s only been taking her pain medication when she feels pain, and this started while she was still in the hospital. lol Two major and invasive surgeries in one day, and six days after - she’s weaning herself off of pain medicine.You realize her breastplate was also broken, right? Seriously. This woman is made of steel. lol And I, for one, couldn’t be more grateful.
To all of our family and family-friends. Your love, care, and support have carried us through this experience. Thank you for all your time, prayers, positive thoughts, magical assistance, and energy healing. You assisted in a miracle being granted for a woman we all love. We are forever grateful for you. Thank you for everything you’ve done, and will continue to do throughout her recovery. You are loved and cherished.
I love interaction, so… If you have questions, or (pleasant) comments, please leave them below. Feel free to also comment any thoughts you have with regard to this post.
Thank you for reading! So much love to you!!